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Smoking 3rd Most Risky Factor Behind Deaths In Thailand, After Unsafe Sex And Drinking

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" I have known many heavy smokers who lived to ripe old age. " - I can't believe that people still aftwr all these decades don't understand how this argument is totally fallacious.

PS - do you remember Smith and Jones" conversation?

S: - "My Grandfather smoked 50 fags a day and drank a bottle of whiskey a day all his adult life"

J: - "really? how old was he when he died?"

S: - "43"



'...A cigarette after unprotected sex followed by a motorcycle ride home after drinking Thai whiskey. Thailand's life on the edge.'

Sounds like I'm going to have a risky weekend then, but why else would I want to live here!:D


."...And you never try to find out how much solid comfort, relaxation, and enjoyment a man derives from smoking in the course of a lifetime (which is worth ten times the money he would save by letting it alone), nor the appalling aggregate of happiness lost in a lifetime by your kind of people from not smoking. Of course you can save money by denying yourself all those little vicious enjoyments for fifty years; but then what can you do with it? What use can you put it to? Money can't save your infinitesimal soul. All the use that money can be put to is to purchase comfort and enjoyment in this life; therefore, as you are an enemy to comfort and enjoyment where is the use of accumulating cash?

....Now you know all these things yourself, don't you? Very well, then, what is the use of your stringing out your miserable lives to a lean and withered old age? What is the use of your saving money that is so utterly worthless to you? In a word, why don't you go off somewhere and die, and not be always trying to seduce people into becoming as ornery and unlovable as you are yourselves, by your villainous "moral statistics"?"

-Mark Twain


Have these people never been on a Thai road?

I agree that Thai roads are, lets say, not the safest place to be compared to the roads in other countries on account of the fact that there doesn't seem to be much in the way of laws and rules here in Thailand (not those that are strictly enforced or adhered to, anyway).

However, if you were to visit hospitals or study the general health of those smokers (coughing and spluttering their way through life) then you would see that deaths and injuries from road accidents would pale into insignificance compared to the number of deaths and illnesses caused by smoking. There's secondary smoking issues as well don't forget!!! Fortunately, this has improved a great deal as smoking in public places (and areas) is largely banned throughout the civilised world now.

Cigarette manufacturers are not the only ones losing out because of these bans in public spaces as washing detergent and shampoo manufacturers sales must have dropped also because it is unneccesary to wash your hair and clothes after every night out at the pub. You could say "eureka that you don't wreaka" now after a nights enjoyment chatting to your mates and downing a few pints (also accumatively more endangering to your life than driving in Thailand) - unless you do BOTH one after the other that is, whereby the danger is multiplied several times!!!

You have probably guessed that I am, and always have been a NON-smoker due to the risk that it poses to my health and life whereas getting into a car in Thailand doesn't cause me an anxiety attack relating to concerns of whether I'm going to get back home in one piece after a long (or even relatively short) journey - that's the difference!!

Somehow I think you missed the point, regarding Thai roads, I am not sure but I think the author was not refereing to the acciident rate but rather to the pullution rate. Th carbone monoxide distributed by Thai tuk tuks and songtangs is somewhat equal to 10,000 smokers, Have you ever sat at a traffic signals waiting for the go signal? the pollution from the motor bikes that just happen to jump in front of you is staggering, Well I suppose that if you are in a car, then it does not effect you, but I think we are talking about, illness caused to Thais by smoking, I would think more vehicle exhuast fumes than smoking, it's probably the case throughout the World, but Governments will not admit it as it becomes their responsibility, rather than personal responsibility

Also, everyone seemed to have missed the headline, smoking 3rd most risky factor behind death

I think that YOU have missed the point actually - for a start the author of the article doesn't even mention the roads as it was a poster I was responding to. As to your assumption that it was down to pullution (sic) then this would be nigh impossible to establish and it would be (had it been referred to) down to road accidents, but this is academic now really.

Behind the deaths means "the cause" of the deaths and not behind in context of the actual order. Not bad, you've pretty well got EVERYTHING wrong and misunderstood both the gist and substance of the article and you shouldn't criticise others submissions when you don't know what you are writing about yourself!!!


