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Wrong Time For Yingluck To Seek Meeting With Thai Army Commander Prayuth: Army Spokesman

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Keep your distance all of you, we want nothing to do with any side, fight it out amongst yourselves.

If Pheu Thai wins a majority in the general election on July 3, she will be Thailand's first female prime minister.

If my dog would be a cat, she'd be Thailand's first female Togo :bah:- cat...................

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No sense looking too cosy, or giving appearances of being in bed together with ANY players, this early.

Thanks for the best laugh of the day.


Bungalow - I know you love the red shirts but to use the same subversive bullying and intindation that they use on an expat internet forum is very council house!!!!

Please for once in your life try and post a sensible coherent argument and instead of bullying and flaming, try and respect other peoples views - not even Shinawatra shows the same disrespect that YOU do!!!!!!!

Would you like to elaborate on your first sentence?


dont be a drama queen.

something tells me you will have trouble accepting the will of the people.

hope you have started packing your bags...

I really enjoy your contribution on this forum.

I have a minor challenge for you, as this is not yet clear to me.

Why are you so supportive of miss Yingluck. What is it in her, or her policies that attract you so much?

Do you dare to reply?

you've missed the point

its not miss Yingluck I support, its the Thai people and their right for self determination that I support.

Talk about missing the point, the meat of this OP is not about Yingluck or Red shirts or Thaksin....it is that a lowly colonel that has not consulted with the commanding general is issuing a policy statement on the matter on the general's behalf without hearing the general's position on this. If you were a commanding general how would you feel about a lowly colonel telling you and the public what is appropriate for you and what is not?


dont be a drama queen.

something tells me you will have trouble accepting the will of the people.

hope you have started packing your bags...

I really enjoy your contribution on this forum.

I have a minor challenge for you, as this is not yet clear to me.

Why are you so supportive of miss Yingluck. What is it in her, or her policies that attract you so much?

Do you dare to reply?

you've missed the point

its not miss Yingluck I support, its the Thai people and their right for self determination that I support.

Thai right for self determination? Somehow I think you mean as long as they vote correctly in your eyes, with voting correctly being so obvious as to have no need to be explicit what that means. Plus a few warnings, leave the country now while you can. Democracy, UDD / PTP / Thaksin style!

The Thai people and their right, as long as they choose correctly !

"Don't worry Abhisit. It wont be long before this nightmare is soon over and you can start looking for a new job."

"Well said" (on someone saying 'Go Yingluck, you're doing just fine.')

"take this thread for example, read some of the melodramatic comments then watch the interview , and let yourself be the judge.

like I said earlier, she didn't do too badly at all."

"Dont worry, i am most certainly having a good old laugh .... at the vocal minority of anti-thaksin posters on here that is, squirming in their seats at how things are unfolding."

"newin is nervous, yingluck fever is gaining momentum, and abhisit is looking much the same as before: a tired, worn out, used and impotent little puppet."


Bungalow - I know you love the red shirts but to use the same subversive bullying and intindation that they use on an expat internet forum is very council house!!!!

Please for once in your life try and post a sensible coherent argument and instead of bullying and flaming, try and respect other peoples views - not even Shinawatra shows the same disrespect that YOU do!!!!!!!

On viewing the posts on this and similar threads it would seem to me that 8 out of 10 (80%) of posters are anti Thaksin and the red shirts, some vehemently, so calling him a liar, cheat, murderer, thief and the red shirts a bunch of thugs, murderous hooligans, and so on and so on.

I just wonder what would happen should Thaksin come back under amnesty or whatever. What would be the attitude of the posters then should he regain power? I'm sure that forums such as these are monitored by all parties. Would those that are so vociferous now change their point of view, pull in their horns, crawl into the woodwork, would the moderators have to amend the rules as with other unmentionable subjects if they should come under pressure from a Thaksin led government? Bears thinking about.

What are the bears thinking about? opposite of the bulls?

Are you suggesting that we should be intimidated by the possibility of a Thaksin return. In your list of his attributes, you forgot to mention he holds a grudge. And of course he is a champion of free speech. But the chances of his being able to track down a laptop connected through a prepaid phone card are pretty slim, so I'll keep on calling him a liar, cheat, murderer, thief and the red shirts a bunch of thugs, murderous hooligans, and so on and so on.


Its as if the Army chief is pretending to play the Mr Innocent card.

"Me involved in politics ? ..... never....."

Yes, the 'inappropriateness' of any party's meeting with the army does tend to suggest that the good general has an inappropriate association with the nation's system of government.

the RTA swears allegiance to the head of state (the king) and the nation, not to the government of the day. It pays for governments to remember that.

