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Thaivisa Members...

Ice Maiden

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Upon reaching 1,000 posts I decided to open this thread.

Thaivisa currently has 22,610 members and the number is growing rapidly everyday and so are the numbers of frequent posters. There are quite a few senior members that have managed to stay on this board for sometime and still contribute.

But my time I've spent here so far I've seen posters only post for a few weeks then vanish to be never seen again, or some posters that post once or twice then also disapear and fade away into the black hole that must be lurking somewhere on this forum, George I'll get that checked out if I was you :o

Some newer members (I'll include myself in this) have reached quite a high number of posts within just a matter of weeks but will they stick it out on thaivisa or fall into the blackhole? Survival of the fittest I see.

So this is a question for all TV members really, especially the more senior ones. Which posters do you think will still be posting in a few months or even years time?

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I've been here for a while and intend to stick around. I don't have much contact with other farang, so this forum sort of substitutes for morning coffee with "the boys" or a few beers after work with the Happy Hour crowd. I need the contact that Thai Visa provides.

Of course, sometimes I feel like posting a lot and other times I simply read a few new threads and move on to something else.

As to who else will stick around? No idea. It's pretty easy to scan a few threads and note the voluminous posters who continue to contribute. But, of the high volume newcomers? Who knows.

That said, I've always been impressed with your posts. This one especially. Shows an interesting insight into human behavior and the needs which TV fills.

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There is a circle of life here.

Just look at a topic started say a year ago. You see that a lot of the posters there have 'banned' against their name.

Eventually, you meander into dangerous territory, unwittingly or deliberately, and then get crush-crush-crushed by the jackboot of the Authorities.

Unless you never say anything even remotely contentious and just go on and on.

< Totster for ever !... (and ever and ever!) >

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There is a circle of life here.

Just look at a topic started say a year ago. You see that a lot of the posters there have 'banned' against their name.

Eventually, you meander into dangerous territory, unwittingly or deliberately, and then get crush-crush-crushed by the jackboot of the Authorities.

Unless you never say anything even remotely contentious and just go on and on.

< Totster for ever !... (and ever and ever!) >

Oh moog...I'm not here to start arguments.. I'm here for a bit of fun and entertainment... :D

totster :o

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I've been here for a while and intend to stick around. I don't have much contact with other farang, so this forum sort of substitutes for morning coffee with "the boys" or a few beers after work with the Happy Hour crowd. I need the contact that Thai Visa provides.

Of course, sometimes I feel like posting a lot and other times I simply read a few new threads and move on to something else.

As to who else will stick around? No idea. It's pretty easy to scan a few threads and note the voluminous posters who continue to contribute. But, of the high volume newcomers? Who knows.

That said, I've always been impressed with your posts. This one especially. Shows an interesting insight into human behavior and the needs which TV fills.


I just wonder what thaivisa will be like in a years time. Same old posters that contribute on a regular basis or a set of bright eyed newcomers with a couple of the senior members.

Ahh Totster :o

You'll be on here for quite some time I predict. You make this forum a fun place to be though!

EDIT - Yes I see what you mean about some members being banned. Without the moderators though thaivisa would be populated by quite a few trolls and the like.

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In two years we may have to add yet another server to accomadate Totster's 374,234 one liner posts made by then. :D Moog, it ain't always easy wearing jackboots, especially now as workplace safety guidelines say that they must be steel toes. :o

By that time many will come and go, a few will stay, and Icey will still be quite young but nonetheless still out-thinking posters three times her age.


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After posting at quite a high rate for my first month or two and enjoying myself, i have started to see the other side of Thai visa, the repeat topics, the same old drivel, the same arguments going on and on, i have decided not to post as much to the same old topics as you are just repeating yourself over and over again to the same morons who come on here and dont bother using the search function before they post e.g how much to live in Thailand? how much money should i send my ex-bg-tg, then you move to bedlam and you have the same old political posting and posturing from the usual members.

I enjoy several posters on here, that i hope stick around, and some i wish would just crawl back under their rock and leave the rest of us in peace.

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Not sure if you're really just asking what TV will be like, or more about how/why does it change...