" I have known many heavy smokers who lived to ripe old age. " - I can't believe that people still aftwr all these decades don't understand how this argument is totally fallacious.

PS - do you remember Smith and Jones" conversation?

S: - "My Grandfather smoked 50 fags a day and drank a bottle of whiskey a day all his adult life"

J: - "really? how old was he when he died?"

S: - "43"

I'm getting worried now!!! I agree with this as well!!!


This debate will always bring out the ardent smoker, who despite the heavily proven fact that smoking is very dangerous to their and other peoples health, they always claim that it is not against the law for them to smoke, so why is it dangerous.

This kind of attitude really stinks. When I was a smoker, I knew that non smokers felt unpleasant when around smokers, so I never did it. Why is it so hard for so many smokers to know this simple truth.

The facts are that many things that we humans do is bad for our total health, however there are many things that have a proven bad ending, smoking drink driving, excessive drinking and unsafe sex with unknown partners rate pretty high.

The writing has been on the wall for ages, time to read it people.

Whilst I gave up smoking myself many years ago and welcome the more smoke free climate that we enjoy today - I still do not accept all the argument about the level of danger since I have known many heavy smokers who lived to ripe old age. It is an obvious target to hit simply because it is an optional pass time - After over 30 years not smoking I still miss the calming and relaxing effect of cigarettes and have never really found an alternative that is so easy to apply - you cant after all go into a meditative trance, practice yoga or take a stiff drink while working or driving! I do sometimes wonder if the improvement to my life expectancy by giving up smoking is not countered to some extent by greater stress levels. I also think that mankind is in general a creature who enjoys taking risks - some end up with cancer or aids as a result while others end up as successful businessmen or mountaineers - much that is both good and bad in our lives comes as a result of taking risks and without this life would probably become pretty dull

One of the sensible posts I have read in a long time, especially from someone who has kicked a habit. Informed life style judgements are best made when we are looking in a mirror.

Sensible posts should be "stickies" huh ?

This is NOT a sensible post - it is a load of cobblers actually with some appalling messages contained within it that are both dangerous and irresponsible. I just hope that anyone reading this doesn't take anything out of it as it will mean that they are taking some VERY bad advice from somebody signalling all the wrong things. One has to mention your judgement being faulty, as well as the original poster of this garbage!!!


The FIRST cause of death is ageing ...

When will there be a campaign against AGEING ?


Possible contender for facile comment of the week?

And THE WINNER!!!!! as well.


The FIRST cause of death is ageing ...

When will there be a campaign against AGEING ?


Possible contender for facile comment of the week?

And THE WINNER!!!!! as well.

We understood the messsage the first time -- no need for a second posting of it !

..and a third time as well ! --- yes , we understood ! -- Thank you!


I wonder if they will then look at the many vehicles spewing out smoke or those that burn the forests every year causing smoke so thick that some northern air flights have to be cancelled.


This debate will always bring out the ardent smoker, who despite the heavily proven fact that smoking is very dangerous to their and other peoples health, they always claim that it is not against the law for them to smoke, so why is it dangerous.

This kind of attitude really stinks. When I was a smoker, I knew that non smokers felt unpleasant when around smokers, so I never did it. Why is it so hard for so many smokers to know this simple truth.

The facts are that many things that we humans do is bad for our total health, however there are many things that have a proven bad ending, smoking drink driving, excessive drinking and unsafe sex with unknown partners rate pretty high.

The writing has been on the wall for ages, time to read it people.

