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Stickmanbangkok Site Has Change In Focus Area?


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Didn't he go full circle ??

Like when first here he took part in the bar scene....then he met his good girl wife and denounced the bar scene and belittled everyone that loved it.....now he was back where he began !!

If that is correct.....tad obnoxious

Not at all; it's 10 years, people change, opinions change. If it was within the space of a couple months then it would be hypocritical, but perhaps still not obnoxious. All clear there.

Also his private life is none of anyone's business. Thought there was a forum rule against that but okay.

What IS obnoxious is indirectly making money from the sex industry through the bar girl investigation services, which rats out sex workers if they don't turn into Buddhist nuns like a switch, as soon as there's an overseas suitor claiming to want to marry them.

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Sure people and opinions change....nobody denying thats a bad thing....but when you get all hypocritical about it...then that gives the right to anyone to hang it on them.

Many people, me included, have had fun in the bar scene at times and then stop for many varied reasons....but very few turn around and belittle the ones still doing it for all the wrong reasons.

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Also his private life is none of anyone's business. Thought there was a forum rule against that but okay.

Oh Yeah. Stick didn't respect the down and out guy whose photo he posted a few weeks ago with info about him!

He didnt respect Blackies privacy a year or so ago whose photo he posted and a nasty write up.

You live by the sword, you die by the sword!

Pity more people in the know don't post stuff here about him because he has posted stuff about

hundreds of people that they didnt want posted.

One thing about his stalker Mr Galt. At least he can post about his own shortcomings. Mr Stick thinks his own shiit dont stiink!

And he has ruined tons of bargirls incomes over the years.

He is an angry guy who knows he lost his girl because he couldnt provide what she wanted. Pity he wont do an artice about how not to keep a

good girl.

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And he has ruined tons of bargirls incomes over the years.

That's my main gripe. And also one of the unwritten 'rules' of gentlemanly behavior around bars. (To not profit from the bar/entertainment scene or make it anything more than 'play' from the customer side, while recognizing that on the sex worker's side it's their 'bread', their source of income and therefore to be respected. )

Maybe I should do a separate post on that; it seems with the recent tsunami of Farang arrivals, some of those 'rules' are falling by the wayside, resulting in an overall hardening of the scene. You know, the basics; what happens in bars stays in bars, not to argue with friends/other customers over girls, not to show an interest in girls a friend has previously shown an interest in without is specific approval, not to get overly serious on money amounts, to have a primary focus on 'sanuk & enjoyment' rather than on scoring a girl, to never 'out' a ladyboy for no reason (and especially not publicly), to side with and earn the trust and respect of friends who are bar workers and not Farangs who are total strangers, and so on.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Oh Yeah. Stick didn't respect the down and out guy whose photo he posted a few weeks ago with info about him!

He didnt respect Blackies privacy a year or so ago whose photo he posted and a nasty write up.

You live by the sword, you die by the sword!

Pity more people in the know don't post stuff here about him because he has posted stuff about

hundreds of people that they didnt want posted.

One thing about his stalker Mr Galt. At least he can post about his own shortcomings. Mr Stick thinks his own shiit dont stiink!

And he has ruined tons of bargirls incomes over the years.

He is an angry guy who knows he lost his girl because he couldnt provide what she wanted. Pity he wont do an artice about how not to keep a

good girl.

Davey are you in the know about Sticks marital life like "Dave the Rave" would be or are you just posting rumors that you have read on Galt's website?

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And he has ruined tons of bargirls incomes over the years.

That's my main gripe. And also one of the unwritten 'rules' of gentlemanly behavior around bars. (To not profit from the bar/entertainment scene or make it anything more than 'play' from the customer side, while recognizing that on the sex worker's side it's their 'bread', their source of income and therefore to be respected. )

Maybe I should do a separate post on that; it seems with the recent tsunami of Farang arrivals, some of those 'rules' are falling by the wayside, resulting in an overall hardening of the scene. You know, the basics; what happens in bars stays in bars, not to argue with friends/other customers over girls, not to show an interest in girls a friend has previously shown an interest in without is specific approval, not to get overly serious on money amounts, to have a primary focus on 'sanuk & enjoyment' rather than on scoring a girl, to never 'out' a ladyboy for no reason (and especially not publicly), to side with and earn the trust and respect of friends who are bar workers and not Farangs who are total strangers, and so on.

