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Kan Airlines


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I had a horrific bus journey from Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai earlier this year, an experience no doubt many members have suffered in Thailand.

Anyway, I was in Chiang Mai airport checking in for a flight from CM to Mae Hong Son and I noticed the desk for Kan Airlines. I flew to Mae Hong Son with Nok Air, then drove to Pai, ( amazing journey ) and I returned from Pai to CM with Kan Airlines.

I don't think they are spending much on advertising but have a look at Kan Airlines, it may save you some cardiac medical bills :D.

They fly from CM to Pai, Mae Hong Son, Chiang Rai, Mae Sot, Phisanulok and Nan

Edited by theblether
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Their planes and routes look awfully-similar, to what has been marketed as 'Nok-Lite' for the last couple of years, I therefore suspect that this is more of a re-branding exercise, than anything truly new. Which isn't to say that they're not a useful part of the local aviation-scene. :)

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Their planes and routes look awfully-similar, to what has been marketed as 'Nok-Lite' for the last couple of years, I therefore suspect that this is more of a re-branding exercise, than anything truly new. Which isn't to say that they're not a useful part of the local aviation-scene. :)

And SGA (Siam General Aviation IIRC) before that. I hadn't realised Nok-Lite had dropped those routes until I saw this, looks like it happened a couple of months back. Pity as they had a great service, so hope Kan keeps up the same. Looks like less frequency though, e.g. only one flight a day to Chiang Rai so you can't go and come back in a day.

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I would rather hear about your 'horrific' 180 kilometer journey to Chiang Rai :)

here's an extract of a blog I wrote describing said journey

Our mode of transport back to Chiang Mai was by bus, and we didn't realise that the service would be so busy. We couldn't get the VIP service, so we ended up in the second class service. Why would you care about that minor detail? Well I can safely say that I have never been so terrified in my life. Do you remember that Buddhists believe that they will be reincarnated 500 times? I'm convinced that our driver was trying to use up one of his lives up on this trip. We were running down steep mountainous roads, with cambers and corners going this way and that, warning signs everywhere, ( including Beware, Elephant Crossing signs ) and this driver was going like a man possessed. Hitting corners at high speed, over-taking on blind corners, causing the rear end of the bus to slide violently, and it turned out we were sitting on the worst seats on the bus, just behind the rear axle, and evey movement of the bus seemed to be "double bad" for us . I could not believe what I was seeing, and I missed most of the scenery cos I had my head in my hands, in a state of dread. The one time I did look up we were passing a graveyard, so my head went straight back into my hands again. Ken was going white, Fire Safety officer Richard was shaking his head in disbelief, and I think Harald was asleep as he wasn't saying much as usual.

We stopped for a few minutes at the bottom of the mountains and we breathed a sigh of relief, at least we were out of the worst of it. Wrong, we were on a plateau and the next bit was even worse. I jest you not, we were wondering why the handles on our seats had been ripped off and reattached several times, now we found out. This was a horror journey, Ken got a grip of his handle so tight that the palms of his hands started to sweat. He constantly rejoined, "Oh no Davie, he's over-taking again, oh no Davie he's speeding up into a blind corner.......oh no Davie, wait till you see this corner that's coming at us.....oh no Davie..........", I wasn't very happy at this running commentary of near misses and near death experiences as I had my eyes tightly shut and I was praying to every deity I could think of, so getting a running commentary was defeating the purpose. Then Richard started, " Oh no., you want to see the shear drop over the cliff here". No I didn't want to see it, that's why my eyes were closed!!!!! The one time I looked up I could see a Buddhist monk having a good laugh at our panicked antics. I think I'm going to request a Christian driver the next time, these Buddhists are a bit mad!! Anyway, we made it back to our hotel, where crawled up the steps in a state of shock, and blessed our luck at being alive by downing a bottle of whisky to steady our nerves. I can safely say I have never been so terrified in my life, and I know Ken and Richard agree, ( and remember Richard is a retired Fireman ). I don't know what Harald thinks as I think he was sleeping.

If you would like to read the full blog here's the link............http://www.visitorreview.com/flightcentre/ThaTonTenTonElephantsTigersandTerrorinThailand

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Their planes and routes look awfully-similar, to what has been marketed as 'Nok-Lite' for the last couple of years, I therefore suspect that this is more of a re-branding exercise, than anything truly new. Which isn't to say that they're not a useful part of the local aviation-scene. :)

And SGA (Siam General Aviation IIRC) before that. I hadn't realised Nok-Lite had dropped those routes until I saw this, looks like it happened a couple of months back. Pity as they had a great service, so hope Kan keeps up the same. Looks like less frequency though, e.g. only one flight a day to Chiang Rai so you can't go and come back in a day.

