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Read this Article the other day, and thought <deleted>. ( or did DTAC pay off a reporter to write a favourable article ). And to no surprise, there is no mention of yesterdays court ruling that the Injunction was thrown out which I believe is an important step for the country.

At least we wont have to wait for another 3 years + 2 years ( establish NBTC, set licensing bid etc 3yrs, another 2 for network roll out ) before Thailand has 3G nationwide

An rural people who previously did not have access to internet, will be able to get connected as well.



Thanks for heads up. We normally don't allow links to Bangkok Post for copyright reasons, but we allow it from time to time. This is an exemption.


Agreed, 3G is old news. I think this is a prime example, and a perfect illustration of how the corruption, bickering, and infighting that goes on at companies and in the government hurts Thailand and put the people and country at a disadvantage, and makes the whole place less competitive globally.

3G is 4-5 years old in other parts of the world, and LTE, or 4G, is now out, and everyone else is talking about it, while the bureaucrats and fat cats in Thailand are still fighting over old technology that no one is interested in anymore expect those few who patiently wait for the them to stop fighting like kids over candy and do something cause it's good for the people, not because it's profitable.

Sorry, sensitive topic, I think beyond 3G, this proves that the system here doesn't work.


This CAT / True deal may seem to some as a long awaited step in the right direction, but in reality it smacks of corruption and will most likely hinder the development of fast and affordable mobile Internet with good after sales service. If CAT works together will True, what incentive would CAT have to allow other operators to develop their own 3G or even 4G networks? Exactly: nada! Of course DTAC should do something against such practices, because next thing mey be TOT lining up with AIS and DTAC is at a huge disadvantage. May seem perfectly OK for some xenophobic natives, as DTAC allegedly has too much "foreign involvement".

The case against them has not been been thrown out, the court just declined to issue an injunction, stating they could not do so under existing laws. The court actually accepted the complaint for further deliberation. Relief for True and CAT as court rejects injunction plea

In the newspaper that shall not be named the headlines reads: "Court agrees to study True 3G contract".


This CAT / True deal may seem to some as a long awaited step in the right direction, but in reality it smacks of corruption and will most likely hinder the development of fast and affordable mobile Internet with good after sales service. If CAT works together will True, what incentive would CAT have to allow other operators to develop their own 3G or even 4G networks? Exactly: nada! Of course DTAC should do something against such practices, because next thing mey be TOT lining up with AIS and DTAC is at a huge disadvantage. May seem perfectly OK for some xenophobic natives, as DTAC allegedly has too much "foreign involvement".

The case against them has not been been thrown out, the court just declined to issue an injunction, stating they could not do so under existing laws. The court actually accepted the complaint for further deliberation. Relief for True and CAT as court rejects injunction plea

In the newspaper that shall not be named the headlines reads: "Court agrees to study True 3G contract".

Thanks George, was not aware of that policy, will remember it for future ( except in the case of onset of Alzheimers )

Yes, Thailand screwed up in terms of policy - too right !. As most have eluded, alot countries in the region have started on 3G already.

As for those talking about "everyone is focusing on LTE", the opposite is the case. LTE is the future, but it still is the future, not today. Yes, there is core network avail, but the eco system (handsets/dongles etc) are few and far between, let alone talking about the spectrum availability issues in thailand . The cost of a new network roll out today using HSPA+ and then upgrading to LTE in 3-5 years from now is more cost effective than going for LTE now with large handset subsidies and lack of consumer choice in terms of handsets. Remember, cost to an operator one way or another will end up your bill. Secondly, current planned generations of HSPA+ are equivalent to whats in the market for LTE, but the LTE will have a clear edge on future generations which are being rolled out.

As for DTAC, why did they not issue a suit against Hutch which was running a CDMA/EVDO which is according to the industry "3G". When True bought over the existing company and therefore the rights and obligations between Hutch and CAT, and subsequently changed the technology from CDMA/EVDO (dead duck ) to HSPA+............ all of a sudden its "corruption" left right and center. Me says Hutch with EVDO was not perceived as a threat ( Everyone knows its a dead duck) to DTAC revenue's, the True/CAT deal most likely is.

