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New Car Smell

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Greetings all,

I'm new to this forum, but very impressed with the number, quantity and quality of posts. Very nicely done.

After searching for awhile, I can't find any recent posts on buying a new car. Thanks to previous posts, I understand all the paperwork required to buy a car, but there are some other questions where the vast expertise of this forum could come in handy.

1. What's the best (most reliable) brand of car here? I'm looking to spend around 1M Baht on a sedan or small SUV and want something reliable and easily serviced to last the next 10 years. Which brands have the best sales and service support in Bangkok?

2. Who's the best dealer? As important as it is to find a good brand, its also good to find a dealer who will give a good price. Any suggestions?

Thanks much.


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1. As said Toyota is far and away the leader in sedan sales with Honda the only current runner up. In years past Mazda and Nissen had been popular, along with Mitsubishi, but it has been a two horse race recently. Both hold value with Toyota probably the best.

2. All dealers sell at about the same price - which is full list price. About the only deal you can get is to ask for free extras.

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If you are going to keep the car that long you might as well buy a car that has run for a few years, that way you can buy both a sedan and a SUV for that kind of money.

The new car smell may be nice but :

Researchers in Australia say the smell of new cars can be toxic and can even cause cancer.

A two-year study by an Australian government research organisation found gases from vinyl and plastic materials in new cars cause headaches, nausea and drowsiness.

The chemicals involved include benzene - a known cancer-causing agent - which was found in one case at five times the recommended exposure

Danger odours:

Benzene - carcinogen

Acetone - irritant

Ethylbenzene - toxin

Xylene isomers - foetal toxin "

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The post above rings true but I also believe it depends upon the strength of the "smell" A more powerful odour will counteract the "cancer" causing enzymes.

Suggestion: Place a plastic dish (approx 14"diax6"deep) 3/4 full of fresh WBS in the carport - before entering the car place each foot with or without shoes in the dish allow 1 minute to tack dry wipe soles on ground away you go and no more concerns about "new car smell. :D:o:D:D

Edited by mijan24
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Toyota is the best bet for sedans and SUVs for sure. Maintenance , service , spares, price. :o

If in Bangkok or near I suggest Toyota Phatum Rangsit Rangsit a sales girl " Oot" She is great and the best after sales service ever.

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Toyota is the best bet for sedans and SUVs for sure. Maintenance , service , spares, price. :o

If in Bangkok or near I suggest Toyota Phatum Rangsit Rangsit a sales girl " Oot" She is great and the best after sales service ever.

Does this young lady recommend the WBS method of eliminating "new car smell" or does she employ other methods of taking your mind off the odour that is offensive to some??

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around 1 million... get a Honda Jazz or Toyota Soluna. Both are comfortable, and you can use the 400,000 left over to keep it on the road with oil prices as they are.

Fortuner? Wouldn't think too many of those will still be on the road in 10 years, unless they can be converted to run on something else. I've heard reports that it's fuel consumption is very bad, partly due to it's always on 4WD.

Go with a small cheap car.

Can't go wrong with a Honda, or, Toyota.

Where does "new car smell" come into it?

Yep, Toyota or Honda, I agree.

Oh and new-car smell comes in here: http://bkkautos.com/?q=node/27

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...just avoid the Honda dealer in Pattaya...

Can you be a little bit more explicit - Does this dealer sell new cars without the new smell or doesn't he believe in the WBS treatment???

The whole low-down would be a bit too much for a post...it's just the total absence of after-sales-service and ignorance towards customer needs. Not to mention the fake red plate (busted in Bangkok for that one...) and the blank insurance sticker on the windshield = no cover in case of an accident. Car registered in the wrong province and so on and so forth....

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Where does "new car smell" come into it?

I read an article recently that was either about Ford or GM, can't remember which, but the article said that Europeans like the new car smell but Asian's don't. Therefore, they do what they can to get rid of it out here. I also heard that they artificially add the new car smell in Europe...

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Where does "new car smell" come into it?

I read an article recently that was either about Ford or GM, can't remember which, but the article said that Europeans like the new car smell but Asian's don't. Therefore, they do what they can to get rid of it out here. I also heard that they artificially add the new car smell in Europe...

The fact remains that the new car smell is toxic. The Japanese automakers are trying to get rid of it for that reason. I think that they know it's only a matter of time before governments start publishing guidelines on "safe" levels of VOCs allowable in new cars, as is already the case for houses and workplaces. The Japanese are leading the way, and when GM and Ford and the Europeans are told to comply they will probably have to buy technology/information from the Japanese to get into line.

Wait until a Ford customer, who upgrades to a new car regularly gets cancer and sues! Don't laugh too quickly... this wasn't conceived of in the cigarette industry not so long ago! And look what happened there!

Edited by pal78
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Hey all,

Thanks for the great response.  Can I get financing through banks or will I need to pay cash?


In typical TIT fashion, you can get financing for the car for 4 to 6 years at only around 3% financing. Only two catches:

1. That 3% is compound interest (calculated at the begging of the loan for the life of the loan - so you're still paying interest on the full amount in year 4 or 6). So on 1M Baht loan, that's around 30,000 Baht X 4 or 6 years! As much as 180,000 baht.

2. But none of the above needs to apply of course, since you can only get financing if you know a Thai Citizen or Permanent Resident who can (and will) guarantee the loan.

Would be interested to hear if anyone else has found a dealer that will finance without the guarantor (e.g. on strength of downpayment and employment contract..)

I just don't get it..if I'm into the car for 300,000 of my own cash, I'm hardly about to run away without paying am I? Or do they think I'll drive away to the nearest chop-shop? But of course, a Thai earning 21,000 baht per month is much more trustworthy to make those 16,000 baht monthly payments....so they don't need the guarantor. TIT :o

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...just avoid the Honda dealer in Pattaya...

Can you be a little bit more explicit - Does this dealer sell new cars without the new smell or doesn't he believe in the WBS treatment???

The whole low-down would be a bit too much for a post...it's just the total absence of after-sales-service and ignorance towards customer needs. Not to mention the fake red plate (busted in Bangkok for that one...) and the blank insurance sticker on the windshield = no cover in case of an accident. Car registered in the wrong province and so on and so forth....

Lack of after sales service by the dealer? When you say "fake red plate" was the car purchased for cash or on finance? blank rego sticker? & Car registered in the wrong province?

raro I am not questioning what you say just trying to ensure these issues don"t happen to me:

Lack of after sales service - was this lack of follow-up or not interested when you went back for attention to some problems?

Fake red plate - was this a plate provided in the interim by company or rego office?

Blank rego sticker etc - it appears that either rego was still being processed usually one month I believe or If under finance was rego held by finance company??

Would appreciate it if you could clear up issues as there may be traps for new car buyers that we are not aware of.


Mijan24 :o

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