I was quite delighted to find this company operating from Chiang Mai, I'd do anything to not experience Thai buses again. I noticed Air Asia announced that they were going to make Chiang Mai a hub airport, however flights are still limited to BKK, Phuket, Hat Yai, Singapore and KL. Chiang Mai could be doing with more direct international links.

I also noticed Air Bagram were doing direct flights from CM to Yangon, though they may be on furlough just now as it is a high season service. It looks like a good option for a quick trip into Burma, as it's a lot easier to get in by Air than overland.

I was under the impression that it was visa on arrival into Burma if you went by air, but when I went to book the flight my travel agent insisted I had to apply for a visa in advance.

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Their planes and routes look awfully-similar, to what has been marketed as 'Nok-Lite' for the last couple of years, I therefore suspect that this is more of a re-branding exercise, than anything truly new. Which isn't to say that they're not a useful part of the local aviation-scene. :)

And SGA (Siam General Aviation IIRC) before that. I hadn't realised Nok-Lite had dropped those routes until I saw this, looks like it happened a couple of months back. Pity as they had a great service, so hope Kan keeps up the same. Looks like less frequency though, e.g. only one flight a day to Chiang Rai so you can't go and come back in a day.

It is good to see that Kan Air do Chiang Mai - Mae Sot flights now. There were no flights serving this route prior to Kan Air. I have, and will continue to use this service occasionally.

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Here is Kan Air's schedules:


Its 1500 Baht to Chiang Rai and 1300 Baht return

and Air Bagram? Do you mean Air Bagan? According to their website they still depart Thursday and Sunday but not sure if its running now or not as websites are not always updated.

It seems the crew first better learn to take their hands out of their pockets emo.gif

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You drove from Mae Hong Son to Pai and then flew from there to CM?

The drive you took is one of the twistiest tracks in Thailand, and Pai to Cm is barely 100km.

Seems like you flew the wrong section.

I flew from CM to Mae Hong Son with Nok-Air, and was driven to Pai by a friend......happy days !! I'm not scared of Thai roads but I'm a state of terror about Thai public bus drivers :lol:

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I noticed Air Asia announced that they were going to make Chiang Mai a hub airport, however flights are still limited to BKK, Phuket, Hat Yai, Singapore and KL. Chiang Mai could be doing with more direct international links.

Since they based an A320 up here at the start of the year, they've added Singapore & Hat Yai & a second-daily flight to Phuket. The hope is that a second plane will open-up routes to places like China/Hong-Kong or Japan or Korea or Taiwan, but the problem is always to get decent load-factors from the get-go, perhaps they need to talk to some overseas group-tour operators to fill part of the planes, or at-first consider less-than-daily frequencies ?

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Your right....Air Bagan :D

Wonderful, why not skip the trip and make donations directly to Burma's military rulers? :whistling:

Air Bagan, the Despots favourite airline Mizzima.com - Boycott Air Bagan :o


I was in Germany when the Berlin Wall came down, I was working alongside the US military as a civilian at the time, and the town I was based in was 10 miles as the crow flies from the East German border. I watched in person as the East Germans poured into our town when the borders opened, and I feel blessed to have done so.

So that beggars a question....to boycott or not to boycott?

In my opinion boycotts can be counter productive, International travel is a great educator. Not only are we Westerners getting to see and enjoy the world, the countries that we visit, ( I'm referring more to off the beaten track places ), are curious to see us and meet us. In my opinion as a rule of thumb it is not helpful for we Westerners to go storming into countries demanding change, change will come from within at their own pace.

Don't underestimate the power of just being there, of just being seen, of just raising people's consciousness of other cultures.

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Your right....Air Bagan :D

Wonderful, why not skip the trip and make donations directly to Burma's military rulers? :whistling:

Air Bagan, the Despots favourite airline Mizzima.com - Boycott Air Bagan :o


I was in Germany when the Berlin Wall came down, I was working alongside the US military as a civilian at the time, and the town I was based in was 10 miles as the crow flies from the East German border. I watched in person as the East Germans poured into our town when the borders opened, and I feel blessed to have done so.

So that beggars a question....to boycott or not to boycott?

