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2 years ago i buy a Isuzu car. I have borrow the money from the car company. I have now pay the half the payment off but now i would like to get off with the car but i don´t now the rules in Thailand about that.

I would like to sell it because i am sure i get more out of that but i don´t now if i am allow to do so when i still owe money in the car or do i have to give it back to the car company and for what a price..

Is there somebody there can tell me the rules?


The reg book for "your" car is probably held by the financecompany. The car is most likely registered with the FC as the owner and you as the user. If you find a buyer, go together to FC and pay out the car. car will be transfered to you, and you sign docs to transfer to buyer


Yes you are right the car is held by the finance company and my wife as user. She say we have to give it back to the finance company, make the repair at the car and put down 2 month of payment but that seem to be unfair just to give them a sale ready car for free and pay 2 months in front.

I don´t have the money to pay it out first so i have to sell the car before i even can sell it and then go with the buyer to the finance company to pay off the car.. ohh that will be hard to do


I apologize if I'm misunderstanding your post it's bit hard to follow and I'm a bit confused..

Ok so now you say the car is in need of repair? A point overlooked in your OP. Don't know what is wrong with it but unless it's quite serious all you have to do is get it fixed and list it for sale.

Once you have an interested party who wishes to purchase it then you go with that person to the finance company and make the blue book transfer at the finance company. They will handle all the required follow up for transfer with the new owner, not that difficult really..

I would not bring anything to forfeit to them you've paid 50% on the car you're entitled to something in the resale if the car still has enough value at minimum getting it paid in full and a forfeit will count against you on your credit..


Thanks a lot for the info..

The car is driving now and it is only the door there need small repair.. nothing bad

Now i got all the info i need and thanks a lot for your help..

I apologize if I'm misunderstanding your post it's bit hard to follow and I'm a bit confused..

Ok so now you say the car is in need of repair? A point overlooked in your OP. Don't know what is wrong with it but unless it's quite serious all you have to do is get it fixed and list it for sale.

Once you have an interested party who wishes to purchase it then you go with that person to the finance company and make the blue book transfer at the finance company. They will handle all the required follow up for transfer with the new owner, not that difficult really..

I would not bring anything to forfeit to them you've paid 50% on the car you're entitled to something in the resale if the car still has enough value at minimum getting it paid in full and a forfeit will count against you on your credit..

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