In reality, and to be Thailand related, I'd have to say it will be same same but different. Unless the moderators lose a battle to trolls, the identity of the forum will be an informative place for expats and frequent visitors (a bit different than say, thorntree with what seems like a higher volume of one-time trip questions). It will also have cranks and innocently incorrect posters.

It's a big question to ask how the demographics might change... over time I am sure a more accurate sample of expats and visitors will join the forum, because the Internet is ever more accessible and loses its geeky touch. The same thing happened to usenet newsgroups about a decade ago. So, over time you'll probably get a more natural mix of voices, but I don't have any idea what that means. :o What are the actual demographics of expats and visitors? How will that actually change over the years? There are a lot of economic and geopolitical pressures that could shape that...

As for the individual posters, I think again TV will follow the natural course of all (virtual) communities. Some people perhaps over-invest themselves and burn out, never to return. Others take a break but eventually cycle back. A few have a burning passion that is never challenged. Plenty will just pop in and use it as a sort of interactive encyclopedia.

I don't know if I fit your lurker category, but see how I easily could. I was on the 'net for too many of my formative years to really get worked up about it now... I know not to get too personally involved in the parade of masks and "puppets" that come along and I also never really feel at home in the web/chat environment with a bunch of strangers. I guess I feel that I already earned my stripes in usenet and email over the past 15 years or so. :D People like me form the backdrop of people you see on the streets, day in and day out for years, without ever really meeting.

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I've been here for a while and intend to stick around. I don't have much contact with other farang, so this forum sort of substitutes for morning coffee with "the boys" or a few beers after work with the Happy Hour crowd. I need the contact that Thai Visa provides.

I agree with the above wholeheartedly!!! Life in the boonies is good.

I hope to stay until I can dance at my childrens wedding. Beings that they are only 5, 3 and 2, I will have some time to come here.

I will try and continue to keep you abreast of ipStar changes and other stories of interest to me from throughout the world!

heck out of coffee............Gotta go!

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I enjoy spending time here, my main pastime being reading through the posts of banned members.


Becuase they are the ones who 9 times out of 10 have the funniest things to say, the most Thailand related knowledge and sometimes the edgiest personalities. They are normally banned because they dont suffer fools gladly or like to take the p155!

I have particularly enjoyed reading the entire works of: Medecinebox, The Gentleman, Erco, Rod Kalishnikov, Georgie Porgie, Bluecat , Tornado...the list goes on and on and there there are many more.

Thaivisa does not always benefit from banning contributors like these, if you weed out controversy you are left with sugar coated blandness a lot of the time. This is not good.

Yesterday there was an excellent thread about a guy who had been caught selling e's, the thread ran and ran and turned into an excellent discussion between previous users and anti drug members. Some candid submissions were made and for those who read it will know that this is the sort of thing that will see Thaivisa sucessful for the years to come.

I wholly expect to be banned soon :o

mai bpen rai, it would only be the third time i have changed my nic :D

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Well, I have had my TV cycles, on off, hot cold. But since I got promoted to mod I feel a sense of responsibility so probably spend more time on than before. Will I still be around next year? Probably, having lived pretty much the same life here for the past few years (big change when we got bungalows but have now settled into it...sorta) I am used to a routine life. Check email, check news, check TV. Tomorrow check email, check news, check TV. and on and on :o

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I have particularly enjoyed reading the entire works of: Medecinebox, The Gentleman, Erco, Rod Kalishnikov, Georgie Porgie, Bluecat , Tornado...the list goes on and on and there there are many more.

I liked 'KevinN'....also banned 4 life now. Dunno why.

He was a dear old boy, He was over 70.

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We all have had our TV cycles, on off, hot cold. People moving in, people moving out. You see the same pattern in all big forums. I am running this forum, spending over 12 hours a day with it, and my ordinary work (and income) is suffering from that. My investment so far in thaivisa.com is over 3 million baht over a period of three years (marketing with Adwords etc.). We are still in the red. No problems though!

Don't worry if members come and go, it's the nature of popular websites. Look at www.big-boards.com for example.

The question is: Can we make this place a better place? An internet portal can have a lot of "hit applications". Thaivisa Forum is our hit application.

How does the web look like in two years from now? Are we going to use the prefix www in front of our "hit applications" by then, or are we going to use another prefix? 3d.thaivisa.com?

