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OK ..

I do have a few pet peeves and one is waiting to get a haircut. I would rather ride the motorcycle around to find a place with no line at all than to wait ... yeah, I know .. patience is a virtue I do not have in any great quantity.

I finally got my haircut today (at one of the two places I commonly use) after a few months of letting it grow out! What a relief! I didn't skin it but did have them use sheep sheers (clippers) at 12mm (#5) and the difference in comfort is amazing! It was long enough that I was starting to look like Albert E. !!! (but not as cute!)

The sad thing is ... I just turned 47 last week .... and was teasing with the woman that cut my hair that I was starting to go grey! She laughed (pretty hard!) and said "starting to? You were starting to a year ago! You are 30% Grey now!" ..... I looked at what she had shaved off and dam_n it! It is true! I am fortunate in that I still have a full head of hair .... but wow! 30% from about 5% a year ago! .... grrrrrr

The insanity part is letting your hair get long in this climate!

Oh ... for you budget minded folks ... the cost was 60 Baht .. I tipped 20 ... she did my moustache and a neckline shave/sideburns shave too ;)

I didn't skin it but did have them use sheep sheers (clippers) at 12mm (#5) and the difference in comfort is amazing!

If you think that feels good, recommend getting it right down to the wood, or #1 (3mm). Save you having to go so often and no grey. ;)

she did my moustache and a neckline shave/sideburns shave too

Please don't tell me you have a moustache JD, in this climate! a sweaty neck is one thing but your top lip should always be dry and stiff.


Sadly, one of the ways to know you are getting older is that you look forward to a good haircut. I happen to be in love with the woman who cuts my hair.

I will wait for 30 minutes for her to cut my hair. To her, I am a customer, but to me.... when she caresses... ok, I will stop here.

I agree. Longer hair was cool in the 80's, but not now. Give me a quickie (that is buzz cut) and I am happy.

Oh ... for you budget minded folks ... the cost was 60 Baht .. I tipped 20 ...

You are ruining it for thr rest of us. You big spender you. :P

Well there is a listed extra charge of 10 baht for a 'stache/beard trim ... but she never charges me that ... and an extra 20 baht charge for a neck scalp massage which she also never charges me for if there is nobody else waiting.

I think the point of the post was that in Thailand I had suddenly become complacent about the haircut thing .... and within minutes after the cut I remembered WHY I like my hair short here ;)

In answer to jackr's question ... I had 1 beer before posting .... and I am a working guy ... so can't have my hair THAT short ;)


report back in 13 years, when your 60 on how much of that full head of hair is gone and what portion is grey. O have noticed a thinning for several years.


report back in 13 years, when your 60 on how much of that full head of hair is gone and what portion is grey. O have noticed a thinning for several years.

If I make it another 13 years in Thailand, riding a motorcycle every day ... I'll be shocked!


is there a point to this post?

Does there need to be? It beats the incessant whining about noise ... and it might even beat talking about Fish and Chips ..... don't you think it is fun?

OK, maybe it is about complacency ;)


is there a point to this post?

Does there need to be? It beats the incessant whining about noise ... and it might even beat talking about Fish and Chips ..... don't you think it is fun?

OK, maybe it is about complacency ;)

Aah Fish & Chips.................I knew it was time :whistling:


I was 67 last Monday and being old and also a cheap Charlie I only pay 50 baht for a haircut but I do give him an extra 10 baht search fee.

I went to Bangkok by bus on Wednesday to collect my birthday present.

A 1994 Yamaha Virago 535cc and rode it home after 4 hours in the DLT at Mor Chit.

On Friday it didn't start as the battery was flat.

I charged it overnight and it started this morning but it is still not charging.

Another challenge to overcome in this beautiful country but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

Have a nice weekend.


report back in 13 years, when your 60 on how much of that full head of hair is gone and what portion is grey. O have noticed a thinning for several years.


What has been thinning? and did you say it had gone grey or green?


I've got longer hair in and on my nose and ears than I do on my head. Haircuts are no long an issue with me.:whistling:

I was starting to go grey! She laughed (pretty hard!) and said "starting to? You were starting to a year ago! You are 30% Grey now!" .

Okay, THAT'S IT! Proof to my point: hairdressers are evil ...devilish honest, they are.

Best to stay miles away from them, just like doctors and dentists. Brrrrrrrrr ....

I was starting to go grey! She laughed (pretty hard!) and said "starting to? You were starting to a year ago! You are 30% Grey now!" .

Okay, THAT'S IT! Proof to my point: hairdressers are evil ...devilish honest, they are.

Best to stay miles away from them, just like doctors and dentists. Brrrrrrrrr ....

I am blaming all the color change on work :) 18 months and a SIGNIFICANT change in color !!

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