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Abhisit Calls On Thaksin To Stop Intimidation Efforts


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Abhisit Calls on Thaksin to Stop Intimidation Efforts

The Democrat Party leader has called on former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to refrain from mentioning that he will organize a rally of red-shirt supporters if the Pheu Thai Party wins the poll but fails to lead the next administration.

Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has urged former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra not to threaten to mobilize supporters if the Pheu Thai Party wins the election but fails to form the next government.

Thaksin mentioned this as part of an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's 'Lateline' TV program at his luxurious home in Dubai.

Abhisit went on to say he is not concerned about chaos breaking out during his campaigning in the North.

He is scheduled to depart Bangkok this evening to spend the night at a temple in Lamphun Province before moving on to campaign in Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, and Phayao in the next two days.

Northern Thailand is a stronghold of the Pheu Thai Party and the anti-government red-shirt group.

Abhisit believes he can clear up any misunderstandings among his opponents after his appearance in the North.

He insisted on continuing with his campaigning even though there has been attempts to thwart him from communicating with the people.

Concerning Chart Thai Pattana de facto leader Banhan Silapa-archa's dissatisfaction with him, the Democrat leader stated he cannot keep his promise about amending the Constitution article on political party dissolution as the Democrat Party's dissolution cases were pending at the time.

He added he, as the prime minister, cannot legalize such a law for the benefit of his own party.

Abhisit disclosed there are a lot of conflicts among coalition partners, but he insisted his actions have always been based on reason and not emotion, adding he does not believe the Bhum Jai Thai or Chart Thai Pattana parties will agree with Pheu Thai's amnesty proposal.


-- Tan Network 2011-06-01


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Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has urged former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra not to threaten to mobilize supporters if the Pheu Thai Party wins the election but fails to form the next government.

He might as well have said its OK if you win the election but we cheat our way back in again. I fail to see how anyone can still support this man. Roll on July and good riddance to him.

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Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has urged former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra not to threaten to mobilize supporters if the Pheu Thai Party wins the election but fails to form the next government.

He might as well have said its OK if you win the election but we cheat our way back in again. I fail to see how anyone can still support this man. Roll on July and good riddance to him.


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Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has urged former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra not to threaten to mobilize supporters if the Pheu Thai Party wins the election but fails to form the next government.

He might as well have said its OK if you win the election but we cheat our way back in again. I fail to see how anyone can still support this man. Roll on July and good riddance to him.

You seem to have the word "election" mixed up with the word "poll":

The Democrat Party leader has called on former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to refrain from mentioning that he will organize a rally of red-shirt supporters if the Pheu Thai Party wins the poll but fails to lead the next administration.

You do understand how in a democracy a party can still win a poll but not be the winner of the overall election?

/edit - just another distortion from the opposition and its supporters, I guess.

Edited by Insight
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Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has urged former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra not to threaten to mobilize supporters if the Pheu Thai Party wins the election but fails to form the next government.

He might as well have said its OK if you win the election but we cheat our way back in again. I fail to see how anyone can still support this man. Roll on July and good riddance to him.

There is no way anyone with morals can support Thaksin. He is a truly evil man with no concern for anyone other than himself. How someone can support a cretin that thinks getting 30% - 40% of the votes will allow him to overrule a coalition with better than 50% of the votes is beyond me.

The sooner Thaksin is defeated and permanently removed from the scene the better off we will all be.

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Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has urged former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra not to threaten to mobilize supporters if the Pheu Thai Party wins the election but fails to form the next government.

He might as well have said its OK if you win the election but we cheat our way back in again. I fail to see how anyone can still support this man. Roll on July and good riddance to him.

you just dont understand anything do you

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Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has urged former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra not to threaten to mobilize supporters if the Pheu Thai Party wins the election but fails to form the next government.

He might as well have said its OK if you win the election but we cheat our way back in again. I fail to see how anyone can still support this man. Roll on July and good riddance to him.


"Winning" the election doesn't mean getting a majority. It just means getting the most votes/ most MPs.

If PTP get the most MPs, BUT NOT A MAJORITY, that doesn't give them the right to be in government.

Is that so difficult to understand?

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They didn't understand it before (when the Democrats seized power) and i doubt they will understand it now...