As for Yingluk being a potential PM, there are at least a 1000 potential PMs seeking election. Some of them have even been elected before, so have some experience of government. It would save the general a lot of wasted effort if he met them after they were elected.


dont be a drama queen.

something tells me you will have trouble accepting the will of the people.

hope you have started packing your bags...

I really enjoy your contribution on this forum.

I have a minor challenge for you, as this is not yet clear to me.

Why are you so supportive of miss Yingluck. What is it in her, or her policies that attract you so much?

Do you dare to reply?

you've missed the point

its not miss Yingluck I support, its the Thai people and their right for self determination that I support.

Talk about missing the point, the meat of this OP is not about Yingluck or Red shirts or Thaksin....it is that a lowly colonel that has not consulted with the commanding general is issuing a policy statement on the matter on the general's behalf without hearing the general's position on this. If you were a commanding general how would you feel about a lowly colonel telling you and the public what is appropriate for you and what is not?

Not been in the military, have you? The request goes to the PR office, the colonel rings the general "Yingluk wants a meeting!", the general makes a command decision and says "Tell her to (make love elsewhere)!" , then the colonel makes a lovely polite reply indicating that the general is too busy to even be bothered with such a request. That way both the general and Yingluk can pretend that he didn't actually tell her to (make love elsewhere).


Its as if the Army chief is pretending to play the Mr Innocent card.

"Me involved in politics ? ..... never....."

Yes, the 'inappropriateness' of any party's meeting with the army does tend to suggest that the good general has an inappropriate association with the nation's system of government.

the RTA swears allegiance to the head of state (the king) and the nation, not to the government of the day. It pays for governments to remember that.


Hang on, so are you suggesting that when the RTA takes part in a coup it is done out of the allegiances you describe above? If so, does that mean all coups in Thailand are perfectly legal? I'm guessing not, but am willing to learn something new here.

One thing everyone can easily remember is that those with the most guns have the most power.


dont be a drama queen.

something tells me you will have trouble accepting the will of the people.

hope you have started packing your bags...

I really enjoy your contribution on this forum.

I have a minor challenge for you, as this is not yet clear to me.

Why are you so supportive of miss Yingluck. What is it in her, or her policies that attract you so much?

Do you dare to reply?

you've missed the point

its not miss Yingluck I support, its the Thai people and their right for self determination that I support.

"Its not Miss Yingluck i support" Presumably thats why you have a picture of her as your avatar! The bottom line is this. As visitors in this country the upcoming election is none of our business. Up to them! You remind me of those sad falangs who were making speeches on the stage at the red shirt rallies in Bangkok. Trying to ingratiate yourself with the working class Thais by pretending that you are one of them. Well i have news for you, you are not and never will be. They will be laughing behind their hands at you. 'Stupid Falang' Wise up <deleted>.


dont be a drama queen.

something tells me you will have trouble accepting the will of the people.

hope you have started packing your bags...

I really enjoy your contribution on this forum.

I have a minor challenge for you, as this is not yet clear to me.

Why are you so supportive of miss Yingluck. What is it in her, or her policies that attract you so much?

Do you dare to reply?

you've missed the point

its not miss Yingluck I support, its the Thai people and their right for self determination that I support.

"Its not Miss Yingluck i support" Presumably thats why you have a picture of her as your avatar! The bottom line is this. As visitors in this country the upcoming election is none of our business. Up to them! You remind me of those sad falangs who were making speeches on the stage at the red shirt rallies in Bangkok. Trying to ingratiate yourself with the working class Thais by pretending that you are one of them. Well i have news for you, you are not and never will be. They will be laughing behind their hands at you. 'Stupid Falang' Wise up <deleted>.

If you live in Thailand it sure as hell is your business.


Its as if the Army chief is pretending to play the Mr Innocent card.

"Me involved in politics ? ..... never....."

Yes, the 'inappropriateness' of any party's meeting with the army does tend to suggest that the good general has an inappropriate association with the nation's system of government.

the RTA swears allegiance to the head of state (the king) and the nation, not to the government of the day. It pays for governments to remember that.


Hang on, so are you suggesting that when the RTA takes part in a coup it is done out of the allegiances you describe above? If so, does that mean all coups in Thailand are perfectly legal? I'm guessing not, but am willing to learn something new here.

One thing everyone can easily remember is that those with the most guns have the most power.

No coup can ever be legal, because the gov't in power writes the laws that says that it is not. So by definition, a coup must be illegal. But if the gov't of the day is acting in a way contrary to the best interests of the head of state and the people, a coup may well be morally justifiable.

What you think everyone can easily remember is wrong. The RTA has the guns, but swear allegiance to the king. On more than one occasion, orders have come down for the RTA to return to barracks, and they have done so. A sensitive subject, enough said.


