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England Footy


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Ok, if you two dudes want to play that game, well, funny you should mention that , because over here in America, It tends to be only "sissy" girlies and little children that play your Soccer....

:o  :D

No problem , you'll catch up with the rest of the world eventually.


Pray that we don't.


Pray tell why ?


I'm pretty sure you are a smart guy, I don't have to explain it to you.

Do the Math.. :D:D

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Ok, if you two dudes want to play that game, well, funny you should mention that , because over here in America, It tends to be only "sissy" girlies and little children that play your Soccer....

:o  :D

No problem , you'll catch up with the rest of the world eventually.


Pray that we don't.


Pray tell why ?


I'm pretty sure you are a smart guy, I don't have to explain it to you.

Do the Math.. :D:D


America + Soccer = Erica Soccer ?

Ahhh I see .......


Edited by chonabot
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Ok, if you two dudes want to play that game, well, funny you should mention that , because over here in America, It tends to be only "sissy" girlies and little children that play your Soccer....

:o  :D

No problem , you'll catch up with the rest of the world eventually.


Pray that we don't.


Pray tell why ?


I'm pretty sure you are a smart guy, I don't have to explain it to you.

Do the Math.. :D:D


America + Soccer = Erica Soccer ?

Ahhh I see .......


Huh? :D


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hello all, I'm new on here and have been looking at this thread with mild amusment, please endulge me for a moment while i put this little debate/argument to bed once and for all for our American cousins out there, as many ,well most know that the world governing body of erm, the game is known as F.I.F.A (FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION) please note the word FOOTBALL in there, and NOT soccer so the day they put the letter S in to F.I.F.A i shall call it soccer but until it happens (which will be never) it is and always will be called FOOTBALL.

I do hope this clears it up for some less informed people out there,

it's called football not soccer.

yours..... No1brit :o

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hello all, I'm new on here and have been looking at this thread with mild amusment, please endulge me for a moment while i put this little debate/argument to bed once and for all for our American cousins out there, as many ,well most know that the world governing body of erm, the game is known as  F.I.F.A (FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION) please note the word FOOTBALL in there, and NOT soccer so the day they put the letter S in to F.I.F.A i shall call it soccer but until it happens (which will be never) it  is and always will be called FOOTBALL.

I do hope this clears it up for some less informed people  out there,

it's called football not soccer.

yours..... No1brit :D

Well said, No1britguy. It is indeed, now put to bed :D

And welcome to the forum :o

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hello all, I'm new on here and have been looking at this thread with mild amusment, please endulge me for a moment while i put this little debate/argument to bed once and for all for our American cousins out there, as many ,well most know that the world governing body of erm, the game is known as  F.I.F.A (FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION) please note the word FOOTBALL in there, and NOT soccer so the day they put the letter S in to F.I.F.A i shall call it soccer but until it happens (which will be never) it  is and always will be called FOOTBALL.

I do hope this clears it up for some less informed people  out there,

it's called football not soccer.

yours..... No1brit :D

Well said, No1britguy. It is indeed, now put to bed :D

And welcome to the forum :o

This is the first time I've heard a Brit use French to justify something. So are you recommending we not only call it "football", but say it the way it is said in FIFA, which is not in English?

Do you also think the Chinese should call it football instead of "zu qiu"?

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hello all, I'm new on here and have been looking at this thread with mild amusment, please endulge me for a moment while i put this little debate/argument to bed once and for all for our American cousins out there, as many ,well most know that the world governing body of erm, the game is known as  F.I.F.A (FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION) please note the word FOOTBALL in there, and NOT soccer so the day they put the letter S in to F.I.F.A i shall call it soccer but until it happens (which will be never) it  is and always will be called FOOTBALL.

I do hope this clears it up for some less informed people  out there,

it's called football not soccer.

yours..... No1brit :D

Well said, No1britguy. It is indeed, now put to bed :D

And welcome to the forum :o

This is the first time I've heard a Brit use French to justify something. So are you recommending we not only call it "football", but say it the way it is said in FIFA, which is not in English?

Do you also think the Chinese should call it football instead of "zu qiu"?

OK Wally, what part of the world are you from?

The point is, "Even" the French call it FOOTBALL and they are not an English speaking nation. Yet, the yanks can't even do that. The English governing body is the FA, Football Association.

BTW, I have been to China many, many times and all though the officail name is "Ziu Qiu" every chinese person i talk to says"What FOOTBALL team do you support"

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Ok, let me illustrate all this this by an example:

If a Foriegner ( in this example, A British person ) for some reason, goes to America, and asks any American out of the blue "What FOOTBALL team do you support", The American would first look at that British person strangely, since a sports question would usually not be phrased like that in American English. Then The American would, depending on what part of the country, would say,

" I don't know, the Rams, Dallas Cowboys, Steelers, Redskins, Jets, Packers, etc".