Think about it!

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People come and go just nature of the beast. People are banned but assume other nicks and reinvent themselves. (part of the fun - figuring out who they are)

If you like a place you'll be there until you stop liking the place. :o Another server for Tots- ahh he is a special lad!!! :D

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Is there one particular place where these banned poster's messages can be found? They sound quite interesting.

if you use the search facility you can find by nic, put a "tick" in the box below to limit results to that username.

Threads are like jokes...the old one's are the best :o

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I enjoy spending time here, my main pastime being reading through the posts of banned members.


Becuase they are the ones who 9 times out of 10 have the funniest things to say, the most Thailand related knowledge and sometimes the edgiest personalities. They are normally banned because they dont suffer fools gladly or like to take the p155!

I have particularly enjoyed reading the entire works of: Medecinebox, The Gentleman, Erco, Rod Kalishnikov, Georgie Porgie, Bluecat , Tornado...the list goes on and on and there there are many more.

Thaivisa does not always benefit from banning contributors like these, if you weed out controversy you are left with sugar coated blandness a lot of the time. This is not good.

Yesterday there was an excellent thread about a guy who had been caught selling e's, the thread ran and ran and turned into an excellent discussion between previous users and anti drug members. Some candid submissions were made and for those who read it will know that this is the sort of thing that will see Thaivisa sucessful for the years to come.

I wholly expect to be banned soon :o

mai bpen rai, it would only be the third time i have changed my nic :D

Guys like Rod Kalishnikov are destined to flame out wherever they go. I've seen him do it on two other sites. I'm afraid the fervant ones either flame out or are hammered down. Don't get yourself banned by deliberatly provoking a mod Thaipwriter. Those stripes must be earned through your passion for Thailand and your heroics to defend a topic.

mai bpen rai, it would only be the third time i have changed my nic :D

Oh I see you know this already. Nevermind. :D

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There is a circle of life here.

Just look at a topic started say a year ago. You see that a lot of the posters there have 'banned' against their name.

Eventually, you meander into dangerous territory, unwittingly or deliberately, and then get crush-crush-crushed by the jackboot of the Authorities.

Unless you never say anything even remotely contentious and just go on and on.

< Totster for ever !... (and ever and ever!) >

I've just been browsing some threads and posts from a year back Moogy and I see what you mean about most of them having the "banned" label.

Some humorus posters and great personalities on there.

So will we all just burn out one day or get banned? Hmmm :o

I can see myself being a longterm poster though.

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Maybe we should let the old "banned" members be back again?

Like the Queens birhtday? :o

BTW: Most of the banned people have signed up with fake email adresses, so we can't contact or invite them again . We have tried.

I am confident that good ole' banned members are signing up again with new nick names, and are found to be good members again.

Do you think we admins are stupid? Should we run a script to see who they are. No.

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Hey where did my post go ......????

I'll try again..if it dissapears this time I'm gonna suspect I guessed right...

People are banned but assume other nicks and reinvent themselves. (part of the fun - figuring out who they are)

Yes Britmaveric : I guess that you are ..........Da Da Da........

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whenever i see a banned member I feel compelled to read though their posts. What did they do? what did they say? how or why were they banned.... there is definate entertainment value to be had doing that. :D

I see Khun Larry has been banned, mind you it's been at least 3 years since he said anything positive about Thailand :o

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I'm still here , banned once but the decision was overturned :D

I have met a few TV members in the UK , and hope to meet more in Los.

In fact over 2 years ago , I believe I was the 1st to suggest a drink/meet up in Bkk or wherever. Total waste of time as no-one wanted to know...... :D

These days thongs are different. But when I'm next in Los I wouldn't be totally surprised if I get blanked again........ :D

Heres a link to that thread if anyone is bored enough


If anyone wants to check out some fun older threads , do a serach on Bud Zumwalt and MrVietnam2000 , they are the funniest IMO. One of them ended in death threats to yours truly. :D

ps I think TV is still the best website in this arena.......grovel grovel :o

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if you want to meet a few current/ ex/ former/ banned/ whatever try Pm to the guys concerned, a lot of members wouldn't mind a quiet drink and several have bars, so give it a burl and remember there are plenty of ways to kill a cat

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