In my opinion boycotts can be counter productive, International travel is a great educator. Not only are we Westerners getting to see and enjoy the world, the countries that we visit, ( I'm referring more to off the beaten track places ), are curious to see us and meet us. In my opinion as a rule of thumb it is not helpful for we Westerners to go storming into countries demanding change, change will come from within at their own pace.

Don't underestimate the power of just being there, of just being seen, of just raising people's consciousness of other cultures.

Great answer, I agree with you. 50 years of boycotting Cuba hasn't worked for the USA.

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Your right....Air Bagan :D

Wonderful, why not skip the trip and make donations directly to Burma's military rulers? :whistling:

Air Bagan, the Despots favourite airline Mizzima.com - Boycott Air Bagan :o


I was in Germany when the Berlin Wall came down, I was working alongside the US military as a civilian at the time, and the town I was based in was 10 miles as the crow flies from the East German border. I watched in person as the East Germans poured into our town when the borders opened, and I feel blessed to have done so.

So that beggars a question....to boycott or not to boycott?

In my opinion boycotts can be counter productive, International travel is a great educator. Not only are we Westerners getting to see and enjoy the world, the countries that we visit, ( I'm referring more to off the beaten track places ), are curious to see us and meet us. In my opinion as a rule of thumb it is not helpful for we Westerners to go storming into countries demanding change, change will come from within at their own pace.

Don't underestimate the power of just being there, of just being seen, of just raising people's consciousness of other cultures.

Great answer, I agree with you. 50 years of boycotting Cuba hasn't worked for the USA.

I agree that boycotts are rarely effective and have been to both Myanmar and Cuba many times. However, there are other ways to get to Myanmar rather than flying Air Bagan which is no better than donating to the junta. And if Air Bagan is cheaper or more convenient for you, you now have a better moral question.

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I didn't know that Air Bagan were effectively a state owned company, so I'll avoid. I'll fly in with Air Asia from BKK when I go.

I will go though, I'll buy food from street vendors, buy handi crafts, and tip room maids. You can do a lot by doing not much.

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The Burmese national League for Democracy asks falang tourists to not come to Burma, saying it is impossible to travel there without lining the pockets of the oligarchy. .  They have studied this question carefully and with facts known only to them. I defer to them, and suggest that Aung San Suu Kyi and the thousands

imprisoned, tortured, and murdered have the right to make that call, and

not me

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The Burmese national League for Democracy asks falang tourists to not come to Burma, saying it is impossible to travel there without lining the pockets of the oligarchy. .  They have studied this question carefully and with facts known only to them. I defer to them, and suggest that Aung San Suu Kyi and the thousands

imprisoned, tortured, and murdered have the right to make that call, and

not me

So isolation is the answer?

Anyway, the post was about Kan Airlines, if you would like to discuss the geo-political situation start another post.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I started off this post referring to a shocking bus journey that I had earlier this year, traveling from Chiang Rai To Chiang Mai. In light of this weeks events with the fatal accidents involving both Thai nationals at Doi Suthep and the British gap year students heading for Chiang Mai, I first of all pass on my condolences to all concerned, thank my lucky stars that it wasn't me earlier this year, and feel I should point out this post to you once again.

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Just in case anyone is interested in the service provided by Kan Airlines, I took them from Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai a couple of months ago (before the rain season), found the prop airplanes clean and comfortable for the short flight, the staff friendly and professional, really enjoyed the views of terrain I'd previously known only from the road, and had a reasonable boxed snack, the contents of which I've forgotten. I don't make the trip often enough to keep them in business and am not sure who does, but I would choose the airline again if the opportunity presents itself and will be sorry if they don't make it.

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Just in case anyone is interested in the service provided by Kan Airlines, I took them from Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai a couple of months ago (before the rain season), found the prop airplanes clean and comfortable for the short flight, the staff friendly and professional, really enjoyed the views of terrain I'd previously known only from the road, and had a reasonable boxed snack, the contents of which I've forgotten. I don't make the trip often enough to keep them in business and am not sure who does, but I would choose the airline again if the opportunity presents itself and will be sorry if they don't make it.

My thoughts entirely, although I'm obviously not keen on the Thai bus service, the idea of flying over the Thai mountains in a Cessna appealed to me, and quite frankly it was a joy. I would recommend it as an experience, as much as for the transport reasons. I'll be doing it again soon.

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  • 2 months later...

