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Thai Women..honest?


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Should have been given an 'answer in principle'. That is, if his credit and paper work check out (and the property is worth the value given) etc. This can be given on the same day. Then you know that its all simply a case of red tape - it also gives the bank an out should they find something wrong (structural problem, credit problem etc)

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Doubt it. I couldn't transfer money before because the account number and the beneficiary's name didn't match. Our banking system is not that crappy.  :o

PS. Nice story though..

:D really? ever applied for a mortgage lately......... after appilying for one 5 weeks back my friend is still waiting for an answer.This is after supplying the bank with all the financial info required and photos of his business, goodness knows why. :D a simple yes or no will do.

Different subjects, I'm afraid? I was talking about transferring money into a wrong account with non-match account details. :D

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Driving back from Pattaya to Hua Hin with my Thai wife, I took a wrong turn and end up driving around for ever in what seemed to be a gigantic and totally bemusing Thai version of the Hampton Court maze. In despair, to preserve my sanity and our marriage (my wife was navigating, using a Thai language map) I hailed a passing taxi. Luckily the driver spoke some English and nodded agreement when I offered to pay him whatever it cost on his meter to guide me back on to a road I could recognise. "Stay close," he said, with a smile. Not easy as he had a nice new Toyota saloon and I had an ancient , wheezy diesel pickup. We drove in hectic and sometimes dangerous tandem for nearly 40 minutes, threading our way through rush-hour traffic, until he suddenly flagged me down at the roadside. "Go straight on from here," he said, as I gratefully looked around, recognising familiar roadside landmarks. I pulled out my wallet and, with some trepidation, asked him what the damage was. He shook his head and refused the money. He wouldn't even let me look at the tachometer in his cab. He stayed politiely adamant even when my wife surfaced, waving a 500 baht note. "No problem, no problem", he kept saying to me. In the end, I gave up, gabbled my grateful thanks, insisted on giving him my business card and forced him to endure my pathetic promises of a great night out if he and his family were ever down our way. As he roared away with a cheery wave, I felt a mixture of disbelief and elation. Taxi drivers, here or in the UK, have a reputation for rip-offs, not playing Good Samaritan. My wife said the driver had told her he was quite well off, owned his own taxi, didn't need the money and was happy to help a stranger in trouble. This is a true story, but I still have to pinch myself to believe it really happened. It seems such an exception to the general rule that tourists are simply there to be exploited. On the other hand, there was this bar girl in Pattaya who came to my rescue when. . .but that's another (true) story which I will try and remember next time I am making nasty generalisations about LoS folk.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Now and again..there comes along a true story--a welcome change from the dramatic "she done me wrong"-- rubbish which convinces me miracles DO happen.

Living opposite me in Pattaya is a very decent, sensible English guy.

Last week, he rang his (snip for brevity) There is goodies..and there is baddies

There´s good and bad for sure...anywhere.

I really want to believe this story.

I really want to believe this story.

I really want to believe this story.

I really want to believe this story.

I really want to believe this story.

I really want to believe this story.

I really want to believe this story.

I really want to believe this story.

I really want to believe this story.

I really want to believe this story.

I really want to believe this story.

Me Too

Me Too

Me Too

Me Too

Me Too

Me Too

Me Too

Me Too

Me Too

Me Too

Me Too

Me Too


(above not snipped for brevity for amusement value)

Me Sam

Me Sam

Me Sam

Me Sam

Me Sam

Me Sam

Me Sam

Me Sam

Me Sam

Me Sam

Me Sam

Me Sam

ME Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam!

I'm certain the moral of the story is true, that not all girls in Pattaya are dishonest. Unfortunately thats the only part of this story that does ring true.


Agreed. But let´s imagine for a moment that it is true, and let´s just float with the generality thing here for a mo.... The idea - as per last post - is (again, in going along with generality for a moment) if she was dishonest, doesn´t make her dumb.. let´s say she would swipe a couple of hundred baht in cash of you... But to swipe 2 million, with bank records to boot... yeah that would probably entail a revenge of some form that could be rather painful.... Ie: even if dishonest... does not mean dumb.

I just got my first mortgage & it took 8 weeks for them to confirm they would lend me the money, this is in the UK btw & I earn a high end 5 figure salary with a large international bank, have impeccable credit & am borrowing a lot less than I can afford. 5 weeks is nothing. :D

You need to get rid of some extra cash? I´ll pm you my bank details. :o:D

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she probably figured that if he could afford to put 2 million baht in her account, he could afford to put a bullet in her head for not giving it back.

money is power.

.. just when I was feeling all good and fuzzy, ya had to inject reality back into the story,... :o:D

:D cobra, i'm sure reality in Pattaya is closer to "pulp fiction" than it is to "lord of the rings".

can't blame a man for looking at the bright side though :D

Edited by thedude
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So what about the income tax that the lady will incur for having 2,000,000 baht turn up in her account.  Also what about the money laundering repercussions, obviously the bank will have alarmed the police/tax authorities that someone who normally makes 10-20,000 baht a month received 2,000,000 baht and that week withdrew it all.

a UK bank would not transfer that amount without an account name and a branch address, especially because of money laundering, terrorism funding etc...  If I remember correctly you even have to state implicitly what the money is for.

The income tax incurred would be deducted from the interest when it is credited so the lady would actually gain.

Anyway, it was a nice story but reminiscent of a swiss cheese... :o

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