Whilst I gave up smoking myself many years ago and welcome the more smoke free climate that we enjoy today - I still do not accept all the argument about the level of danger since I have known many heavy smokers who lived to ripe old age. It is an obvious target to hit simply because it is an optional pass time - After over 30 years not smoking I still miss the calming and relaxing effect of cigarettes and have never really found an alternative that is so easy to apply - you cant after all go into a meditative trance, practice yoga or take a stiff drink while working or driving! I do sometimes wonder if the improvement to my life expectancy by giving up smoking is not countered to some extent by greater stress levels. I also think that mankind is in general a creature who enjoys taking risks - some end up with cancer or aids as a result while others end up as successful businessmen or mountaineers - much that is both good and bad in our lives comes as a result of taking risks and without this life would probably become pretty dull

Not to flame you, but saying that since many smokers live to a ripe old age, smoking is not good for you is not a logical argument. I know many people who have driven drunk, yet drunk driving is a major killer and no one would argue that driving drunk is a good thing to do. There are people who have played Russian Roulette and lived, too. And now most people who plank don't die, so does that negate the people who are doing it and getting killed?


Somewhat tongue in cheek, I say the most risky factor behind deaths in thailand is to be the former husband of a girl I meet. In my 11 trips to the land of smiles, every single girl I have met up with has said that her husband is dead. I mean 100% of the time.



Have these people never been on a Thai road?

Hi there and just talking in general and for what I see. Every day when driving one does take their life in their hands and yes everyday you have the speeding drivers and who say look at me to people in the car and often children.

Others and same, same in the Western World are either drunk or on drugs or are just totally disrespectful to other road users.

Having said all that there are some really very very good and considerate drivers and it sure does anger me that the innocent driver is often blamed for accidents on the road.

Just in my observation like the bike drivers and is there no law on crash helmets and driving along the road the wrong way.

Also it is infuriating when driving these bike drivers think it so clever to race up on the inside of you and try to pass when already indicating to turn left. and then after repeating looking in the mirror came up so quickly that one has started to turn and slams in to you.

The position of the bikes after the accident is so obvious as to what has happenned, yet the innocent driver gets the blame for it. Classic and everyone on their way

When is the rule of law going to take place and it seems the police just do not seem to want to know and frankly there seems to be no laws implemented here at all, only for moneatary gains.


If people stopped smoking then there wouldn`t be any unprotected sex.

I mean, how could anyone have a shag without having a fag afterwards?

A friend asked me if I smoked after sex---I said I don't know I've never looked.


The FIRST cause of death is ageing ...

When will there be a campaign against AGEING ?


Possible contender for facile comment of the week?

And THE WINNER!!!!! as well.

We understood the messsage the first time -- no need for a second posting of it !

..and a third time as well ! --- yes , we understood ! -- Thank you!

Hang about!!!! All I was doing was pointing out that the comment was DEFINITELY the winner for being the most irrelevant, pointless and rediculous comment aired this week!!! Whats all this second and third time business?? Maybe you read it 3 times thinking it was a different comment each time - how bizarre and stay off the funny juice as I can see it's affecting your brain adversely!!


I would think that smoking causes far more premature deaths than unsafe sex - that's a ridiculous article.

A smoker needs 270 tablets, which go for Bt1 each, to give up the habit, she said, adding that the universal health scheme also covered treatment for tobacco addiction.

How many do Non-smokers need? :jap:


If people stopped smoking then there wouldn`t be any unprotected sex.

I mean, how could anyone have a shag without having a fag afterwards?

A friend asked me if I smoked after sex---I said I don't know I've never looked.

My father died when he's just 49 years old. He died on a 19 year old, so he came and went at the same time. He usually smoked after having sex..........:jap:


If people stopped smoking then there wouldn`t be any unprotected sex.

I mean, how could anyone have a shag without having a fag afterwards?

A friend asked me if I smoked after sex---I said I don't know I've never looked.

My father died when he's just 49 years old. He died on a 19 year old, so he came and went at the same time. He usually smoked after having sex..........:jap:

Ah ,sweet-tender memories ,I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.wink.gif


The FIRST cause of death is ageing ...

When will there be a campaign against AGEING ?


Um,, you just don't get it, do you?

The whole reason for these campaigns is to allow you the ability to get old, to die of natural causes! If you do things that threaten your bodies ability to live until you are old, then other people who want to live until they are old will probably tell you that what you are doing will shorten your life.

