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Thailand On Verge Of `First World' Status

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On the radio today in California, (related to security measures being up to snuff at airports)

"we are confident about countries like France and Germany, but there is a lot of concern about THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES like THAILAND."

It sounds like a good bit of public relations is needed to convince the world that Thailand is a first world country.

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So it's now safe to drink the water is it, as Thailand is a first world country?

If Khun Thaksin says it is safe... you know you can trust his word!!........... :o


I think Toxin & Co need to get out of their 5 star condos and limo once in a while

Bangkok is a dump and Thailand is nothing more than a little paradise with palm trees. Why should it change ? I hope it won't

And Bangkok is the best city if you like traffic and polution, but still I like it.


Fast forward to 3 years from now, to a Thailand where everything is pretty much as it is today. The PM will pronounce "look everyone, see we are now a first world nation!".

With 3 years to brainwash people, everyone will believe him, in the same way the people of N.Korea truely believe they live in a workers paradise and that Kim Jong Il is a god.

First world country that can't speak English?

And with Thaksin chasing out all of the English teachers, the place will suffer even more.


I didn't know that was one of the requirements noted in fine print on the 1st world application form! :o


So as I am now in a country that is on the verge of "First world status" can we now expect floods of "refugees" from Eastern Europe?

I should imagine we can as soon as the Thai government build dole offices and start giving away free accomodation.

Oh joy.

So as I am now in a country that is on the verge of "First world status" can we now expect floods of "refugees" from Eastern Europe?

I should imagine we can as soon as the Thai government build dole offices and start giving away free accomodation.

Oh joy.

Get off it ...or report to a hospital....or AA....take your own soap


I am not sure if there is a way to quantitatively separate the different “worlds”.

Here are some data (hopefully relatively accurate) on (1) GDP/per capita, (2) the human development index (HDI) used by the UN (includes data on economy, crime, health, education, etc.), and (3) number of patents granted per million of people.

(1) GDP/capita: Singapore #27 (US$23,900), S. Korea #38 ($19,300), Taiwan # 49 ($17,100), Thailand # 96 ($6,600)

GDP per capita (2002) - The top 100 countries


(2) HDI: Singapore #25, S. Korea #27, Thailand #69(!)

The average HDI for the top 100 countries is 0.82, Thailand’s HDI is 0.76

The HDI may be a good idea, but it is likely to be highly subjective (e.g., quantifying education and giving it a proper weighing factor in the overall index must be pretty iffy).

Human Development Index - 100 top countries


(3) Patents: S. Korea – 779; Singapore - 8; Thailand - 1

patents granted per million people


Well, if the top 100 countries in the world are defined as “first-world”, then Thailand qualifies. If the criteria are a bit more stringent, then 2004 will have to be the year of the Great Leap Forward.

Those of you who have been to Malaysia, how does it compare to Thailand?

People queue at the post office in Malaysia.

Those of you who have been to Malaysia, how does it compare to Thailand?

Poorly , for one thing , the pavements are too high , last time I was there I kerbed me Impreza something chronic , apart from that its a nice place....to get a visa


You can get a decent curry there. Plus the girls in the department stores speak good English. :o

Maybe one could queue at a department store for a curry served up by an English speaker?

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