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If he forced her, he should be prosecuted, but I've always heard that it was consensual.

She was 13 going on 40; she looked and acted much older than her age and her mother was all for it.

If so, political correctness be ######d. It's no one's business but theirs.

That ladies and gentlemen is a post from a TV member.

That ladies and gentlemen is the image the world has of the guys who move to Thailand

And while I'm certain this thread will be burned, ask yourself....

Read it here...

Edited by GuestHouse
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Agreed Guest, I thought the post was an outrage. I scrambled around collecting all nearby shovels as the trash that poster dished out was most undiggable. In fact, I even had the ovenman send out for 6 empty tuk tuks to carry away all shovels so that no one could dig what that poster was saying or trying to say

Edited by The Dude
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Yeah, but it's always been that way. I'm not sure why you guys are so surprised. There have always been misogynist and deviant attitudes on this site, as reflected by the types who gravitate to Thailand, SEA, and other lax enforcement environments.

While it's nice to see men on here who are concerned, why aren't you concerned more often, such as when ugly male attitudes and unfair and discriminatory attitudes rear their head on a daily basis here?

And by the way, do you think censorship and vanishing threads are a way to deal with the situation? How is that any different than the vain whims of a delusional Prime Minister that everyone seems to have so much to say about? Blind, or blatant, double-standards? - I opt for blatant. When you have to opt for censorship to protect your "image", then there is something very, very wrong, delusional, and dysfuntional about the facts behind that image.

Nevermind answering, because these are just the ruminations of a "feminazi, bitter, feminist, fat-loser, etc. etc." Western woman, who in all honesty, is beyond the reach and comparison of most of the detritus that haunt this site.

I've done my research, reached my conclusions, and I'm out.

Edited by kat
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If she tars the majority of us here with her brush after being here for 1279 posts then I reckon she is only reading what she wants to read and good riddance.

Sure you will always get the odd freak here. Its the nature of the beast, but I find most regulars, even Boris, upstanding and decent people.

However, I think Kat has to understand that this is a male dominated forum before spitting her dummy out. I have seen her lock horns with others here in the past and hold her own.

I say to you Kat that by quitting you are merely leaving a more open forum for those with whos ideas you disagree. Stay and stand your ground.

Edited by ProfessorFart
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Yeah, but it's always been that way.  I'm not sure why you guys are so surprised.  There have always been misogynist and deviant attitudes on this site, as reflected by the types who gravitate to Thailand, SEA, and other lax enforcement environments.

While it's nice to see men on here who are concerned, why aren't you concerned more often, such as when ugly male attitudes and unfair and discriminatory attitudes rear their head on a daily basis here?

And by the way, do you think censorship and vanishing threads are a way to deal with the situation?  How is that any different than the vain whims of a delusional Prime Minister that everyone seems to have so much to say about? Blind, or blatant, double-standards? - I opt for blatant.  When you have to opt for censorship to protect your "image", then there is something very, very wrong, delusional, and dysfuntional about the facts behind that image.

Nevermind answering, because these are just the ruminations of a "feminazi, bitter, feminist, fat-loser, etc. etc." Western woman, who in all honesty, is beyond the reach and comparison of most of the detritus that haunt this site.

I've done my research, reached my conclusions, and I'm out.

I've met kat and it will be sad day if she leaves. Shes a top chick and very intelligent woman. Dont go kat. You are stronger than that.

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I would also be very sad if Kat's really gone....never met her in person but having read many of her posts, I've gotten a liking of her.

Would be good if the bigots here (for instance, clearly, there are quite a few racists in here) left.....instead of good, humanist ones like Kat.



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Nevermind answering, because these are just the ruminations of a "feminazi, bitter, feminist, fat-loser, etc. etc." Western woman, who in all honesty, is beyond the reach and comparison of most of the detritus that haunt this site.

I think that this is doing a bit of a disservice to the majority of members of this site, who basically appear to be decent people. I might not agree with all of their opinions, but i don't think that this site is a haven for degenerates. Nor do i get the impression that the majority write off your opinions in the way described, on the contrary i feel that many respect what you have to say, as you clearly are knowledgeable about the issues on which you comment. There are sicko's and lunatics on the fringes of every community, as well as undercurrents of undesirable attitudes and with such a wide userbase there will always be idiots who want to parade their ignorance/ deviant attitudes on this forum. I think the moderators are usually fairly swift in dealing with such outbursts and do a good job in banishing the perpetrators. It's always a shame to lose a contributor of intelligent debate because of the barbs aimed by the undesirable minority. My apologies in advance if i have misconstrued the post.

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Go here for the definition of detritus:


if she considers that the most of us are this:

"Disintegrated or eroded matter: the detritus of past civilizations."

de·tri·tus (d-trts)

n. pl. detritus

Loose matter resulting from the wearing away or disintegration of a tissue or substance.

I would take this to mean that she considers most of us as worn away old guys of no use like old skin, what a sad thought as I think the majority of the guys and gals here are pretty level headed. Go figure....

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Kat always was the #1 reliable source for up-to-date sociological information about Human Trafficking and abuse of minors in Asia.

However, she made the mistake of using this as supporting information to get into pointless debates with correspondents who seldom read the information she sourced. It frequently descended into argumentum reductio ad hominen.

Do this for long enough and one burns-out.

She perhaps should have presented her research via a focused Blog which would have been quite a valuable repository of information now, instead of it being dotted around lots of old topics.

(Plus with a Blog she could have kept control of the theme and content)

Edited by The_Moog
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I think it's worth it to point out the pedophiles or pedophile-like posters... like Judge is.

The part where I point out that the dictionary definition of a pedophile is someone that only has sex with pre-pubesant children, that my girlfriend is almost 27 years old and that I've never had sex with a girl under 16 in my whole life seems to have escaped you all.

No wonder everyone is afraid to give their real opinion on this matter.

Some clueless hypocrite is going to try branding you a child molester. :o

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I think this thread is going (again) in a direction that serves no good for the forum or its members, so I'm stopping it here.

That said, I agree with all of you who hope Kat reconsiders. I'll certainly miss her. She added alot of balance and raised the intellect bar around here at times when it really was needed.


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