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Do You Support Legalization Of Same Sex Marriage In Thailand?


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To the OP.

I wish the Legalization Of Same Sex Marriage will be recognised. Then maybe the overpopulation will be diminished. :whistling:

Thailand is on a negative birthrate trend already. But Laos is still managing a positive birth rate trend .... (think we can convince some of the sex-pats/Sex-tourists to head up that way?

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%$#@ YES!

It may not happen tomorrow but it will happen one day so the sooner the better.

Some countries around the world already have,why not Thailand.

There is a high number of Thai/Farang relationships here, including me.

And besided, they have cut off alot of options for visas of lately,

what do they expect us to do?

Yes I know. I am not going anywhere no matter how hard they make visas.

Basically if your under 50, Gay & not working you don't have many options.

How many hetro arranged marriages in Thailand for a piece of paper each year?

I would like to do it the legal way but if they leave us no choice.... people will find a way.


Just read all the posts from the beginning.

I'm not that overly enthusiastic over this topic. As member of the majority of members on TV who doesn't give a flying fig whether a couple is made up of two persons of mixed or the same sex, I admit that as such I dont find this topic that interesting. You gave me the impression that you knew of at least one post where someone had uttered disgust against members of the gay community, but I was probably wrong there. My bad. Sorry.

Why do you "qoute" me as posting something that I never did?


Nah -- you're the guy that was attributing things said by another to me .... and never bothered to correct yourself. Again ... if you can't be bothered to read, I can't be bothered to do it for you. Simple. 10 minutes reading to find the post for someone that won't spend the same 10 minutes but professes to want to know? Yah ... not gonna happen.

So I was right - no one has posted uttered disgust against gay people..? Feel free to point out where that has happened though in case it actually did happen (which it very well could have).

I think we have a troll on our hands here.

READ THE DAMNED THREAD. You must think you are very important to think that someone is going to do it for you.

If you read the whole thread and can't find expressions of disgust, THEN get back to us. What a lazy, sad sod.

It'll be a lot easier if someone could just point at the post in which the alleged disgust was uttered.

Why is that such big issue? It'd look really ridiculous in an academic environment if you referred to a source but refused to reveal which one it was, dont you think?

Post # 235


this topic is about society's tolerance towards gay people, while at the same time there appear to be no room amongst gay people for opinions that opposes the idea of gay people being equal in every aspect - even the right to raise children...I thought respect for the individual and his/hers opinion was the core issue here?

Don't you realize how ridiculous your complaint is? You are suggesting that because Gay people want or expect tolerance, they should tolerate other's intolerance.

Why not say that African Americans were being unreasonable in demanding to be treated as equals since they were not being tolerant of the opinion of those who wanted them to be discriminated against and oppressed?

Yes, it can be argued that respect for the individual is the core issue. But while I am not and can not speak for Gay people, I don't think they are asking for anyone to respect their opinion or even necessarily for respect per se -- just to be treated as equal. (I don't respect everyone -- and any lack of respect has nothing to do with a person's sexuality, ethnicity, socio-economic status, or religious beliefs blah blah blah -- but I treat everyone as an equal and generally see them as such.)

There's i difference between intolerance and opinion, dont you think?

And where's my complaint? African Americans? What in heavens name or you on about, I thought this was the thread where gay relationship was under debate, but perhaps you posted in the wrong thread?

There's i difference between intolerance and opinion, dont you think?

It depends, I suppose. If your opinion is that Gay people are not equal and should not be unconditionally treated as such, then your opinion is a manifestation of your intolerance. Or vice versa, if you like.

Good thing that's not my opinion, which should be very clear to anyone who's read my posts in this thread.

Where's your complaint? Well...here:

this topic is about society's tolerance towards gay people, while at the same time there appear to be no room amongst gay people for opinions that opposes the idea of gay people being equal in every aspect - even the right to raise children...

I thought of this as more of an observation, not a complaint.

Given that you go on to say that "the whole idea of" supporting gay marriage "gets a fowled taste when gay people continue to disrespect other peoples opinions", I characterize the above as a complaint. Would you prefer I call it a "comment"?