Bungalow - I know you love the red shirts but to use the same subversive bullying and intindation that they use on an expat internet forum is very council house!!!!

Please for once in your life try and post a sensible coherent argument and instead of bullying and flaming, try and respect other peoples views - not even Shinawatra shows the same disrespect that YOU do!!!!!!!

I don't care either way but to this point haven't seen him or her post any such thing, just your uber-sensitive response to his/her posts in an attempt to make an issue out of them.. Certainly far from flaming, but you intentionally chose that word to illicit some sort of negative response in your favor.. Grow a couple and work on thickening up that skin a tad :whistling: ..


I really enjoy your contribution on this forum.

I have a minor challenge for you, as this is not yet clear to me.

Why are you so supportive of miss Yingluck. What is it in her, or her policies that attract you so much?

Do you dare to reply?

you've missed the point

its not miss Yingluck I support, its the Thai people and their right for self determination that I support.

"Its not Miss Yingluck i support" Presumably thats why you have a picture of her as your avatar! The bottom line is this. As visitors in this country the upcoming election is none of our business. Up to them! You remind me of those sad falangs who were making speeches on the stage at the red shirt rallies in Bangkok. Trying to ingratiate yourself with the working class Thais by pretending that you are one of them. Well i have news for you, you are not and never will be. They will be laughing behind their hands at you. 'Stupid Falang' Wise up <deleted>.

If you live in Thailand it sure as hell is your business.

No it isn't, you're free to leave at any time it becomes too much for you to handle.. You must just go with the flow or go home.. I'm not in that camp that says "if you don't like it go home" but in this case that's exactly the options you need to consider, it's not your country nor your political system and you have "0" to say about it, you can merely voice an opinion and leave it at that..

On a personal note: I'd much prefer they turn down the noise on the campaign PA's though, if I were a voter, shouting at me whilst riding down my street at 8:00am would not illicit my vote :angry: .


Maybe she wants assurances from the army that there won't be a coup if she wins?

Not an unreasonable thing to ask before an election.

It would be too late after.

You really think they don't already have communication channels with the military?

Being diplomatic, I think it's very poorly thought out and wholly inappropriate to be meeting with any military officials at this time..


Maybe she wants assurances from the army that there won't be a coup if she wins?

Not an unreasonable thing to ask before an election.

It would be too late after.

You really think they don't already have communication channels with the military?

Being diplomatic, I think it's very poorly thought out and wholly inappropriate to be meeting with any military officials at this time..

They don't want to meet with any military officials. They either A) want to make a request and be publicly turned down or B) meet and say they warned the military not to get involved. They're out to embarass them and change the dialogue. The military has played absolutely no role in this campaign thusfar and PTP wants to make sure everyone knows they're the bogeyman. It's just a campaign tactic.


Maybe she wants assurances from the army that there won't be a coup if she wins?

Not an unreasonable thing to ask before an election.

It would be too late after.

You really think they don't already have communication channels with the military?

Being diplomatic, I think it's very poorly thought out and wholly inappropriate to be meeting with any military officials at this time..

They don't want to meet with any military officials. They either A) want to make a request and be publicly turned down or B) meet and say they warned the military not to get involved. They're out to embarass them and change the dialogue. The military has played absolutely no role in this campaign thusfar and PTP wants to make sure everyone knows they're the bogeyman. It's just a campaign tactic.

Of course it's a campaign tactic, that goes without saying, but it's backfired in IMO as it only serves to embarrass them not the military as it makes them look manipulative and scheming..


You really think they don't already have communication channels with the military?

Being diplomatic, I think it's very poorly thought out and wholly inappropriate to be meeting with any military officials at this time..

They don't want to meet with any military officials. They either A) want to make a request and be publicly turned down or B) meet and say they warned the military not to get involved. They're out to embarass them and change the dialogue. The military has played absolutely no role in this campaign thusfar and PTP wants to make sure everyone knows they're the bogeyman. It's just a campaign tactic.

Of course it's a campaign tactic, that goes without saying, but it's backfired in IMO as it only serves to embarrass them not the military as it makes them look manipulative and scheming..

Welll sure, to some of us, but to others who didn't mind them burning a city they probably appear righteous. The fact is however, regardless of which team you play for, these two parties have nothing to talk about.


Err braindrain with the thought of major civil unrest on the horizon I would be talking to all parties unless ............ You want control! Ah ...... sorry too close to the truth


Bungalow - I know you love the red shirts but to use the same subversive bullying and intindation that they use on an expat internet forum is very council house!!!!

Please for once in your life try and post a sensible coherent argument and instead of bullying and flaming, try and respect other peoples views - not even Shinawatra shows the same disrespect that YOU do!!!!!!!