At that point, the British person would be forced to use that dreaded "S" word in rephrasing the question. After which point, the American would have a blank expression on their face, and most likely say that they don't watch / know anything about Soccer...... I doubt they would even say " Oh , "I support Sheffield United", or "I like Unreal Madrid ", or whatever....

Listen all you British (or whatever-you-are ) guys, since very few American even go to Thailand in the first place, Thai Visa would of course be dominated by British/Non Americans English Speakers, and Non-American English venacular would be the norm here.

Yes, I know that people in many countries, especially the Europeans and the Middle Easterners, are afraid of a "future Global American Cultural Hegemony", but come on....It's like you are all threatened by the simple use of the word "Soccer"... :D

Ok, since the ratio of British to Americans here in this forum is something like 10, 000 to one, of course, there will be a ton of replies here saying, " Oh those bloody Americans are so stupid, always calling "Football" this daft "Soccer" word."

Or whatever...


Listen up, dudes, yes, I know that this is an international forum, but to put it plainly, to most Americans, and inside of America this is Football...


And in America, this will always be Soccer....


Capice? :o

Now I await all the sacrastic-oh-so-pompus-Hoity-Toity-Britishy replies with bated breath... :D

P.S. And yes, and when they make the eventual American remake of "Footballers Wive$, they will , of course, have to rename the new series "Soccer Moms"..... :D

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And while it's only called "football"(refering to your rugby/handball type game) inside america and the ratio of people around the world ,which is about a couple of billion to your couple of million call it footie (refering to our beloved footie)then so shall it remain so.

p.s give it up m8, you're flogging a dead horse at this stage plus the fact as you said yourself, you are probably outnumbered about 10 zillion to one lol

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So picking the ball up and running with it is called 'football' in our former province of America?

So presumably, if you stuffed the ball down your pants and ran with it, it would be called 'hatball',if you could only hit with with your head it would be called 'handball' I think the 'World Series' in the States is not actually to do with the World, but a magazine of that title probably. In fact I think it's called 'Football' over there, because the padding they wear must be a foot thick. But then again I might be wrong. :o

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Ok, let's see now....What have we here...

And while it's only called "football"(refering to your rugby/handball type game) inside america and the ratio of people around the world ,which is about a couple of billion to your couple of million call it footie (refering to our beloved footie)then so shall it remain so.

p.s  give it up m8, you're flogging a dead horse at this stage plus the fact as you said yourself, you are probably outnumbered about 10 zillion to one lol



Just out of curiosity, why is this ridiculous game called "football" anyway. I thought the object of AF was to throw the ball, catch the ball and run with the aforementioned ball...

Ohyeah - plus wear HUGE pads, gloves and a crash helmet to avoid breaking a fingernail...!


So picking the ball up and running with it is called 'football' in our former province of America?

(Oh no he didn't! :D )

So presumably, if you stuffed the ball down your pants and ran with it, it would be called 'hatball',if you could only hit with with your head it would be called 'handball' I think the 'World Series' in the States is not actually to do with the World, but a magazine of that title probably. In fact I think it's called 'Football' over there, because the padding they wear must be a foot thick. But then again I might be wrong. :D

Is this the best you guys can do?

I'm rather dissapointed!

Anyway, I've stated my case as clearly as I could. It's like a lone Christian missionary standing in the middle of Mecca, trying to tell Moslems that God's name is really "Jehova" instead of "Allah"... :D I guess it's to be expected here in a non-US. website, with it's often subtle Anti-American bias... :o

Oh well, what can I say....Go watch your beloved "English Footie" on the "telly" down at the "pub", then.....

Me, I'm going to watch Sunday FOOTBALL.

And I don't mean SOCCER.


In New Zealand, football often refers to rugby.  In Australia, it means something else.  It's a big world, my friend.

And apparently, in England, it's former commonwealth colonies and vassal states ( not to metion Thai Visa) football often refers to Soccer.... :D

Yes, it's still a big world...Hopefully there is still room for cultural differences.... :D

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Is this the best you guys can do?

I'm rather dissapointed!

Anyway, I've stated my case as clearly as I could. It's like a lone Christian missionary standing in the middle of Mecca, trying to tell Moslems that God's name is really "Jehova" instead of "Allah"... :D I guess it's to be expected here in a non-US. website, with it's often subtle Anti-American bias...  :o

Oh well, what can I say....Go watch your beloved "English Footie" on the "telly" down at the "pub", then.....

Me, I'm going to watch Sunday FOOTBALL.

And I don't mean SOCCER.

Is that the best you can do?!

No offence but Ive tried watching 'Yank footy' but all they seem to do is stand around for 3-4 minutes, then theres about 10 seconds of play and more waiting around for another 3-4 minutes, which is repeated for over 3 hours! That really isnt my idea of fun.

Come back with your arguments when theres a world cup for American football

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Is that the best you can do?!

No, I already stated my case in a earlier post, pal.