OK: Don't you realize how ridiculous your comment is?

African Americans? What in heavens name or you on about, I thought this was the thread where gay relationship was under debate, but perhaps you posted in the wrong thread?

It's what's known as an "analogy". Check it out in a dictionary and see if you are then less perplexed. (If you then feel the situations are not analogous, feel free to point out why and I will gladly concede to a valid refutation).

I looked in a dictionary and got stuck on the word "confused".


To the OP.

I wish the Legalization Of Same Sex Marriage will be recognised. Then maybe the overpopulation will be diminished. :whistling:

Thailand is on a negative birthrate trend already. But Laos is still managing a positive birth rate trend .... (think we can convince some of the sex-pats/Sex-tourists to head up that way?

Never mind about Thailand. I'm talking about the planet. :)


Good thing that's not my opinion, which should be very clear to anyone who's read my posts in this thread.

Didn't say it was your opinion. I am answering your question regarding "opinion" vs "intolerance".

I thought of this as more of an observation, not a complaint.

I repeat: given that you go on to say that "the whole idea of" supporting gay marriage "gets a fowled taste when gay people continue to disrespect other peoples opinions", I characterize the above as a complaint. But you prefer I call it an "observation"...

OK: Don't you realize how ridiculous your observation is?

I looked in a dictionary and got stuck on the word "confused".

Then I suspect you are having trouble with using a dictionary: confused is not likely to be in the definition of "analogy", I don't think.


No. Next.

(Sorry, but IMHO same sex marriage has no purpose, in the long term)

Please tell us about the purpose you meant, so we can better understand you.


Oh sorry, i must be a horrible person for telling it =o But hey, if some1 get offended of what he do, maybe he should think twice before doing it. I hope saying this isn't so unmannered. :)

It's not simply unmannered, you are now kind of twisting things to stir hate, i believe you are very aware that people take offence not because of what they do, but for the offensive language you use to address them, that's not right mate, i wouldn't take it so lightly if someone else will tell me that choosing a woman as a partner is "disgusting", how would you feel? are you doing this just for fun? i fail to see the funny side of it, sorry.

I don't think that any gay here will get offended from what i said, but since you do so big deal from it, i want to apologize to all of them =P I am not that disgusted to puke from any of you, i don't understand your sexuality, but it's not my job and i can't judge you.

Oh and none hate.


As I said, I have no business messing about with the rights to choose partner regardless of gender, and I even support gay marriages. But the whole idea of doing so gets a fowled taste when gay people continue to disrespect other peoples opinions.

I thought respect for the individual and his/hers opinion was the core issue here?

Respect for other's opinions? When that opinion is grounded in bigotry, intolerence, and hatred, then that "opinion" should absolutely be challenged. And hiding behind "interest of the child" doesn't make it that much more palatable. Look, I don't believe that you're anti-gay. But taking the side that would restrict the fundamental rights of others is simply not right. As for raising children--Christ man, surely you know that there are thousands of hetero's who are horrible parents. No one questions their right to be parents. Scientific study? There's been countless studies that conclude that children of single mom's are much worse off than two-parent families. So based on the opinion of some here, single moms should not be allowed to raise children? Absurd notion, of course.

Anyone who wants to adopt children are Godsend and should be supported by all. There are simply too many orphans and homeless kids roaming the streets for adults to be playing political games and trying to decide who are the ideal parents. Whether they're gay, straight, whatever, I commend those willing to take on the responsibility.



Why would someone feel the need to express disgust at anyone else's bed partner? Perhaps he should post a picture of whomever he is sleeping with, so that we can all express whether or not we find the thought of sex with her to be disgusting?

Good point.


No. Next.

(Sorry, but IMHO same sex marriage has no purpose, in the long term)

How can you say it has no purpose? Even the most vocal opponents of same-sex marriage understand its intended purpose: to allow two same-sex people in a permanent relationship to legally formalize that relationship and receive the same benefits (and responsibilities) as different-sex people do.

I can understand being against it for religious or philosophical reasons, but cannot at all understand saying it has no purpose.