Hence this country is in the mess its in today :)

Lets put it in such a way that they can understand it...

If PTP don't buy enough votes, they wont be allowed to be the next government... dig deep fella's, thats a lot of votes you gotta buy :)

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The Democrat Party leader has called on former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to refrain from mentioning that he will organize a rally of red-shirt supporters if the Pheu Thai Party wins the poll but fails to lead the next administration.

If you don't get over 50%, you haven't "won" anything

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Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has urged former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra not to threaten to mobilize supporters if the Pheu Thai Party wins the election but fails to form the next government.

He might as well have said its OK if you win the election but we cheat our way back in again. I fail to see how anyone can still support this man. Roll on July and good riddance to him.


Totally agreed...

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Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has urged former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra not to threaten to mobilize supporters if the Pheu Thai Party wins the election but fails to form the next government.

He might as well have said its OK if you win the election but we cheat our way back in again. I fail to see how anyone can still support this man. Roll on July and good riddance to him.

you just dont understand anything do you

Totally agreed.

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threaten to mobilize supporters

old habits are difficult to change

true but it doesnt matter.

if they get in power (unfortunatly looking like it) some legal loophole will be used to disband them, dems will come back and jail, arrest and harrass them and if all else fails the tanks will roll in.

all good.

sorta reminds me of the Thaksins days with his media suppression and control of the checks and balances, just 10 times bigger, badder and better :)

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threaten to mobilize supporters

old habits are difficult to change

true but it doesnt matter.

if they get in power (unfortunatly looking like it)

Perhaps not...

Poll: Pheu Thai-Democrat rivalry neck-to-neck


which, btw, also contains a poll on the issue that Thaksin is specifically addressing and indicates that the majority of those polled don't share the same sentiment as Thaksin:

50.1% said they can accept it if a political party which does not have the majority of MP seats can form a new government with support from other parties.

(and yes, the journalist needs to learn it's, "neck-and-neck")


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threaten to mobilize supporters

old habits are difficult to change

true but it doesnt matter.

if they get in power (unfortunatly looking like it) some legal loophole will be used to disband them, dems will come back and jail, arrest and harrass them and if all else fails the tanks will roll in.

all good.

sorta reminds me of the Thaksins days with his media suppression and control of the checks and balances, just 10 times bigger, badder and better :)

If PTP gets into power and starts the 'amnesty for all except k. Abhisit and Suthep of course' all in the good spirit of reconciliation Thailand will have a problem. If PTP will be the single largest party, but without a majority and fails to form a majority coalition (they already excluded BJT), the Dem's get a chance. When the Dem's succeed where the PTP failed the UDD leaders will start rousing their troops. K. Natthawut promised this. Where some doubt the army chief General Prayut Chan-O-Cha promise not to repeat the 2006 military coup, I have no doubt k. Natthawut will keep his promise :ermm:

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thats just 9 provinces. nationwide polls say PT is significantly ahead

PTP will win a lot of seats in the North East, with some competition from BJT in some areas.

Democrats will win a lot of seats down south.

Central areas are where the battle is between PTP and Democrats.

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If I were Abhisit I will keep my mouth shut . Just look a few years back, during the last election.

The democrats, with the help of their friends from the PAD, prevented Somsak then Somchai to assume their mandate then arm twisted the small party of the coalition to switch side under the pretext that the PAD will prevent any government to function unless it's lead by the democrats. Thaksin is just using the same tactic the democrats used during the last election.

Abhisit owes his job to the thugs of the PAD, who is he to criticize Thaksin ? His comment today shows this guy has absolutely no shame !

Edited by JurgenG
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If I were Abhisit I will keep my mouth shut . Just look a few years back, during the last election.

The democrats, with the help of their friends from the PAD, prevented Somsak then Somchai to assume their mandate then arm twisted the small party of the coalition to switch side under the pretext that the PAD will prevent any government to function unless it's lead by the democrats. Thaksin is just using the same tactic the democrats used during the last election.

Abhisit owes his job to the thugs of the PAD, who is he to criticize Thaksin ? His comment today shows this guy has absolutely no shame !

