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The World Will End Today!


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I just found out that the world is supposed to be coming to an end today. Just wondering what sort of time this will hit Chiang Mai and if there are any special events going on in town.



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Crap.. It's 6:45.. Just like me to sleep straight through fun events like the end of the world. :(

Guess I'll go for a consolatory beer.

Don't worry Winnie. I was awake for the whole time and you didn't miss a thing. biggrin.gif


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A giant funnel cloud will descend from above and suck up all the songtaews from the streets of Chiang Mai for ever and ever.

I would hand over my life to God, Jesus, Buddha if this were to happen.

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A giant funnel cloud will descend from above and suck up all the songtaews from the streets of Chiang Mai for ever and ever.

I always knew those Songtaew drivers were Gods favorite!...

Polite & Proficient driving always pays off!!! :rolleyes:

Edited by sfokevin
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The people I (almost) feel sorry for are Harold Camping, who has now got his rapture/end of the world prediction wrong twice, and all those braced for lift-off yesterday who find themselves firmly planted on earth.

Perhaps they will just blame Obama/the UN/liberals/Uncle Tom Cobleigh and all, and come up with a new date.

So if you see some sad faces around town for the next few days, be kind.

Edited by folium
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re .... Just wondering what sort of time this will hit Chiang Mai

after ive had my last roast chicken dinner at the red mango i hope

enjoy .... dave2

That looks a fine 'last' super Dave! I must say, it was a relief to see things as normal here in Chiang Mai today, songtaews and all.

Does anyone know when the next ending of the world will be?

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Does anyone know when the next ending of the world will be?

September 5, 2011 (Planet X is closest to Sun... Expect major solar flares)

September 25, 2011 (Planet X is between Earth and Sun... Plan on eclipse for potentially 3-7 days. Potentially no SUN for 7 days.)

October 17, 2011 (Planet X is closest to Earth... Potential catastrophic event... Many will not make it... )

The earth will still be here, but many inhabitants will not... A new beginning for those that remain... If you do not believe in something greater than you, than start. Ask for forgiveness.

This event will happen. The previous predictions are not accurate and not based on scientific fact.

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Does anyone know when the next ending of the world will be?

September 5, 2011 (Planet X is closest to Sun... Expect major solar flares)

September 25, 2011 (Planet X is between Earth and Sun... Plan on eclipse for potentially 3-7 days. Potentially no SUN for 7 days.)

October 17, 2011 (Planet X is closest to Earth... Potential catastrophic event... Many will not make it... )

The earth will still be here, but many inhabitants will not... A new beginning for those that remain... If you do not believe in something greater than you, than start. Ask for forgiveness.

This event will happen. The previous predictions are not accurate and not based on scientific fact.

At the risk of sounding cynical you wouldnt like to make a small wager that we will all be here on October the 18th would you?

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At the risk of sounding cynical you wouldnt like to make a small wager that we will all be here on October the 18th would you?

Don't take my word for it. Here's the proof from NASA Jet propulsion Lab:

C/2010 X1 Elenin is shown on there and the trajectory. They say its a comet, but its no comet... This thing is bigger than Jupiter. If it was a comet, it would be all over the news by now because of the

proximity of which it will be near earth. Yet, you have heard nothing.


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No, no, the world didn't end on the 21st, the rapture occurred and only those going to heaven were taken, the rest of the sinners got to stay behind for the end of the world in October(I think). So, given the number of people left here I guess that we all know what category WE fit in ;)

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At the risk of sounding cynical you wouldnt like to make a small wager that we will all be here on October the 18th would you?

Don't take my word for it. Here's the proof from NASA Jet propulsion Lab:

C/2010 X1 Elenin is shown on there and the trajectory. They say its a comet, but its no comet... This thing is bigger than Jupiter. If it was a comet, it would be all over the news by now because of the

proximity of which it will be near earth. Yet, you have heard nothing.