Would you care to explain?


Agreed that not all heterosexual parents are appropriate foster parents, and neither are all gay parents.

That's why each case should be evaluated on its own merit -- not all granted nor all refused unilaterally, based on the candidates' genders.


Agreed that not all heterosexual parents are appropriate foster parents, and neither are all gay parents.

That's why each case should be evaluated on its own merit -- not all granted nor all refused unilaterally, based on the candidates' genders.

His arguments have all been addressed ... his baiting and attributing statements to people that did not make them landed him in ignore :)


Well-formed, well-expressed opinions should never be blocked.

I have no time for trolls, though. And if someone feels the same way about me, then by all means -- ignore away.


Forethat, I agree with all of your posts.

And, though I have no interest in pillow biting I couldn't give a fig who gets married or what they do. That's not just about gays, If I see someone with a 90 year old woman with no fangs then I will say the same, good luck to her but not my cup of tea.

I don't understand why some consider it so wrong for someone to voice an opinon of 'I wouldn't do it myself but up to you'. Seems some will only ever accept an unquestioning following.

Seems there are just some that demand complete agreement in their view and everything else is just wrong.


Forethat, I agree with all of your posts.

And, though I have no interest in pillow biting I couldn't give a fig who gets married or what they do. That's not just about gays, If I see someone with a 90 year old woman with no fangs then I will say the same, good luck to her but not my cup of tea.

I don't understand why some consider it so wrong for someone to voice an opinon of 'I wouldn't do it myself but up to you'. Seems some will only ever accept an unquestioning following.

Seems there are just some that demand complete agreement in their view and everything else is just wrong.

I think you might want to go back and actually read some of his earlier posts in the thread :) You might want to, additionally note that, he attributes quotes to posters that they never made. etc etc etc ... amongst a few others on this thread (and the other one in the news clippings section) he is simply trolling imho :)


Seems there are just some that demand complete agreement in their view and everything else is just wrong.


And since a while back they've retreated to accusations of "trolling".

Guess that means they're out of arguments. What a shame, I thought we were having a rather nice debate.


I found this in an article in Time magazine

The full-grown homosexual, as Bergler sees him, wallows in self-pity and continually provokes hostility to ensure himself more opportunities for self pity he "collects" injustices—sometimes real, often fancied; he is full of defensive malice and flippancy, covering his depression and guilt with extreme narcissism and superciliousness. He refuses to acknowledge accepted standards even in nonsexual matters, assuming that homosexuals have a right to cut moral corners as compensation for their "suffering." He is generally unreliable, in an essentially psychopathic way.

It confirms what I've known all along that Homosexuality is a disease of the mind and the good news is that it is curable. :)



Why is it that if someone does not approve of something that another approves of, that the one disapproving is labeled fearful?

Why is Saraburioz and others on this thread labeled "homophobic?" Are you afraid of homosexuals, saraburioz? Or do you just exercise your right to disagree with their demand that you approve of them? Do you run, screaming, away when a pleasant, intelligent gay engages you in a friendly conversation?

Do you feel they may attack you at any moment (outside this forum, anyway)? Do you have a persistent, intense and irrational, abnormal fear of them? When meeting a gay, do you suffer from dizziness, rapid pulse, dread or panic?

No? I didn't think so.

Nor do I. All things equal, I engage with them like anyone else. I just don't agree with the demands that some make, nor those of their hetero self-righteous-we're-better-than-you-because-we're-more-caring defenders.

I don't care one way or the other about this matter--legalize it for all I care, I still won't agree with you, though--and I see immaturity and false or unproven claims on all sides, but it is sad and offensive when people with an agenda utilize a hot button word to beat someone down.

It backfires and turns the otherwise neutral people against the namecallers. Just as statements, "we're going to win--get used to it."

Get a life.


I found this in an article in Time magazine

The full-grown homosexual, as Bergler sees him, wallows in self-pity and continually provokes hostility to ensure himself more opportunities for self pity he "collects" injustices—sometimes real, often fancied; he is full of defensive malice and flippancy, covering his depression and guilt with extreme narcissism and superciliousness. He refuses to acknowledge accepted standards even in nonsexual matters, assuming that homosexuals have a right to cut moral corners as compensation for their "suffering." He is generally unreliable, in an essentially psychopathic way.

