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My parrents have a Thai woman friend, she has been in Australia before one for 3 months as a tourist and the next for 6 months as a student. The Thai woman would like to return and my parents want to help her. The Thai woman has said that it is imposible to get another tourist visa and she has not the money to study again. Can my parrents sponcer her or help in anyway that would not meen putting up thousands of dollars or somthing. I have yet to contact imagrtion but will do so if I can not get clear advice here.

The thai woman did everything right whilst here, left when she was supposed to ect..

Any advice??


Hi. I am from the UK, so do not know the Australian Immigration rules. But I will get the ball rolling by asking;

Does your Thai friend have a job in Thailand or is she studying in Thailand? For the uk, the reason to return to Thailand is an important part of any tourist visa application. It would be hard to persuade an immigration official an employer has given your Thai friend a 3 month holiday from work. If your friend is not working, the reason to return will be hard to show.

You say the Thai friend has been to Australia twice before, and has complied with her visa application. This would be looked at favourably, i am sure, by immigration.

Your parents can sponsor her. For the UK, your parents would need to show evidence of contact - holidays together, receipts for trips to Thailand / Australia, photos. Your parents can perhaps help her with accomodation. Does your Thai friend have the finances for her trip to Australia, or would your parents have to help? If your parents were sponsoring, they could also finance her trip.


If this person can show that she has a job to go back to then the third visa should present little problem.


The info you have been given so far is absolute crap.

She must show that she is a "genuine visitor". She must also satisfy the decision maker that she is not likely to over stay.

Unless you are related, you cannot post a financial guarantee.

A full written submission (not simply a one liner on the 48R application form) detailing how she is a genuine visitor only and why she will not overstay as well as a written letter of invitation from your parents (done as a stat dec) will offer the best chance of success.


The info you have been given so far is absolute crap.

She must show that she is a "genuine visitor". She must also satisfy the decision maker that she is not likely to over stay.

Unless you are related, you cannot post a financial guarantee.

A full written submission (not simply a one liner on the 48R application form) detailing how she is a genuine visitor only and why she will not overstay as well as a written letter of invitation from your parents (done as a stat dec) will offer the best chance of success.

Thanks I thought as much, but was not sure.

My folks can prove history no problems with pics and things, stat dec is no problem. They are farmers and so can ofer her a home stay holiday. The only thing if she applies for a holday visa I worry she has only her own hanbag store in a market. She make a good living with money in the bank but as she has done this before, do imagration start to wonder whey she likes to come to Australia or do they then believe she is low or no risk after being her before.

Just for interest sake, if she was to apply for a working holiday would this be out of reach you think?



The info you have been given so far is absolute crap.

She must show that she is a "genuine visitor". She must also satisfy the decision maker that she is not likely to over stay.

Unless you are related, you cannot post a financial guarantee.

A full written submission (not simply a one liner on the 48R application form) detailing how she is a genuine visitor only and why she will not overstay as well as a written letter of invitation from your parents (done as a stat dec) will offer the best chance of success.

Thanks I thought as much, but was not sure.

My folks can prove history no problems with pics and things, stat dec is no problem. They are farmers and so can ofer her a home stay holiday. The only thing if she applies for a holday visa I worry she has only her own hanbag store in a market. She make a good living with money in the bank but as she has done this before, do imagration start to wonder whey she likes to come to Australia or do they then believe she is low or no risk after being her before.

Just for interest sake, if she was to apply for a working holiday would this be out of reach you think?



The info you have been given so far is absolute crap.

She must show that she is a "genuine visitor". She must also satisfy the decision maker that she is not likely to over stay.

Unless you are related, you cannot post a financial guarantee.

A full written submission (not simply a one liner on the 48R application form) detailing how she is a genuine visitor only and why she will not overstay as well as a written letter of invitation from your parents (done as a stat dec) will offer the best chance of success.

Thanks I thought as much, but was not sure.

My folks can prove history no problems with pics and things, stat dec is no problem. They are farmers and so can ofer her a home stay holiday. The only thing if she applies for a holday visa I worry she has only her own hanbag store in a market. She make a good living with money in the bank but as she has done this before, do imagration start to wonder whey she likes to come to Australia or do they then believe she is low or no risk after being her before.

Just for interest sake, if she was to apply for a working holiday would this be out of reach you think?


Previous compliance is a plus. When was she last in Australia on the tourist & student visa?

Working holiday visa (for Thai nationals) are subject to a yearly quota and have strict eligibility criteria including age, English literacy and tertiary education requirements. She must also have enough money to support herself for the first part of her stay. See my previous post on this:


The info you have been given so far is absolute crap.

Thanks I thought as much, but was not sure.

To be fair to those posters, they were trying to help. It is unlikely, though, that they would have posted at all had you put the country you were asking about in your topic title!

Topic tiltle edited to show where 'here' is.

See here

it will help you get relevant replies if you say which country you are asking about in the topic title

Topic tiltle edited to show where 'here' is.

Sorry, I did say she had been to Australia twice and would like to return here. Its probably more my bad gramah.


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