Besides, I asked the first.

You don't answer a question with the same question.

No offence but Ive tried watching 'Yank footy' but all they seem to do is stand around for 3-4 minutes, then theres about 10 seconds of play and more waiting around for another 3-4 minutes, which is repeated for over 3 hours!  That really isnt my idea of fun.

That's funny, I can say the same thing about Soccer.

Come back with your arguments when theres a world cup for American football

Oh,Sweet.... You mean I can't say anything until after the world falls completely under the influence of the future American One-World-Governent, and EVERY country in the world will be playing "American" football? :o

I really don't have to wait for that argument buddy.

(....And what a Superbowl it would be.... )

Anyway, I'm frankly tired of this thread. Since this is a British dominated website, no matter what I say here on the topic will probably not sway anyone who has already set their mind culturaly since an early age on this subject. And It will just continue to draw in all the English/Brits / limeys /whatever who want to put their two cents in ( yes, I said CENTS.. ), just iching to say something sarcastic about American Sports, just for the simple fact that they are American sports.

What-ever, Trevor. :D

So please go on ahead without me, and continue to ramble on regarding your English Soccer - oh excuse me, your "English Footy", and how it is oh-so-superior to American sports.... :D

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"No, I already stated my case in a earlier post, pal.

Besides, I asked the first.

You don't answer a question with the same question."

I was returning the question, as you asked first and your argument was lame

"That's funny, I can say the same thing about Soccer."

Yes you can, but you would be lieing. Soccer as you put it, is a 90 minute match, with around 4 minutes stoppage time played at the end of each half.

American football on the other hand, im not sure how long you have of actual play but the game can last upto 4 hours. Most of the time people standing around.

" Oh,Sweet.... You mean I can't say anything until after the world falls completely under the influence of the future American One-World-Governent, and EVERY country in the world will be playing "American" football? :o

I really don't have to wait for that argument buddy.

(....And what a Superbowl it would be.... )"

So you would agree BUSH is trying to take over the world? WOW, I thought the American media would cover that fact up! I must be mistaken about most Americans being gullable!

"Anyway, I'm frankly tired of this thread. Since this is a British dominated website, no matter what I say here on the topic will probably not sway anyone who has already set their mind culturaly since an early age on this subject. And It will just continue to draw in all the English/Brits / limeys /whatever who want to put their two cents in ( yes, I said CENTS.. ), just iching to say something sarcastic about American Sports, just for the simple fact that they are American sports"

If I dont like the sport ill say, most American sports I dont like, im not being racist I just dont like the sports, there are many English sports I dont like.

Edited by hopeless
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  • 2 weeks later...

glazier done the same thing with the tampa bay buccaneers, took em over , first year won super bowl then won bugger all over the next 10 years only putting up ticket prices by bout 50%(not my words but words of a very good texan friend of mine) and a note about why we take offence at the americans calling it soccer is that when the world cup was held over there the usa wanted(or rather tv wanted) to have the game played with 4, yes FOUR quarters.. so they could stuff loads of advertizing in of which F.IF.A. were having none of it. thing is, the diseise of the american games i.e greed and massive salaries has spread acorss the ocean to our shores now and the game is now run as businesses, the money men have hijacked our working class game to thie own ends....p.s..... I am not anti american as I have loads of good m8's from there and i'm sure you are just as pissed off as we are with our and your greedy "stars" bleeding sports dry.

pps... a game of american football is 90 mins if you don't include the 3 hours of advertising.

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glazier  done the same thing with the tampa bay buccaneers, took em over , first year won super bowl then won bugger all over the next 10 years

pps... a game of american football is 90 mins  if you don't include the 3 hours of advertising.

The Tampa Bay Bucanneers won the Superbowl three (3) season ago. Prior to the Glazers taking controlling interest, the club were perennial losers, doormats, and the laughingstock of the league and country. The Bucs have been down a bit since the Superbowl victory but such is the nature of the balance in the NFL. With salary caps, free movement of players and assistant coaches moving to other teams, it is hard for one team to just buy the best players and repeat as champions year in, year out, a la Chelsea. Yes, the New England Patriots have turned this concept on its ear a bit, but mainly through superior team play and excellent coaching. They may not even make the playoffs this year, and Tampa Bay might.

p.s. A typical NFL game does last 3 hours in total, or roughly double the actual playing time. Speaking of advertising, are Vodafone playing Samsung this week? :o (At least we haven't resorted to putting the advertisers names on the jerseys, yet.)

p.p.s. I've been following the EPL this year. I think I'm a Wigan fan.

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p.s. A typical NFL game does last 3 hours in total, or roughly double the actual playing time. Speaking of advertising, are Vodafone playing Samsung this week? :o (At least we haven't resorted to putting the advertisers names on the jerseys, yet.)

Sorry, that should read, "A typical NFL game does last 3 hours in total, or roughly triple the actual playing time.

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