There are many things that will possibly end up with a shortened life expectancy, and if we know about them we can make an informed decision about whether to do them or not. This includes such things as; smoking, drink driving, excessive drinking, unsafe sex, dangerous driving, and others like planking.

These are warnings. Please if you choose not to follow them, at lease when you do die, please, please don't take an innocent and unwilling person with you.

Hahaha Um, YOU just don't get it, do you?

He was.... JOKING!!


And THE WINNER!!!!! as well.

We understood the messsage the first time -- no need for a second posting of it !

..and a third time as well ! --- yes , we understood ! -- Thank you!

Hang about!!!! All I was doing was pointing out that the comment was DEFINITELY the winner for being the most irrelevant, pointless and rediculous comment aired this week!!! Whats all this second and third time business?? Maybe you read it 3 times thinking it was a different comment each time - how bizarre and stay off the funny juice as I can see it's affecting your brain adversely!!

He was referring to the fact that when you posted, your post somehow got repeated an extra two times. No biggie, it happens. But we delete dup posts, so after the fact, it isn't evident. :)


And THE WINNER!!!!! as well.

We understood the messsage the first time -- no need for a second posting of it !

..and a third time as well ! --- yes , we understood ! -- Thank you!

Hang about!!!! All I was doing was pointing out that the comment was DEFINITELY the winner for being the most irrelevant, pointless and rediculous comment aired this week!!! Whats all this second and third time business?? Maybe you read it 3 times thinking it was a different comment each time - how bizarre and stay off the funny juice as I can see it's affecting your brain adversely!!

He was referring to the fact that when you posted, your post somehow got repeated an extra two times. No biggie, it happens. But we delete dup posts, so after the fact, it isn't evident. :)

OK!!! Point taken, Please can you retract my last posting.



So why is tobacco still being grown in Thailand all along the Mekong between Nakhon Phanom and Mukdahan?

Death, as they say, is not an option. Establishing a singular cause behind any death, and dismissing any other contributing cause is a science that I am not convinced that Thailand is capable of.

This is purely propaganda, in my estimate; for whatever the reason/s.

Of course, regarding the drugs and treatment on these issues, anyone knows that any Thai remedy is the standard that the rest of the world strives to imitate.


I would think that smoking causes far more premature deaths than unsafe sex - that's a ridiculous article.

You might think that that but smoking will depend on how long you do it, how much, your genes and other heath factors. Thailand had some pretty miserable HIV stats for a while which seem to have improved with Thaksins clampdown .

One shot of HIV in your bloodstream and without expensive healthcare (which would not be available to most Thais) you will die within 10 years and probably infect a lot of others on the way. Take a look at the horrendous HIV statistics for Africa where BTW a lot of people still die from lung cancer not because of smoking but because of smoke inhalation from open fires.

For girls pretty much all the STD's increase the chance of, or cause reproductive organ cancers which again can only be treated with expensive health care not available to most Thais.


Whilst I gave up smoking myself many years ago and welcome the more smoke free climate that we enjoy today - I still do not accept all the argument about the level of danger since I have known many heavy smokers who lived to ripe old age. It is an obvious target to hit simply because it is an optional pass time - After over 30 years not smoking I still miss the calming and relaxing effect of cigarettes and have never really found an alternative that is so easy to apply - you cant after all go into a meditative trance, practice yoga or take a stiff drink while working or driving! I do sometimes wonder if the improvement to my life expectancy by giving up smoking is not countered to some extent by greater stress levels. I also think that mankind is in general a creature who enjoys taking risks - some end up with cancer or aids as a result while others end up as successful businessmen or mountaineers - much that is both good and bad in our lives comes as a result of taking risks and without this life would probably become pretty dull

My friends father Smoked nearly all his life giving up 8 yrs ago. He died this yr @ 86. It was the smoking that killed him as his lungs were not working and were filling up with water or something like that. He was a good age but he could have lived much longer as he was very fit and sprightly up until the end!

  • 2 weeks later...

" I still do not accept all the argument about the level of danger since I have known many heavy smokers who lived to ripe old age" - just beyond belief that someone who can operate a computer and type has so little reasoning ability.

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