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Yingluck: Amnesty Involving Ex-PM Thaksin Not Priority


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Yingluck: Amnesty not priority

Pheu Thai prime ministerial candidate Yingluck Shinawatra said Thursday she would address the plight of the people before the amnesty issue involving former PM Thaksin Shinawatra.

"I confirm Pheu Thai, if secured victory, will first tackle problems related to the people's livelihood," she said, denying that the amnesty issue is not her priority.

Yingluck said the people will have the final say on both the winning party to lead the next government and the granting of amnesty.

A panel might be formed to review the amnesty in connection with events dated back to the coup of September 2006, she said, emphasizing that the amnesty, if granted, would not be applicable to Thaksin alone.


-- The Nation 2011-05-19

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Yingluck said the people will have the final say on both the winning party to lead the next government and the granting of amnesty.

Does this mean that part of the PTP manifesto is a referendum on amnesty for Thaksin?

If the PTP gain the largest share of the vote at the forthcoming elections, that would basically mean that a significantly large section of this society has no respect for the law of the.....oh, we're in Thailand.


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It would have been more exciting if she said that he needs to return to Thailand and serve his time. That would have been very newsworthy.

And very unlikely - Chalerm has already been spouting off this week saying the opposite.

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I will first tackle problems related to peoples lively hood, she said? Ok so that will take up five minuets.

Then she can get on with the Important business?


How can you get an amnesty for corruption ? I can understand if things were done that weren't quite legal for election purposes but lining your own pockets and breaking normal laws and then getting an amnesty. Crazy

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I will first tackle problems related to peoples lively hood, she said? Ok so that will take up five minuets.

Then she can get on with the Important business?


How can you get an amnesty for corruption ? I can understand if things were done that weren't quite legal for election purposes but lining your own pockets and breaking normal laws and then getting an amnesty. Crazy

But that's exactly what Pheu Thai is all about really - getting an amnesty for a fugitive. :bah:

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Anyway, the amnesty will only be for politicians, not for the "ordinary" people aka "prai" (but including those dining in fancy Thonglor restaurants).

A not very well concealed plan to make the return of the puppet master possible.

Yingluck, we hear your message, but we cannot believe.

J. W. Goethe said it much better: "Die Botschaft hoer ich wohl, allein der Glaube fehlt mir."

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Chalem says one the, she says something else. Send the reporters to interview the list of 20, individually and print what each says for all to read and discuss. The new name may be the "Self Destruct Party". Guess they would be following their leader in that regard.

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Chalem says one the, she says something else. Send the reporters to interview the list of 20, individually and print what each says for all to read and discuss. The new name may be the "Self Destruct Party". Guess they would be following their leader in that regard.

I noted that Jatuporn is #7 on the list, thankfully at the moment he's locked up, so we don't have to listen to his usual inane drivel.

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It would have been nice if she would have come out and said he would be on the next flight to BKK and there wont be a dang thing anyone can do about it

You mean apart from letting the plane stop at the end of the runway, allow k. Thaksin to get out and escort him to a local prison?

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From Chambers Dictionary:

1. A General Pardon,especially for people Guilty of Political Crimes.

2. A Period of time during which Criminals may admit to crimes,hand in weapons,etc ,without being punished.

So if Thaksin wants an Amnesty,he has commited Crimes he needs to admit to then!

Hmm...... Considering all his previous lies and denials,it should be interesting to see (if it ever happens)

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denying that the amnesty issue is not her priority

She is denying that it is not her priority. Logically, this means that amnesty may be a priority to her.

In logical terms, maybe, but I'm not an IT geek who thinks in terms of off and on states. In reality and the English Language, when you deny that something is not your priority, it means exactly that, it is not a priority to you. It's not that hard, Buchholz had a similar difficulty with the English Language and used a similar argument, and he was wrong as well.

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denying that the amnesty issue is not her priority

She is denying that it is not her priority. Logically, this means that amnesty may be a priority to her.

In logical terms, maybe, but I'm not an IT geek who thinks in terms of off and on states. In reality and the English Language, when you deny that something is not your priority, it means exactly that, it is not a priority to you. It's not that hard, Buchholz had a similar difficulty with the English Language and used a similar argument, and he was wrong as well.

Pedantic semantics,

She could have said either: "Amnesty is not my priority" OR "I deny that amnesty is my priority"

Denying something is NOT your priority means that actually it IS a priority. IMHO! :blink:

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denying that the amnesty issue is not her priority

She is denying that it is not her priority. Logically, this means that amnesty may be a priority to her.

In logical terms, maybe, but I'm not an IT geek who thinks in terms of off and on states. In reality and the English Language, when you deny that something is not your priority, it means exactly that, it is not a priority to you. It's not that hard, Buchholz had a similar difficulty with the English Language and used a similar argument, and he was wrong as well.

Pedantic semantics,

She could have said either: "Amnesty is not my priority" OR "I deny that amnesty is my priority"

Denying something is NOT your priority means that actually it IS a priority. IMHO! :blink:

If that definition suits your agenda, fine. Pedantic Semantics over an article written in The Nation :whistling: .