I've booked a flight from Chiang Mai to Mae Hong Son with Kan Airways in October, costing 1690 baht. It's been a while since this post was put up and many members may not be aware of Kan Airways. It's an excellent way to travel !! I will admit that I want this company to do well as I want them to be there providing the same service for years to come !!

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I would rather hear about your 'horrific' 180 kilometer journey to Chiang Rai :)

here's an extract of a blog I wrote describing said journey

Our mode of transport back to Chiang Mai was by bus, and we didn't realise that the service would be so busy. We couldn't get the VIP service, so we ended up in the second class service. Why would you care about that minor detail? Well I can safely say that I have never been so terrified in my life. Do you remember that Buddhists believe that they will be reincarnated 500 times? I'm convinced that our driver was trying to use up one of his lives up on this trip. We were running down steep mountainous roads, with cambers and corners going this way and that, warning signs everywhere, ( including Beware, Elephant Crossing signs ) and this driver was going like a man possessed. Hitting corners at high speed, over-taking on blind corners, causing the rear end of the bus to slide violently, and it turned out we were sitting on the worst seats on the bus, just behind the rear axle, and evey movement of the bus seemed to be "double bad" for us . I could not believe what I was seeing, and I missed most of the scenery cos I had my head in my hands, in a state of dread. The one time I did look up we were passing a graveyard, so my head went straight back into my hands again. Ken was going white, Fire Safety officer Richard was shaking his head in disbelief, and I think Harald was asleep as he wasn't saying much as usual.

We stopped for a few minutes at the bottom of the mountains and we breathed a sigh of relief, at least we were out of the worst of it. Wrong, we were on a plateau and the next bit was even worse. I jest you not, we were wondering why the handles on our seats had been ripped off and reattached several times, now we found out. This was a horror journey, Ken got a grip of his handle so tight that the palms of his hands started to sweat. He constantly rejoined, "Oh no Davie, he's over-taking again, oh no Davie he's speeding up into a blind corner.......oh no Davie, wait till you see this corner that's coming at us.....oh no Davie..........", I wasn't very happy at this running commentary of near misses and near death experiences as I had my eyes tightly shut and I was praying to every deity I could think of, so getting a running commentary was defeating the purpose. Then Richard started, " Oh no., you want to see the shear drop over the cliff here". No I didn't want to see it, that's why my eyes were closed!!!!! The one time I looked up I could see a Buddhist monk having a good laugh at our panicked antics. I think I'm going to request a Christian driver the next time, these Buddhists are a bit mad!! Anyway, we made it back to our hotel, where crawled up the steps in a state of shock, and blessed our luck at being alive by downing a bottle of whisky to steady our nerves. I can safely say I have never been so terrified in my life, and I know Ken and Richard agree, ( and remember Richard is a retired Fireman ). I don't know what Harald thinks as I think he was sleeping.

If you would like to read the full blog here's the link............http://www.visitorreview.com/flightcentre/ThaTonTenTonElephantsTigersandTerrorinThailand

Cute story, but if you are describing a trip on the main hiway from CR to CM (118), there are no elephant warning signs at all... So, I wonder what other parts of your story are made up? :)

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  • 2 months later...

I just flew with Kan Airlines CNX to Chiang Rai return and have nothing but praise for this small operation. Both flights were spot on time, a small box of food and water on checking in, luggage offloaded on the same airport bus as the passengers so no waiting for your bags, trip out 6 of the 12 seats taken and on the return trip only 3 taken so I had they can keep going with that load factor, and for aircraft enthusiasts you can virtually fly the plane yourself as the pilots Gamin display is easily visible showing height, speed etc.

A really enjoyable trip. :)

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I flew Kan Air from Nan to Chiang Mai earlier this week. A great little 12 seater and although similar to the previous Nok Mini plane on the same route, was a better and newer aircraft. Cost was 1990bt one way. Trip time was around 45 minutes. Work out the difference between the Kan fare and a first class bus seat from Nan to CM and it is good value.

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So that beggars a question....to boycott or not to boycott?

Easy answer: Don't boycott. Go there.

That's what The Lady says, Aung San Suun Kyi. Who would know better?

I think boycotts make sense economically sometimes, but never make sense when it comes to travel and tourism. The more tourists go there, the better.

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So that beggars a question....to boycott or not to boycott?

Easy answer: Don't boycott. Go there.

That's what The Lady says, Aung San Suun Kyi. Who would know better?

I think boycotts make sense economically sometimes, but never make sense when it comes to travel and tourism. The more tourists go there, the better.


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