While in power both the k. Samak and k. Somchai governments didn't do anything but try to 'get back Thaksin'. They were Thaksin proxies, just like Ms. Yingluck is Thaksin's clone. "I want to return, I want my money back, I want amnesty for myself, I want to rule". No revenge, but k. Abhisit/Suthep prosecuted in the name of reconciliation. Shameless indeed!

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If I were Abhisit I will keep my mouth shut . Just look a few years back, during the last election.

The democrats, with the help of their friends from the PAD, prevented Somsak then Somchai to assume their mandate then arm twisted the small party of the coalition to switch side under the pretext that the PAD will prevent any government to function unless it's lead by the democrats. Thaksin is just using the same tactic the democrats used during the last election.

Abhisit owes his job to the thugs of the PAD, who is he to criticize Thaksin ? His comment today shows this guy has absolutely no shame !

Hmmmm let's fact-hunt this post -----

The Dems were a reasonably effective opposition party to the PPP (which did NOT win a majority in the 2007 elections .. and did form a coalition with parties that had, prior to the 2007 elections promised their constituents that they would not join a PPP coalition!) The Dems did not prevent Samak or Somchai from accomplishing anything other than to act as an opposition party. There was no Somsak, but Samak who lost the PM slot due to lying, could have stepped right back into the slot of PM had a banned politician not said no. Somchai, that banned politician's bro-in-law stepped in for the duration, until PPP was disbanded for being caught on film making political payoffs. PPP being disbanded was a foregone conclusion in light of the VDO evidence against them.

The PAD did take to the streets and at the time did favor the Dems as the only alternative to a Thaksin backed party. (There was at least 1 highly placed Dem --- Kasit -- that supported the PAD .. to leave him out would not be fair-- he is a continuing embarrassment to the Dem party in the eyes of many!) The PAD currently is NOT backing the Dems at all. In fact, they are calling for a "no-vote" campaign which could (but isn't likely to) draw enough support from the Dems to allow PTP to win. This point is probably the largest error in thinking in Jurgen's post.

The Friends of Newin were not "the small party of the coalition" in the PPP government. They were PPP. There were accusations of bribery when Newin's faction formed BJT, but not accusations of "arm-twisting" that I am aware of.

That Thaksin has been fomenting insurrection and is charged with terrorism, that under his administration he led the call for the "war on drugs" that killed so many innocents etc ... and is still getting friendly posts by some westerners is mind-boggling to me.

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That Thaksin has been fomenting insurrection and is charged with terrorism, that under his administration he led the call for the "war on drugs" that killed so many innocents etc ... and is still getting friendly posts by some westerners is mind-boggling to me.

In that case, i'd advise to keep your sources of information local for now. easier to digest.

Most international observers, analysts and academics have a much less... naive and hysterical view and a much more, let us say, balanced and realistic view of the thai political reality.

If it is mind boggling, then maybe you need a rethink :-)

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Most international observers, analysts and academics have a much less... naive and hysterical view and a much more, let us say, balanced and realistic view of the thai political reality.


I think you forgot to add 'present company excluded' :)

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Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has urged former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra not to threaten to mobilize supporters if the Pheu Thai Party wins the election but fails to form the next government.

He might as well have said its OK if you win the election but we cheat our way back in again. I fail to see how anyone can still support this man. Roll on July and good riddance to him.

you just dont understand anything do you

I guess so.

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Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has urged former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra not to threaten to mobilize supporters if the Pheu Thai Party wins the election but fails to form the next government.

He might as well have said its OK if you win the election but we cheat our way back in again. I fail to see how anyone can still support this man. Roll on July and good riddance to him.

Actually you are wrong 100%. This is a view borne out of blinkered prejudice. How can you support the Thaksin side - Thaksin was a murderer and thief? (the drug killings and the corruption) He has been blacklisted by democracies such as the UK and the USA which is why he sought refuge in tinpot dictatorships like Montenegro. Thaksin was described by Human Rights Watch as a one of the worst kind of dictators.

On the other hand Abihsit has shown great courage in the face of continual intimidation by a neo-nazi movement and even by some of his own supporters who were unhappy about his moves against corruption and towards a western-styled democracy. As I drove around the country last week I saw many defaced Abhisit posters but not one defaced Pheu Thai poster. That speaks a lot.