So.... getting back to the start of the Article - is Eddy the "transparency hero", or stirring up the hornets nest because his failed to see the opportunity to make a first move.

p.s........ The famous US based operator with "4G" network I believe is actually HSPA+ (3G). running at its optimum. Just a marketing gimmick

p.p.s Snorkler - CAT is not the licensing authority, or the body to promote 3G in Thailand. CAT owns the 850 Mhz spectrum according to law, and can do as they please with it. The body which thought they had the right was NTC, but they are now relegated to airing expensive ads in cinema's telling us how they are helping improve the industry when they are a lame duck. As far as i know the to be commissioned NBTC will be the body to license 3G in a few years from now........


This CAT / True deal may seem to some as a long awaited step in the right direction, but in reality it smacks of corruption and will most likely hinder the development of fast and affordable mobile Internet with good after sales service. If CAT works together will True, what incentive would CAT have to allow other operators to develop their own 3G or even 4G networks? Exactly: nada! Of course DTAC should do something against such practices, because next thing mey be TOT lining up with AIS and DTAC is at a huge disadvantage. May seem perfectly OK for some xenophobic natives, as DTAC allegedly has too much "foreign involvement".

The case against them has not been been thrown out, the court just declined to issue an injunction, stating they could not do so under existing laws. The court actually accepted the complaint for further deliberation. Relief for True and CAT as court rejects injunction plea

In the newspaper that shall not be named the headlines reads: "Court agrees to study True 3G contract".

This reply is spot on. My thoughts exactly.


In the newspaper that shall not be named the headlines reads: "Court agrees to study True 3G contract".

That is a misunderstanding. The Bangkok Post does not allow us to quote from their articles or link to their articles. But the Bangkok Post can be named, you can indicate they have an article on something and give the title, tell what they state (but not quote), etc.


Interesting to see a Bangkok Post article linked here on ThaiVisa.... Don't see that much anymore hereabouts...

Perhaps it's such a glowing, one-sided profile of the DTAC exec that someone decided it deserved special treatment... compared to all the other actual and legitimate news reports that apparently don't.

It's really a shame, I must say, that the BKK Post doesn't allow ThaiVisa to have posts quoting or linking to its articles... They do sometimes have some actual news value to them... :)

The Bangkok Post does not allow us to quote from their articles or link to their articles. But the Bangkok Post can be named, you can indicate they have an article on something and give the title, tell what they state (but not quote), etc.

Thaivisa does not need permission from the Bangkok Post to link to a story. It is the policy of Thaivisa - not the Bangkok Post - to disallow links. Same with links to other forums.

Quoting is where things start to get murkier - but linking to a headline, no way. There's no way that could exceed fair use provisions. If it did, Google would be a smoking hole in the ground and we wouldn't have an internet.


Should be obvious to anyone that the BKK post is mostly made up fiction. Can't trust anything in this newspaper except the sports section.

Newspapers are biased at the best of times, e.g. The New York Times. But the BKK post is much more blatant than that. I don't know who sets it's agenda but it's very clear that there is one. Example I dare you to find anything negative about the property market in thailand - ever.

Still read it from time to time just have to be aware what it is.

A for the endless 3G saga in thailand, oh well. Don't get upset about things you cant control. The last government handed out favors to AIS, and this one seems to do the same for "Thai Owned" True. I don't mind so much because True 3G price plans, coverage, and performance are really quite excellent. Its served me well. Try getting unlimited 3G with tethering for $20 / month in the states...


That would be my interpretation as well...despite some of the pronouncements here to the contrary.... Perhaps the agreement with The Nation has something to do with it... :whistling:

Thaivisa does not need permission from the Bangkok Post to link to a story. It is the policy of Thaivisa - not the Bangkok Post - to disallow links. Same with links to other forums.

Quoting is where things start to get murkier - but linking to a headline, no way. There's no way that could exceed fair use provisions. If it did, Google would be a smoking hole in the ground and we wouldn't have an internet.

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