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It'S Not Just Westerners!


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Watch this video from CNN:


Notice how Dan Rivers (who's been in SE Asia for a while and should know the truth) says, "and sell the children to Westerners". Never once does he mention that a lot of the perpetrators are Asian, including many Thai men.

And of course this is the news that goes out to the world so that many people think a lot of us come here for the sex/children. Nobody gives an older Asian man/young Asian girl couple a second glance, but an older WHITE man (who sticks out like a sore thumb here)/young Asian girl get classified immediately. The Asian pedophiles blend in seamlessly, and I'm sure they love that fact.

I know there are no official stats on this matter, but Rivers should at least have said people from many/all nations come here for this sick habit.

NOTE: Only when the lady is being interviewed does she mention (and it's difficult to understand her and will pass most people right by) that, "many of the girls go to Malaysia, Indonesia". Also, the orphanage owner readily admits that it is the childrens' family that puts them in the situation in the first place, but Rivers doesn't want to cover that too much.

Great job Rivers, if I ever see you, get ready for a verbal punch :angry:

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Here's another one about Hill Tribe kids being trafficked, including fottage from sleazier parts of the night bazaar....

If you know of people doing wrong against children - Farang or Asian - here's any easy way to Report it

The following video (from the same website) is a very powerful statement. It's an animation of a kids journey into the sex trade, produced from drawings made by rescued kids.

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Not only do I see no reason for this to be in the CM forum, I am not sure why its here at all. I don't see OP discussing pedophilia in CM just Thailand in general. And in fact it happens everywhere.

I suggest you email dan rivers and tell him how you feel about his reportage, cheers

Given the inflammatory nature of the post and the topic, I think its best closed.

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