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I will first tackle problems related to peoples lively hood, she said? Ok so that will take up five minuets.

Then she can get on with the Important business?


You think that it will take 5 minutes to adress my peoples issues? Why don't all you ignorant farangs just leave my country if you do not like us???????

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denying that the amnesty issue is not her priority

She is denying that it is not her priority. Logically, this means that amnesty may be a priority to her.

In logical terms, maybe, but I'm not an IT geek who thinks in terms of off and on states. In reality and the English Language, when you deny that something is not your priority, it means exactly that, it is not a priority to you. It's not that hard, Buchholz had a similar difficulty with the English Language and used a similar argument, and he was wrong as well.

Pedantic semantics,

She could have said either: "Amnesty is not my priority" OR "I deny that amnesty is my priority"

Denying something is NOT your priority means that actually it IS a priority. IMHO! :blink:

Yingluk did not say the words that you are debating -- they are not in parentheses -- they are the words of the Nation reporter. We do not know what she said !

The reporter's statement may be entirely supposition based on the quotation.

Edited by tigermonkey
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I will first tackle problems related to peoples lively hood, she said? Ok so that will take up five minuets.

Then she can get on with the Important business?


You think that it will take 5 minutes to adress my peoples issues? Why don't all you ignorant farangs just leave my country if you do not like us???????

Isn't it a bit harsh to ask a heap of people to leave because of one persons "opinion"?

Given Thaksin has said that everyone will be rich in 6 months, it won't be long before Yingluck is getting around to whitewashing Thaksin's crimes.

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denying that the amnesty issue is not her priority

She is denying that it is not her priority. Logically, this means that amnesty may be a priority to her.

when you deny that something is not your priority, it means exactly that, it is not a priority to you.

You are absolutely incorrect.

Let x = "amnesty issue is her priority".

Consider the following statements:

1. "Admit that x is true" means x is true

2. "Admit that x is not true" means x is not true

3. "Deny that x is true" means x may not be true

4. "Deny that x is not true" means x may be true

The article uses the 4th statement (a double negative), which means the amnesty issue may be her priority, or is her priority to some degree.

It's like saying "I am not unsatisfied", which means I may be satisfied, or I am satisfied to some degree.

It's not that hard.

Anyway, we know what the writer was actually trying to say. He or she should have omitted the "not" and said "denying that the amnesty issue is her priority". The Nation needs better writers.

The important thing to note though is that she did not outright state something like "amnesty will not at all be sought". Using the word "priority" suggests that it is somewhere on the agenda.

Edited by hyperdimension
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denying that the amnesty issue is not her priority

She is denying that it is not her priority. Logically, this means that amnesty may be a priority to her.

In logical terms, maybe, but I'm not an IT geek who thinks in terms of off and on states. In reality and the English Language, when you deny that something is not your priority, it means exactly that, it is not a priority to you. It's not that hard, Buchholz had a similar difficulty with the English Language and used a similar argument, and he was wrong as well.

I'm an IT geek, 30 odd years already. I can tell you with authority IT geeks just KNOW if the manual says 'on or off only' those ignorant users will fumble around till they found a half/half status (which probably breaks the system).

In reality with politicians or ones aspiring to be, a denial mostly reflects a 'now is inconvenient, ask me later'.

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denying that the amnesty issue is not her priority

She is denying that it is not her priority. Logically, this means that amnesty may be a priority to her.

In logical terms, maybe, but I'm not an IT geek who thinks in terms of off and on states. In reality and the English Language, when you deny that something is not your priority, it means exactly that, it is not a priority to you. It's not that hard, Buchholz had a similar difficulty with the English Language and used a similar argument, and he was wrong as well.

I'm an IT geek, 30 odd years already. I can tell you with authority IT geeks just KNOW if the manual says 'on or off only' those ignorant users will fumble around till they found a half/half status (which probably breaks the system).

In reality with politicians or ones aspiring to be, a denial mostly reflects a 'now is inconvenient, ask me later'.

I know, I had to project manage both IT geeks and Customers, globally, and you were both as bad as each other!

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denying that the amnesty issue is not her priority

She is denying that it is not her priority. Logically, this means that amnesty may be a priority to her.

when you deny that something is not your priority, it means exactly that, it is not a priority to you.

You are absolutely incorrect.

Let x = "amnesty issue is her priority".

Consider the following statements:

1. "Admit that x is true" means x is true

2. "Admit that x is not true" means x is not true

3. "Deny that x is true" means x may not be true

4. "Deny that x is not true" means x may be true

The article uses the 4th statement (a double negative), which means the amnesty issue may be her priority, or is her priority to some degree.

It's like saying "I am not unsatisfied", which means I may be satisfied, or I am satisfied to some degree.

It's not that hard.

Anyway, we know what the writer was actually trying to say. He or she should have omitted the "not" and said "denying that the amnesty issue is her priority". The Nation needs better writers.

The important thing to note though is that she did not outright state something like "amnesty will not at all be sought". Using the word "priority" suggests that it is somewhere on the agenda.

Sorry, I use English as a language, not a mathematical formula. If it fits your agenda, fine.

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