It confirms what I've known all along that Homosexuality is a disease of the mind and the good news is that it is curable. :)


Congrats! ----- I assume you just got around to reading an article printed in 1956!

Another troll post!

Medicine: Curable Disease?

Monday, Dec. 10, 1956

Why is Saraburioz and others on this thread labeled "homophobic?" Are you afraid of homosexuals, saraburioz? Or do you just exercise your right to disagree with their demand that you approve of them? Do you run, screaming, away when a pleasant, intelligent gay engages you in a friendly conversation?

Of course I'm not afraid of them - I am not homophobic. I have good friends who are gay.

I have absolutely no problem with my own sexuality either.

All I'm saying is that homosexuality is an illness and can be cured. I am against gay marriages.

Why is Saraburioz and others on this thread labeled "homophobic?" Are you afraid of homosexuals, saraburioz? Or do you just exercise your right to disagree with their demand that you approve of them? Do you run, screaming, away when a pleasant, intelligent gay engages you in a friendly conversation?

Of course I'm not afraid of them - I am not homophobic. I have good friends who are gay.

I have absolutely no problem with my own sexuality either.

All I'm saying is that homosexuality is an illness and can be cured. I am against gay marriages.

And to prove your point you use an article from 1956 .... pathetic. Not surprising at all ... but honestly a pathetic attempt to use your homophobic agenda ... really ... 1956? WOW!!

There are many mental disorders out there ... such as alcohol dependence ... but no authentic national medical, psychological, or psychiatric associations list homosexuality as such :)


More on the lies Sara is telling .... (using a Time magazine article written in 1956? LOL)

Is homosexuality a disease?

No, homosexuality is not a disease. All major mental health organizations, including the American Psychological Association (APA), have stated that homosexuality is not a mental disorder. Being unsure or uncomfortable about your feelings can cause anxiety and stress, which can sometimes cause physical problems like trouble sleeping, nausea and headache. Talking with people about how you feel, such as trusted family members and friends, can help reduce your stress and anxiety.


Written by familydoctor.org editorial staff.

American Academy of Family Physicians

Reviewed/Updated: 08/10

Created: 01/03



I don't think that the American Academy of Family Physicians is a particularly left-wing group ..... in fact they are rather neutral in everything, they use science and medicine to guide them.

note this was revised in 2010 --- unlike Sara's 55 year old article :)


One extremely nasty comment removed as well as a response to that post. We are so NOT going down that route so to the poster, I HIGHLY recommend you read the forum rules very closely because any more of that kind of thing WILL result in more than just deletion or warning. I do hope this is PERFECTLY CLEAR.

These kinds of posts will NOT be tolerated.


Why is it that if someone does not approve of something that another approves of, that the one disapproving is labeled fearful?

Why is Saraburioz and others on this thread labeled "homophobic?" Are you afraid of homosexuals, saraburioz? Or do you just exercise your right to disagree with their demand that you approve of them? Do you run, screaming, away when a pleasant, intelligent gay engages you in a friendly conversation?

Do you feel they may attack you at any moment (outside this forum, anyway)? Do you have a persistent, intense and irrational, abnormal fear of them? When meeting a gay, do you suffer from dizziness, rapid pulse, dread or panic?

No? I didn't think so.

Nor do I. All things equal, I engage with them like anyone else. I just don't agree with the demands that some make, nor those of their hetero self-righteous-we're-better-than-you-because-we're-more-caring defenders.

I don't care one way or the other about this matter--legalize it for all I care, I still won't agree with you, though--and I see immaturity and false or unproven claims on all sides, but it is sad and offensive when people with an agenda utilize a hot button word to beat someone down.

It backfires and turns the otherwise neutral people against the namecallers. Just as statements, "we're going to win--get used to it."

Get a life.

What a breath of fresh air.


Response to deleted post removed. I would suggest this line of discussion ceases immediately

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