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Many men view woman as illogical or even stupid and many women view men as fools. In this case the man was stupid, illogical and a fool and he got what he allowed the woman to do and take. He never learned the word NO. I wonder how his kids will grow up to be. BR


i have been reading these storys for 30years and nothing shocks me anymore this one sad as it is doesnt make the top 5shelves.


Love's various forms comes in three flavours: lust, romantic love and long-term attachment in order to enable, respectively, mating, pair-bonding and parenting.


I would advise the OP to suggest his friend gets blood-tests, for his children, to confirm his paternity.

To be perfectly honest, do you think a paternity testwould change or alter the behavior of a loving responsible man or therelationship with children that he has brought up? You think just because the paternityshows he’s not the biological father, the past years of loving and caressingthese children would go away and he’ll be free to toss the little bastards backto the woman’s parents (who are likely to be the ones taking care of them…? You don’t have any children, do you….?


I would advise the OP to suggest his friend gets blood-tests, for his children, to confirm his paternity.

to be more specific ............ they call DNA matching or profiling !!!!!!!!


I can't believe how desperate some guys must be.

and i can't believe that these things happen in real life. not even some notorious Hollywood script writers would dare to concoct these kind of fairy tales! <_<


I can't believe how desperate some guys must be.

and i can't believe that these things happen in real life. not even some notorious Hollywood script writers would dare to concoct these kind of fairy tales! <_<

I think its a mental illness of some sort, because obviously they are in some sort of trap they can't or wont get out of.

Perhaps the force (Asian fever) is very strong in them which just can't be beat. Because I have no other idea of why some are like that.


It seems the OP is more worried about it than the husband.

Not worried about it one bit my friend. Just mesmerized at how long this has gone on. Never before have i seen someone hang around, still, after so much crap. After witnessing it for so many years, i just wondered if there are more doormats like him. By reading the replies it looks like there are. How sad.


I have a friend who suffered a similar story, or at least the initial part of it. Legally married since three years and the guy treated her like a queen. In his case the mother took everything valuable, including 400lbs of safe (and the content) and vanished. Her biggest mistake was that she brought their son with her on this little getaway adventure before declaring that she expected to be paid 10 million THB in cash if she were to give up the son. When she learned that her husband was coming after her she tried to hide the son abroad, where he was brought without a passport. So, anyway, she probably didn't count on the father who loves his son like nothing you've seen in this world, and the poor woman sure enough had to lick up a nice portion of his wrath.

She will never see her son again, she can count on that. Everything they owned together has been brought back to him - courtesy of tee money worth considerably more than the goods returned. The guy was on a mission - she is left penniless and miserable. The bitch had it coming, if you ask me, and she only tried to play him ONCE.

Good on your friend, I often worry about that my self with my son..


This is not a Thai phenomena but something that can and does happen all over the world. To be subjected to a torrent of mental torture when one has given the offending party 100% in terms of unconditional love and commitment it is extremely less painful to live in denial then to face up to the reality that the loved one that is dishing out this roller coaster of physiological torture is nothing less then a selfish, horrible, nasty piece of work that you would be better off without.

Until he moves on with his life and gets his own self respect back the problem with continue whilst she screws him further and further into the ground using his worthlessness as her fuel.


Many time this happen but in opposing role and will be farang manout drinking every night many hours drinking with latest bargirl while thai wife stay home and keep family. Nothing new about this thing except if woman do to farang then him screaming to heli about all his trouble!!!!

I think this guy is stuck in bear trap,he want to take care the kids and already invest so much money into this thing and cannot walk away. This why many thai woman want man to spend a big fortune for her,then she know she have the all the power

good message to have in the story like this...to stay single and keep the money and then no need to go stay in nut house

Many thai guy know this, can still have fun and not be married. even the thai guys run away when they make woman pregnant. Maybe best should leave the thai man and woman play silly game together and farang better to pay dam dam bargirl for short time

so many time farang only get the girl that have desperat needs and want money :rolleyes:


Thai fairy tale:

A man asked a bar girl to marry him

She said "No"

He lived happily ever after :)


surprise surprise. That's what he gets for marrying a lo-so. A Thai woman's character, morals and intentions can EASILY be judged at the beginning by anyone not blinded by the exterior.

I had a hi so GF that screwed around just as bad. Not to mention that after i dumped her she saw me talking to a girl at a shopping mall she freaked out. Luckily i did not marry her.


surprise surprise. That's what he gets for marrying a lo-so. A Thai woman's character, morals and intentions can EASILY be judged at the beginning by anyone not blinded by the exterior.

I had a hi so GF that screwed around just as bad. Not to mention that after i dumped her she saw me talking to a girl at a shopping mall she freaked out. Luckily i did not marry her.

Yeah hi so's can also be bad, but the chances are better.

But you just need to work harder to get them and if the age gap is huge it will be almost impossible, but still doable.


Inter-racial relationships are difficult to maintain. Throw in long periods of separation - you are really asking for trouble. I am not surprised this happened. I pity the kids and not the parents. The mother clearly has not bonded with the kids and look at them as a hindrance to her lifestyle. The kids are probably better off without their mother.

The father who is an absentee parent should get his life together - if he wants to keep his job and kids at the same time. I wish him the best of luck.


Start up a new bank account put your cash in there. It won't take long and she will come running back if that's what you want.If so make some ground rules and make it quite clear if the rules are not followed it's all off.:realangry:

Stop worrying about the kids, she will only leave them with her mother, thats Thai culture.


