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Pattaya City News


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one of the problems with the news papers out here is they are in competition with each other to promote Pattaya , there was a news paper i think it was called the star that was shut down by the police for reporting to much crimes , so you are only reading the tip of the iceburg , but then this is Thailand and nothing is what it seems

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I used to go to there website and read the articles, but now britmaverik reposts them all on this forum.  Is that good or bad-Mai Lu :D  No wonder his post count is so high. :o

I personaly don't see anything wrong with Brit for posting these news articles on TV. I can see why some people wish to ignore such topics but I don't hide from them or ignore them. I think the information is valuable in a way.

Living in Pattaya myself I read these posts and if I don't I see them on the televison or in the newspaper.

Maybe reading these posts or taking notice would cut down the number of vulnerable tourists being to victims to certain crimes. Just maybe.

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Pattaya City news publish their transcripts as read by the studio reporter, it's not like well written articles.

I find them very amusing. I hope Howard and company at PCN doesn't sue us for copying their TV studio copy...

TV, radio and forums works great in my opinion!


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Pattaya City news publish their transcripts as read by the studio reporter, it's not like well written articles.

I find them very amusing. I hope Howard and company at PCN doesn't sue us for copying their TV studio copy...

TV, radio and forums works great in my opinion!


George - between Felix (radio bkk) and the forum I think Howard has no gripes!!! :o

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The PCN postings have certainly provided many discussions and some very lively ones on this forum.

Although many items of news are not as endearing as some would wish, they do tend to promote the more `down to earth` side of Pattaya, which in itself helps to broaden the church of newscasting in the area.

Having said that.

Any suicides to-day?

Any gory accidents?

Any chilling pictures?

No its Sunday...relax :o

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Pattaya Fox,

Sunday is a day of rest for us but the Monday show is a round-up of Saturday and Sunday news stories so you won't miss a thing.

George and Co.

its fine to use my stuff (notice I call it stuff and not articles). That royalty check you promised me never arrived.......when's it coming :o:D

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Both Pattaya People News and Pattaya City News do a credible job within their "context"---small community cable access news reporting. This is what cable TV (as opposed to network TV) was created to do--give access to reasonably priced broadcast media for members of a defined geographical community.

As orginally conceived, cable TV was not suppposed to be a "professional" (however you want to define it) broadcast vehicle, but a vehicle for the non-professionoal to voice his or her position on whatever topics he or she wishes.

Therefore, within this context (i.e., amateurs being allowed access to reasonably priced media), PPN and PCN do a credible job for the Pattaya community.

I just wish PCN would not keep replaying the restaurant interviews day-after-day for an entire month! Extremely BORING!!

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