On viewing the posts on this and similar threads it would seem to me that 8 out of 10 (80%) of posters are anti Thaksin and the red shirts, some vehemently, so calling him a liar, cheat, murderer, thief and the red shirts a bunch of thugs, murderous hooligans, and so on and so on.

I just wonder what would happen should Thaksin come back under amnesty or whatever. What would be the attitude of the posters then should he regain power? I'm sure that forums such as these are monitored by all parties. Would those that are so vociferous now change their point of view, pull in their horns, crawl into the woodwork, would the moderators have to amend the rules as with other unmentionable subjects if they should come under pressure from a Thaksin led government? Bears thinking about.

I dont really think anyone cares what we post, many Thaivisa posters do not even live in Thailand and are merely visitors.. But anyone with half a brain saw what was going on last year with the Red Shirts, we saw and heard the leaders calling for anarchy... we watched the city burn.. We were here when Thaksin amassed his fortune by robbing Thai peoples.. We were here when he fled Thai law... We spend our money here and all are entitled to our view.. Thai peoples do not read this forum, and certainly Mr T has more on his mind than a few grumpy old guys...


Bungalow - I know you love the red shirts but to use the same subversive bullying and intindation that they use on an expat internet forum is very council house!!!!

Please for once in your life try and post a sensible coherent argument and instead of bullying and flaming, try and respect other peoples views - not even Shinawatra shows the same disrespect that YOU do!!!!!!!

On viewing the posts on this and similar threads it would seem to me that 8 out of 10 (80%) of posters are anti Thaksin and the red shirts, some vehemently, so calling him a liar, cheat, murderer, thief and the red shirts a bunch of thugs, murderous hooligans, and so on and so on.

I just wonder what would happen should Thaksin come back under amnesty or whatever. What would be the attitude of the posters then should he regain power? I'm sure that forums such as these are monitored by all parties. Would those that are so vociferous now change their point of view, pull in their horns, crawl into the woodwork, would the moderators have to amend the rules as with other unmentionable subjects if they should come under pressure from a Thaksin led government? Bears thinking about.

I dont really think anyone cares what we post, many Thaivisa posters do not even live in Thailand and are merely visitors.. But anyone with half a brain saw what was going on last year with the Red Shirts, we saw and heard the leaders calling for anarchy... we watched the city burn.. We were here when Thaksin amassed his fortune by robbing Thai peoples.. We were here when he fled Thai law... We spend our money here and all are entitled to our view.. Thai peoples do not read this forum, and certainly Mr T has more on his mind than a few grumpy old guys...

We pay taxes here as well!


Being diplomatic, I think it's very poorly thought out and wholly inappropriate to be meeting with any military officials at this time..

Having said that - I actually share your view :D


Do you have a vote Animatic?

Its called freedom of speech - part of democracy - he lives here - he pays into the system and he has human rights - if you choose not to support your own dont blame animatic for believing he is above the level of a street dog


1) The one pervading evil of democracy is the tyranny of the majority, or rather of that party, not always the majority, that succeeds, by force or fraud, in carrying elections.

There are many components absent from the Thai version of democracy. Not the least of these is the respect for individual rights. Think on how this relates to Thailands situation.

2) We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both.

  • Louis Brandeis, U.S. Supreme Court Justice ~ quoted by Raymond Lonergan in, Mr. Justice Brandeis, Great American (1941), p. 42

Who provides wealth for Thailand if the rich elite do not? Could the rice farmers and those who sleep in their wooden houses with their Hang Song by their side do it - Or is this election all about whether Thais want the present dictatorship or Thgaksins dictatorship to return? If it is then i believe there is nothing for westerners to debate on this forum.

3) Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

Widely attributed to Benjamin Franklin

Further evidence that there is a line of thought which says that there is more to democracy than mere numbers.


it shows how inexperienced and insensitive these reds and their campaign managers are

apart from it being totally inappropriate, do the reds think the army have forgotten about their fallen comrades that were killed during their attempted revolution?

personally i would not p*ss on a red if one were on fire at my feet......

Sometimes a person can make themselves sound like a complete arse, timekeeper you prove my point...


Find me a single Thais who does not know and believe that the army exerts political power. Being a Thai General is to eat with a golden spoon, no wonder Thailand has more generals than any other nation. Any political party that tries to remove that golden spoon will not survive.


Find me a single Thais who does not know and believe that the army exerts political power. Being a Thai General is to eat with a golden spoon, no wonder Thailand has more generals than any other nation. Any political party that tries to remove that golden spoon will not survive.

I think you need to look at the number of generals on the PTP books.

Thaksin didn't want to reduce the power of the military. He wanted to control that power. That's why he appointed his relatives into top positions.

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