Most women rich or poor, pretty or ugly, educated or not have no idea what is making them unhappy, bored and to over think. When times are good they think it can never last and they worry when times are bad they tend to over thing and worry and freak out by watching drama on tv, creating drama with the people around them or looking for a hero. If a man starts listening to her demands or worries then in her eyes he lost and she will lose all attraction to him and see him as fool for listening to her. From a man who him self was a house husband and now a working husband never support a woman, girl friend and especially a wife. she has to stand on her own 2 feet and she has to work and pay her half. neever treat a woman as a helpless daughter no matter how beautiful she is no matter what nice words she chooses to use. BR


The Ozzie guy mentioned in the story was more clever.

A few rules for guys in danger of marrying:

- go get laid and fuc_k until your are senseless and numb. You will know you did it often enough when you will turn down a fantastic looking 18 yo wanting to do you for free because you want to watch something on TV.

Plenty of fish. Make sure your new love knows this (plus it makes you all the more desirable for her).

- set the rules: she gets a monthly allowance of X for being your wife, including her living costs and whatever she must hand over to her family. No screwing around or you eject her. You expect her to grow the kids full time or you eject her, etc. She can go party in the night after your agreement, etc.

- financial control: make sure you keep control. Only her monthly allowance should be under her control. Keep all the rest in your name only, including cars and real estate. A not so clean deal with a company and usufruct on your name is much better than a clean deal that puts everything in her name. Don't issue powers of attorney.

- prenup: separation of goods - no brainer. And no giving out ATM PINs and similar stuff.


I don't understand this concept of marrying bar girls, sure some of them are cute or sexy but the odds of them working out in the long term aren't great.

Maybe the OP is living his Thai dream, he's got a nice life, house, car, kids, etc but doesn't want to 'ruin it' by removing the woman and increasing the uncertainty.

Maybe he doesn't have the confidence to move on or move on with another Thai woman and continue his life there, perhaps cause of his busy life working away

from Thailand, it's a big change to go find another girl, different house, new car again and deal with the original nutcase woman so he rumbles on with this and

hope it improves ...


surprise surprise. That's what he gets for marrying a lo-so. A Thai woman's character, morals and intentions can EASILY be judged at the beginning by anyone not blinded by the exterior.

Oh you mean it is black and white ??


Stop worrying about the kids, she will only leave them with her mother, thats Thai culture.

The ones that sell their daughters.....


Most women rich or poor, pretty or ugly, educated or not have no idea what is making them unhappy, bored and to over think. When times are good they think it can never last and they worry when times are bad they tend to over thing and worry and freak out by watching drama on tv, creating drama with the people around them or looking for a hero. If a man starts listening to her demands or worries then in her eyes he lost and she will lose all attraction to him and see him as fool for listening to her. From a man who him self was a house husband and now a working husband never support a woman, girl friend and especially a wife. she has to stand on her own 2 feet and she has to work and pay her half. neever treat a woman as a helpless daughter no matter how beautiful she is no matter what nice words she chooses to use. BR

In my experience it is men who "have no idea what is making them, unhappy, bored" etc.... But, will always blame it on someone else, its never anything to do with them....

Western women are far more self-analytical, and realise exactly what the are feeling and why.


surprise surprise. That's what he gets for marrying a lo-so. A Thai woman's character, morals and intentions can EASILY be judged at the beginning by anyone not blinded by the exterior.

Oh you mean it is black and white ??

Monochrome. Shades of grey.

Anyway, a person's character can generally be assessed quickly by applying some simple stereotypes and prejudices. For the purposes of bickering on the internet, or decrying the moral character of stangers, I have never needed more than that. I feel like I am preaching to the converted here...


edit: Threads like this really bring out the best in people, don't they?


Most women rich or poor, pretty or ugly, educated or not have no idea what is making them unhappy, bored and to over think. When times are good they think it can never last and they worry when times are bad they tend to over thing and worry and freak out by watching drama on tv, creating drama with the people around them or looking for a hero. If a man starts listening to her demands or worries then in her eyes he lost and she will lose all attraction to him and see him as fool for listening to her. From a man who him self was a house husband and now a working husband never support a woman, girl friend and especially a wife. she has to stand on her own 2 feet and she has to work and pay her half. neever treat a woman as a helpless daughter no matter how beautiful she is no matter what nice words she chooses to use. BR

In my experience it is men who "have no idea what is making them, unhappy, bored" etc.... But, will always blame it on someone else, its never anything to do with them....

Western women are far more self-analytical, and realise exactly what the are feeling and why.

You are correct men have their issues as well. If men dont try to understand everything and start to realize they do not have to save and help a woman to feel good that can be a good start. men have to become aware that they have flaws too and they have to be able to see and come to peace with their in perfections. Money doesnt make a man and paying doesnt make a man either. Giving is not love, love is a partner that helps the other be the best version of themselves.


- set the rules: she gets a monthly allowance of X for being your wife, including her living costs and whatever she must hand over to her family. No screwing around or you eject her. You expect her to grow the kids full time or you eject her, etc. She can go party in the night after your agreement, etc.

This should be reading "never pay a girl to be your wife"

Monthly allowance, you make joke, yes?

But as the OP is saying.

There are many men who cannot wear the trousers, nobody will respect such a man.

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