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Young Girls With Old Farang Gents

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Hey IT, yep this girlfriend of mine will have her periods when she reaches 7 to 8 months old as told from the Doc. Yikes!!!!!!!!!!! You know when I got this loveable dog, I plum forgot the female rituals that take place just like having a daughter. And of course she is a woman too. :D Tiger even worries about her make up when she looks at me B)

Oh Jooplo, your womanly ways are for most men refreshing. Nice to know one can put some estrogen into this forum. Takes the alligator skin off of us and makes us get plum soft. B) That is why I love women.

True to form, us men at times cannot bear being near a female when she is on a roll, and also us men cannot live our days without them and need them around for our emotional reasons whatever the reasons may be.

Because of the curves coming from a female, now I need glasses to read and to see, because of the immense complexity of their character. Yet the touch they render and of their gracefulness makes us tamer than we would like to think. B)

I opened the expanses of my mind to see Jooplo's point. Very interesting indeed. :o



I pray for the man who marries a woman like Jooplo. May the Almighty be kind to him for this sacrifice he is to commit to save all other living man.


Oh come on she is not so bad :o

in fact i know so much more european girls that are worse then her.

Much worse.

I mean she may have some really weird views sometimes but she stands true to them so i think its ok :D

###### if i compare her tosome girls from my university in Vienna with the same social background she is special becouse she doesnt let everthyinbg slide and hopes to marry rich B)

I think the man that is going to marry her is going to be a lucky man as long as he doesnt cheat on her...

Else i think she is the wife that lots if guys search but when they find her they are afraid of her.


Well I am glade that there is a few who props my view but I think this forum has reached the success anyhow. My professor would be so impressed with my research’s thesis due to the spontaneous responds from specific group of people I have chosen.

But It seems to me like this board is just for fun not really for education and resourceful new ideas as I used to hear from educational adult boards else where.

Especially, it is such a amazement because I never heard civilized people compared female to dog particularly ones who are fathers. :o

O h! but this is interesting ! Allow me to play along !

Supposedly if I were a bitchiii bitchiiiee bichyyy puppy, my mother would be a super bitch and my father would be a snarling Doberman… lol ain’t I right ?

I think most female puppies know that something like ovarian sexual organ even though they are still too young for period but they saw many old female dogs carried sperms with XY chromosomes before their puberty and accidentally had bred biologically “Mutation” that turned out to be …lllllliiiiiooo………lll ioo….pppp….ppiii………….. Pigs … ?? Those I sort of smell that they are now having male menopause since during last couple of days... Guess I had too much of inborn male hormone infected from them. However, I bitch around with my father and other male siblings and friends but looks like they can communicate back well as such I bitched around. LOL so I am not quite sure that we can categorize others who are dumbfound when I bitch around as …“Male” when A MAN like “ georgie porgie” can understand how I bitch .. right ? :D

But I asked my father about why there are some who refer female as a dog because I never heard that from my father and he told a story of a human named “Sasha Rothman, who was in grade six and tried to talk to her mother about sex but her father never told her anything but once did he call her mother a “slut” in front of “Sasha” and at the same time Shasa herself was being called “a slut” by her classmates as well. Ummm… I think he tried to say that the genetic history can predict the future genes. ( from page 118 Leora Tanenbaum “Slut”)

Funny isn’t it ? I guess because my father unfortunately likes to spend quality time with family and appreciates the beauty of “DIFFERENCES” of others than worrying about biting with others. B)

It is fun to be dogs sometimes you know ….. LOL

Lastly I am appreciated for everyone’s participation, hope after presenting my Christmas’s research homework then, there will be others who come and unpack the box a lot more at least ones from my classmates.

Regards … B)

do not pray for young female puppies , they always get the best "if you will not settle for anythingless than the best ( 4 u), you willbe amazed at what you canaccomplish in your life"


I had always thought that these forums were under a microscope...figures..let sleeping dogs lie (that isn't a typo) methinks.......LMAO


me thanks we have trolled succesful been. the having hed to been rtesearch happening with profeeer havre been good. thenks your compeny jfrotloop but you will reincanate into frm anther


me thanks we have trolled succesful been. the having hed to been rtesearch happening with profeeer havre been good. thenks your compeny jfrotloop but you will reincanate into frm anther


Ha ha ha :o


Heavens no Jooplo is not my girlfriend. Not in a million years Dr. PP. Please spare me from that sword coming from the wifey if she ever found out.

I was referring about women in general, and of course my Tiger!!!!!!! Tiger is my girlfriend and keeper and my wife is my boss and the mother. B)

Jooplo is way way toooooooo young for me. Heavens forbid I will be needing to take 10 Viagras a day just to keep up with her. Wheeeew :D

Besides I sort of noticed something was up from the beginning since she simply popped out of no where, and especially when it comes from a Thai who practically lives there. :o

Well, let me put it this way folks. Natural born Thai Citizens usually don't use this board or forum. They have very little use of it unless they are married to some expat. So being in Thailand, many are in Universities, and it is expected that we will be used like for research in their studies as they inquire into the minds of us expats.

Besides, I got enough females to handle a life time. Two Daughters, plus Two wives (one of them my ex) and of course Tiger. Do I need more?????>>>> Heck no. They have driven me near crazy, and it is a wonder I still have my sanity. B)

Daveyoti B)

Guest IT Manager

I like the idea of calling her customer "my professor". Wonder if she charges him by the hour or by the month.

Hate to admit it Doc, but looks like you were right.


You may write me down in history

With your bitter, twisted lies,

You may trod me in the very dirt

But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?

why are you beset with gloom?

'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells

pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,

With the certainty of tides,

Just like hopes springing high,

Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?

Bowed head and lowered eyes?

Shoulders falling down like teardrops.

Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my haughtiness offend you?

Don't you take it awful hard

'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines

Diggin' in my own backyard.

You may shoot me with your words,

You may cut me with your eyes,

you may kill me with your hatefulness,

But still, like air, I'll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?

does it come as a surprise

That I dance like I've got diamonds

At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history's shame

I rise

Up from a past that's rooted in pain

I rise

I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,

Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear

I rise

Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear

I rise

Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,

I am the dream and the hope of the slave.

I rise

I rise

I rise

Guest IT Manager

There has been a concensus reached regarding Jooplo.

In the interests of the humanitarian work of Dr Hiram P Klonky, the thread is dead.

This topic is now closed to further replies.
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