You forgot the rules for bar girls. 1. Not to recognize you when you are out shopping with your wife. 2. Not to pad your bar bill when you are drunk. 3. To make sure you get home when you pass out in the bar. 4. Not to talk about your size to other Farangs. 5. Not to mention the odd things you fancy to anyone. 6. ect......

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Stickman lost my respect long ago with his constant jibes about the "Arab" and having pig roasts outside of his bars (when the guy isn't even an Arab, apparently). It's racist , childish, and low, and I'm surprised old Stick hasn't endured a baseball bat to the shins for it so far.

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I think he will find in a bit difficult in NZ unless he has something good already lined up.

There are not many jobs in NZ and the pay is pretty poor for the jobs that are there.

Spend a bit of time in Auckland this year and found it quite depressing.

On the plus side there are lots of nice young asian birds.

For some reason I don't see the young asian birds in NZ lining up to date a dude who's spent the last decade running one of Asia's most popular English language red light nightlife blogs and prostitute investigation services. Just kinda creepy to msot chicks, I'd probably change my name :lol:

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Stickman lost my respect long ago with his constant jibes about the "Arab" and having pig roasts outside of his bars (when the guy isn't even an Arab, apparently). It's racist , childish, and low, and I'm surprised old Stick hasn't endured a baseball bat to the shins for it so far.

Fair point.

I like his weekly column but I have never quite figured out what's his beef with the Arab.

I don't know the Arab (nor Stickman for that matter)but almost every week he feels the need to write something negative about the Arab or his bars which gets kind of tiresome.

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I read his website every week, rarely I'll look over the user comments section. I've got to hand it to the guy, he's been pretty dedicated to keeping the website online and updated over a long period of time.

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That's my main gripe. And also one of the unwritten 'rules' of gentlemanly behavior around bars. (To not profit from the bar/entertainment scene or make it anything more than 'play' from the customer side, while recognizing that on the sex worker's side it's their 'bread', their source of income and therefore to be respected. )

Maybe I should do a separate post on that; it seems with the recent tsunami of Farang arrivals, some of those 'rules' are falling by the wayside, resulting in an overall hardening of the scene. You know, the basics; what happens in bars stays in bars, not to argue with friends/other customers over girls, not to show an interest in girls a friend has previously shown an interest in without is specific approval, not to get overly serious on money amounts, to have a primary focus on 'sanuk & enjoyment' rather than on scoring a girl, to never 'out' a ladyboy for no reason (and especially not publicly), to side with and earn the trust and respect of friends who are bar workers and not Farangs who are total strangers, and so on.

You forgot the rules for bar girls. 1. Not to recognize you when you are out shopping with your wife. 2. Not to pad your bar bill when you are drunk. 3. To make sure you get home when you pass out in the bar. 4. Not to talk about your size to other Farangs. 5. Not to mention the odd things you fancy to anyone. 6. ect......

Heh. I think I would indeed appreciate number 1. And not just when out shopping but also when visiting bars as a couple, so with my wife. (Though, brining your wife may actually be included in the unwritten rules of things that you don't do, when going to places where you might run into any Farang friends.)

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Loving this week's collumn. He found a non-Bargirl presenting respectable men that looked for ladies in nana and cowboy with respectable non-bargirls like herself. Yet if you put everything she said together, you can assume she was at least on a part-time job there.

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I noticed his wife stopped answering reader's questions sometime last year. I remember it said something like 'Mrs. Stick has decided to stop answering questions for now'?

And who exactly is 'The Arab'? I know he owns a few of the bars in Cowboy, and his hired security beat people up (according to Stickman).

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Loving this week's collumn. He found a non-Bargirl presenting respectable men that looked for ladies in nana and cowboy with respectable non-bargirls like herself. Yet if you put everything she said together, you can assume she was at least on a part-time job there.

Looked tasty though!

Like everything else, with stickmans site "never let the facts get in the way of a good story"

Particulary liked the pics he does of the farang down & outs and hefty overweight types with a size 8 in tow.


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I noticed his wife stopped answering reader's questions sometime last year. I remember it said something like 'Mrs. Stick has decided to stop answering questions for now'?

Maybe she decided to continue her studies at Chula, the finest school in Thailand and has little free time?

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He's kind of turning into Trink isn't he.. Love him or loathe him, but always generating discussion. What more do you want in a weekly column.