Mark my words and mark them carefully. If the red neo-nazis take control of Thailand after the next election under the leadership of the clone of Thaksin or Thaksin himself it will be a sad day for Thailand with no chance of democracy for many years to come. I fear for Thailand and the poor disinherited and manipulated masses that make up the majority of the population of whom many are duped by Thaksin's manipulative charms.

And if you want to question the 'neo nazi' tag I suggest you study Wilhelm Reich's Mass Psychology of Fascism before so doing.

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The huge margin 233:165 that the Dems lost the last election by mean it is ridiculous that they have been leading the current coalition and it is certainly the reason that the country has huge social divisions.

The results of by-elections over the last six months and the average poll prediction with PTP only slightly larger than the Dem's is interesting. Maybe more because of negative aspects of PTP and UDD than direct result of Dem's led coalition's success. One thing is certain the 'huge social division' is NOT caused by the Dem's, but existed for generations in Thailand. It's slowly, oh so slowly being addressed. Red-shirts used by UDD leaders to get their own elite back in power hasn't really helped their cause either. Peace, education, investment is needed, no hand-outs, vague promises of 'all rich in six months' :ermm:

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Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has urged former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra not to threaten to mobilize supporters if the Pheu Thai Party wins the election but fails to form the next government.

He might as well have said its OK if you win the election but we cheat our way back in again. I fail to see how anyone can still support this man. Roll on July and good riddance to him.

Yeah!! Get him out..........................Lets have the criminal murderer back in Thailand!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has urged former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra not to threaten to mobilize supporters if the Pheu Thai Party wins the election but fails to form the next government.

He might as well have said its OK if you win the election but we cheat our way back in again. I fail to see how anyone can still support this man. Roll on July and good riddance to him.

You seem to have the word "election" mixed up with the word "poll":

The Democrat Party leader has called on former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to refrain from mentioning that he will organize a rally of red-shirt supporters if the Pheu Thai Party wins the poll but fails to lead the next administration.

You do understand how in a democracy a party can still win a poll but not be the winner of the overall election?

/edit - just another distortion from the opposition and its supporters, I guess.

the problem is that the Thai democracy system is full of "PECULIARITIES";)

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The huge margin 233:165 that the Dems lost the last election by mean it is ridiculous that they have been leading the current coalition and it is certainly the reason that the country has huge social divisions.

The results of by-elections over the last six months and the average poll prediction with PTP only slightly larger than the Dem's is interesting. Maybe more because of negative aspects of PTP and UDD than direct result of Dem's led coalition's success. One thing is certain the 'huge social division' is NOT caused by the Dem's, but existed for generations in Thailand. It's slowly, oh so slowly being addressed. Red-shirts used by UDD leaders to get their own elite back in power hasn't really helped their cause either. Peace, education, investment is needed, no hand-outs, vague promises of 'all rich in six months' :ermm:

well it seems that the "the averege poll prediction with the PTP only slightly larger than the Dem's" is not so slighttly as the Thai media says, yesterday Channell News Asia report that PTP has a 45% of support among the electorate meanwhile the Dem's only has a 19% more or less, but still there is long way till the election's day.

let me say that i don't really care about who is going to be the new PM i just enjoy de ellectoral campains, like in US is so funny, i love it ;)

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The huge margin 233:165 that the Dems lost the last election by mean it is ridiculous that they have been leading the current coalition and it is certainly the reason that the country has huge social divisions.

The results of by-elections over the last six months and the average poll prediction with PTP only slightly larger than the Dem's is interesting. Maybe more because of negative aspects of PTP and UDD than direct result of Dem's led coalition's success. One thing is certain the 'huge social division' is NOT caused by the Dem's, but existed for generations in Thailand. It's slowly, oh so slowly being addressed. Red-shirts used by UDD leaders to get their own elite back in power hasn't really helped their cause either. Peace, education, investment is needed, no hand-outs, vague promises of 'all rich in six months' :ermm:

well it seems that the "the averege poll prediction with the PTP only slightly larger than the Dem's" is not so slighttly as the Thai media says, yesterday Channell News Asia report that

Look forward to your posting the news article and accompanying link.

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