To put this into perspective:

The various claims about Elenin include a) it will hit us, B) it will cause earthquakes c) we will pass through the tail and unspecified Bad Things ™ will happen.

The Earth as seen from Elenin at closest approach on 16 October (in this Celestia simulation)

Elenin will not hit us. The closest it will come is around 0.24 AU (where an AU is the distance from the Earth to the Sun). That’s only a little closer than the closest approach of Venus to Earth, and roughly 100 times the distance from the Earth to the Moon. That’s really, really far away (you think it’s a long way to the shop if you want a sausage roll, but that’s nothing compared to space*).

As the comet passes through the asteroid belt as it is doing now, and is exposed to the small gravitational tugs its orbit will change very slightly. This is important to us guys with big telescopes who need to point them really, really accurately, but even if the orbit changes by the distance of the Earth the to Moon (which would be a pretty big shift), then Elenin is still nowhere near the Earth. Nor is the debris in the comets orbit going to hit. We might get a decent meteor shower, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. As it is, the comet has passed it closest encounters, and its orbit hasn’t changed appreciably.

Eleinin will not cause earthquakes, as I’ve written before, even at closest approach Elenin has less than a billionth of the tidal force of the Moon. It will do nothing. Passing through Elenin’s tail will do nothing, its tail will be doing a very good approximation of a vacuum (and its not even clear its tail will reach Earth). We’ve been through cometary tails before of bigger and brighter comets (eg Halley), and nothing has happened.

How big is comet Elenin, then. Lots of people are claiming it is “big” for example “..when i look at the size of the orbit that this thing is huge, heavy…”. Well, orbital radius has nothing to do with the size of a comet, lots of long period comets are quite small. In the case of Elenin, it’s around 3-4 km in size, a bit smaller than Halley (6x 16 Km). We have a reasonable idea of its size from its brightness. Roughly speaking, at a given distance from the sun, the bigger an object is, the brighter its is. Of course, this also depends on how dark it is as well. Comets mess things up a bit as they are brighter than you expect from their size alone, as they are surrounded by a coma of gas and dust reflecting the light of the Sun. Now, comet Elenin is currently roughly magnitude 14, if it were the size of say, the asteroid Vesta, with a diameter of 530 Km, it would be at least magnitude 7 at its current distance. So Elenin has to be fairly small.

:lol: I feel better........

For more: http://astroblogger.blogspot.com/2011/04/will-c2010-x1-elenin-comet-of-doom.html

Edited by Diablo Bob
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At the risk of sounding cynical you wouldnt like to make a small wager that we will all be here on October the 18th would you?

...careful with the wording of the bet, guaranteed that some of us won't be here on October 18th :( through various accidents and natural passings!

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At the risk of sounding cynical you wouldnt like to make a small wager that we will all be here on October the 18th would you?

...careful with the wording of the bet, guaranteed that some of us won't be here on October 18th :( through various accidents and natural passings!

True, very true. However, I have a sneaky feeling you know what I meant. Barring falling off toadstools (bar stools come to that) and other plausible accidents and misfortunes!

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C/2010 X1 Elenin is shown on there and the trajectory. They say its a comet, but its no comet... This thing is bigger than Jupiter.

Dear Lord!

Have you missed physics classes? The NASA page you linked to says "small body database", and although the exact mass and size of this comet aren't known, it most certainly not Jupiter mass. The small body database contains only asteroids and comets. You are aware that Jupiter has 318 times the mass of Earth and 1321 times its volume? If such an object was to collide with Earth, we would be the "asteroid".

Near-earth-object impacts are among the more predictable disasters, compared to, say earthquakes and floods. The lads at JPL and other institutions keep neat records of all known NEOs and they also maintain an impact risk table (http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/risk/index.html) that lists close NEOs with name, size, impact probability. The palermo scale value expresses the impact hazard (probability and kinetic energy) with values between 0 and -2 "worth watching".

As you will find, the Elenin comet isn't even on the list.

Cheers, CMX

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