I think the key test is whether Stick tells his punters that Dinty Brand baked beans are available at Foodland Ladprow for 29 baht per can, versus the 32 baht per can they are charging Foodland Patpong.

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He's kind of turning into Trink isn't he.. Love him or loathe him, but always generating discussion. What more do you want in a weekly column.

Has he reserved his chair in Lucky Lukes already?

What a depressing thought.

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I find it funny that he belittles the very people who pay his wages in his column by

commenting on overweight ,balding vest wearing falangs.

I find it funny that there are apparently so many people who hate/loathe/despise him - yet appear to read his column each week!

Just another blogger. Reading is voluntary.

Remove him from your bookmarks if he causes you so much angst.

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I have always read his column over the years, I don't get to spend as much time as I used to in Thailand so I used to enjoy it. That said, I am not really into the whole bar girl thing but I still didn't mind reading about it. It's a shame there isn't something similar for more regular 'out and about around town' stuff that doesn't involve hookers but then again maybe no one cares about regular bars with good happy hours or food and the prospect of regular girls/guys hanging out? [/naive] :D

I never understood why he didn't change the site, it's 'Stickman' yet you need to scroll down and squint to see the link to his column! Put that right at the bloody top! I also noticed he seemed to be on a right downer recently. I hadn't read anything for a few months so went back recently to 'catch up' and I noticed a definite change in tone. I was even thinking of sending him a message to say 'are you alright, relax' because didn't seem like all was right with the world.

I agree with the facts being in the way of a good story, some columns seem to have just been chucked out there recently, I mean I am sure everyone knows the Thai bar scene as well and I speak decent enough Thai (slowly fading!) but the 'night out' in this magical, secret bar with a girl throwing herself was a little ... hmmmm for me, not to say I haven't gone out, got numbers, etc but it seemed almost too perfect a scenario.

Anyway, I never read the contributions on there but I'd not want to get in the way of someone getting paid or getting laid and if he can make good money from the site in Thailand or elsewhere then fair play, keep it up, it's taken a hell of a lot of dedication over the years, I am sure.

One thing though, I know Stick writes about that stuff but was always under the impression he was a little more well behaved, got a missus, earns decent, etc but keeps up with things/friends for the content of the site but being new to Twitter I thought I would check him out on there and was actually a bit disappointed (weird, eh?) that he was more 'this bird that, did that bird, 2 birds the other night' sort of thing. Basically made me think of him as an expat whorer rather than someone with a little more about him, kind of weird.

People say stuff like 'he drinks here for free, there for free' but to be honest I'd be doing that too using my site. I mean, who really takes 'advice' from the site, it's just a bit of fun, bit of a story, some comments about bars opening and closing but that's it, not sure his comments would dissuade me from going anywhere, I know what it's all about.

That 'not stickman' thing is one of the most pathetic things I have ever read in my life and that whole deal with Stick and that fellow was ridiculous, the guy got everything coming to him.

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I find it funny that there are apparently so many people who hate/loathe/despise him - yet appear to read his column each week!

Just like Trink in his heyday. There were so many people who would rush out to read his column every week ... so that they could complain about it. :blink:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I used to look forward to the weekly Trink rants/raves every Friday evening in the pubs...ah they were the days....

As for 'notstickman' I think he was a valid voice who would only repeat a lot of the negative points one would read about him on sites like this or hear in the bars.

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stickmanbangkok.com = poorly designed site that is really hard to navigate to get past the advertising and actually read the postings. Due to that reason I never really got into it.

Let's face it, most of the posters on this thread are jealous of Stickman and 99.9% could not begin to fill his shoes.

Navigate that :D

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I find it funny that he belittles the very people who pay his wages in his column by

commenting on overweight ,balding vest wearing falangs.

Stick is a loser himself. He can't afford to even run a car! Don't buy the

bullshit that he hates the police. I know it is because his finances are shaky.

He has more spin than a washing machine!!

He will sell up this year, go back to NZ and realise within 6 months that

he was better off here.

His ex wife got fed up with him being out all the time and strayed.

Stick doesn't have a true friend in the world. Aquantances maybe, but not 1

true friend.

My advice to Stick...........

Get your shit together, stop your moralising on people and accept that you are a 40s

something with fuc_k all to your name and all the time you spent in Thailand was worthless.

Absolutely fantastic!

Nailed it in one :lol:

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