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Factory Producing Toxic Sweets Raided In Bangkok

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Just Info- In the professional kitchens and hotels that i have worked in there was absolutely no peanut oil used in any fryers and substitutes were used such as toasted cashew if a dish or sauce called for it. Yes, we do keep a stash of peanuts in the office if a dish "Must have it" but not worth the risk in having a dead diner.( Slows down service!) Fish including shell fish is cleaned in a chilled environment and when shell fish is cleaned in a triple sink over ice, the sink must then be sanitized with sanitation liquid immediately after and then the fish returned to its chilled condition. Shell fish and peanut allergies are deadly! Diners must also tell the staff upon ordering so the Chef de Cuisine knows and takes

extra care.i.e self inspection and questioning the cooks and informing the cooks. I have never allowed MSG in one kitchen, never ordered it ,never saw it in school, never used it. It does cause some to have severe headaches. Therefore these people need to let the wait staff know of their particular issue with MSG so the chefs can take this into account. I do understand that there is an unami effect that one gets when using this seasoning, and yes that is what it is used for but unless your in an asian restaurant you will never see it. But always best to ask and inform!

In reading this article i failed to see where there was poisoning? Was it the dye extract?

Maybe lack of iodine in Thai food not the msg that's making the Thai children so "special" . No iodized salt usage. Fish sauce.wai.gif


Why aren't Japanese children suffering from low IQ's or Taiwanese etc... These countries ingest as much MSG if not more than Thailand.

Almost every condiment has Glutomate in it, including Tomato Ketchup - Marmite is full of the stuff, yet given to kids quite happily for decades.


Why aren't Japanese children suffering from low IQ's or Taiwanese etc... These countries ingest as much MSG if not more than Thailand.

Just as an aside: I used to have a Taiwanese girlfriend. She told me that every election, partisans would come around to tell them who they should vote for and they would always leave behind a bag of MSG as a gift.

In the States we do not get gifts FOR our votes, just unpleasant surprises AFTER our votes.

Just sayin'.


Tomatoes added to food is a bit more obvious than MSG. Similarly, peanuts. However, MSG is in nearly every sauce bottle in every kitchen in Thailand - restaurant or private. In the vast majority of Thai restaurants and roadside stalls, MSG is added, so it's more insidious for those who suffer adverse affects from it - more so than tomatoes or peanuts which are more identifiable in most food dishes. Plus, I've never heard or met a farang who actually said they liked MSG added. Instead, the prevailing arguments in favor usually go something like:

>>> it comes from natural ingredients, so it must be ok (cement and belladonna come from natural ingredients also - you want to sprinkle some on your kao pad gai?)

>>> It's what you get in Thai cuisine, so quit bellyaching (appropriate term)

>>> Thais and Asians don't complain about it, so why should you? (they don't complain about awful driving or ear-splitting sounds either).

Just for the record, if I ran a restaurant in Thailand (or anywhere), I would surely not serve anything that might poison even a small % of clients.

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