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Thaksin: Pheu Thai To Form Govt With Small Parties; Hopes To Return To Thailand This Nov

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Are some foreigners scared? :o

your dead right and with reason but not for our own safety but for future of Thailand and our families here. Would you not be scared of Hitler Gaddafi Mugabwie and what they can and do do Taksin is in same mould I assure you of that

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Are some foreigners scared? :o

your dead right and with reason but not for our own safety but for future of Thailand and our families here. Would you not be scared of Hitler Gaddafi Mugabwie and what they can and do do Taksin is in same mould I assure you of that

What about Genghis Khan and Marcel Marceau?


I don't know if k. Thaksin ever compared himself with some really great figures. I think it's much more an attempt to show greatness by association. The meeting with Mandela suggesting 'a discussion about reconciliation with a like-minded person' whereas it was just a private courtesy call. Things like that.

I found references that k. Thaksin may have compared himself with Nelson Mandela in a DTV phone-in, but I didn't find details other than in blogs.



The 'Truth today' broadcast also has similar aspects

2008-11-12 The talk show also serves as a channel of communication between Thaksin and his red-shirted army, and also "corrects" any "damaging misinformation" about the ex-leader.


Thank you for posting two links that don't answer the question.

That Thaksin compares himself to Gandhi or Mandela or whatever is an often dropped and repeated allegation. But when, where and how are the interesting questions one should be able to answer before he repeats that allegation too.

It seems in the January 25, 2009 phone-in k. Thaksin compared himself to Nelson Mandela. K. Suthep accused him of wanting to be president and k. Thaksin threatened to sue him.

This is the closest I can get

"Nonetheless, there is public disquiet over Thaksin’s phone-in when he

admitted to being behind red-shirted protesters. He did not endear

himself to critics or neutral observers either when he then compared

himself to once-persecuted African leader Nelson Mandela."


I'm not going to search for the DTV broadcast, you would probably come with another reason why it's still not what you asked for <_<


Are some foreigners scared? :o

your dead right and with reason but not for our own safety but for future of Thailand and our families here. Would you not be scared of Hitler Gaddafi Mugabwie and what they can and do do Taksin is in same mould I assure you of that

Hitler? Gaddhafi? Mugabe? Those are all leaders that have ordered the army to fire on their own people.

Now, what Thai PM would fit that profile? I seriously doubt it's Thaksin.



Are some foreigners scared? :o

your dead right and with reason but not for our own safety but for future of Thailand and our families here. Would you not be scared of Hitler Gaddafi Mugabwie and what they can and do do Taksin is in same mould I assure you of that

Hitler? Gaddhafi? Mugabe? Those are all leaders that have ordered the army to fire on their own people.

Now, what Thai PM would fit that profile? I seriously doubt it's Thaksin.


True, true. K. Thaksin was more likely to have said 'solve this problem, that's what I pay you for. How you do it is up to you' <_<


It seems in the January 25, 2009 phone-in k. Thaksin compared himself to Nelson Mandela. K. Suthep accused him of wanting to be president and k. Thaksin threatened to sue him.

This is the closest I can get

"Nonetheless, there is public disquiet over Thaksin’s phone-in when he

admitted to being behind red-shirted protesters. He did not endear

himself to critics or neutral observers either when he then compared

himself to once-persecuted African leader Nelson Mandela."


I'm not going to search for the DTV broadcast, you would probably come with another reason why it's still not what you asked for <_<

Some say he does that regularly, comparing himself to Mandela or Gandhi and i would like to know how he does it exactly, because one could 'compare' himself to someone else in various degrees. Mandela as the man who never gave up, Mandela as the prisoner of an inhuman regime, Mandela as the terrorists, Mandela as the figure who stands for reconciliation, Mandela as an inspiration ... You suggested earlier some degrees of comparison that are much lesser strong than a claim to be exactly like Mandela or Gandhi. And i think you are right and I assume the same. But i cannot prove it and i cannot cite it because i don't have a quotable source for it.

And i searched the net too, equally successful like you, before i ask the questions here.

Now we have to wait for jdinasia.

Suthep hot it in a strange way and made an odd point of it claiming Thaksin wanna become a PRESIDENT just like a Mandela is a President. And a PRESIDENT would mean the head of state, a role quite different from a PM, who is just the highest minister in the cabinet of a government. The head of state is someone else in Thailand, the highest institution of the country.

Suthep was answering to the Opposition's fresh interpallation that accused him of politically harassing Thaksin with his malicious comment that would cause further division in society.

"I must counter the accusation. This is what I said. He would not give up. He keeps on fighting. I innocently believe that Thaksin is interested in presidential regime. I innocently believe deep down in Thaksin's heart, he wants to be president. It is not my imagination. I believe so because he had earlier shown his desire to the public several times both in Thailand and abroad,'' Suthep said.

Suthep said on February 2 Thaksin admired and praised South Africa President Nelson Mandela and compared himself as President Nelson.


Maybe Suthep has other associations when he hears that name, maybe something like like "terrorist" comes to his mind. meanwhile we think of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. Or Suthep don't know much about Mandela at all and the trigger word for him was PRESIDENT.

And yes, that is still not that what i am looking for, because its just a third hand source with Sutheps perceptual distortion added. Lazy journalists and internet blogger might have reduce that later just to "compared himself to" meanwhile Thaksin maybe just said that he admires Mandela and that he is an inspiration or something like that.

And is it just a translation, not the exact wording and translation is always only an interpretation.


i hope he returns, in a box or gets one soon after arriving......

Do you really think you should be advocating murder or assassination ???

Care to identify yourself ??

Thought not.............

I think comments such as the above show such a level of vindictiveness as to place them in a worse category than those they attack.


Are some foreigners scared? :o

your dead right and with reason but not for our own safety but for future of Thailand and our families here. Would you not be scared of Hitler Gaddafi Mugabwie and what they can and do do Taksin is in same mould I assure you of that

Hitler? Gaddhafi? Mugabe? Those are all leaders that have ordered the army to fire on their own people.

Now, what Thai PM would fit that profile? I seriously doubt it's Thaksin.


no Taksins thugs just started killing others wake up and small coffee and of course he never ordered any killings if you really think Taksin is going to help solve problems here you will learn as times goes on Until he is taken out their will be no peace in this country. He wont allow it and will use hism oney to continue paying thugs until he wins or he is totally smashed. This will now be a war to the end and civil war is almost inevitable. So get used to it its not going to be good for anyone but of course your hero can just go shopping while cannon fodder get mowed down - have a nice war


Are some foreigners scared? :o

your dead right and with reason but not for our own safety but for future of Thailand and our families here. Would you not be scared of Hitler Gaddafi Mugabwie and what they can and do do Taksin is in same mould I assure you of that

What about Genghis Khan and Marcel Marceau?

at least Genghis was honest he made no pretence to be anything except a murdering bastard out for only himself . Mr Taksin is a bit more clever and i repeat in same mould as modern robber barons and modern megalomaniacs who manage to fool most of people most of time at least here


i hope he returns, in a box or gets one soon after arriving......

Do you really think you should be advocating murder or assassination ???

Care to identify yourself ??

Thought not.............

I think comments such as the above show such a level of vindictiveness as to place them in a worse category than those they attack.

thats whole point Taksin is totally divisive and their are so many Thais who hate his guts and if push comes to shove are prepared if needed to be as vicious and murderous as red thugs So only solution and only exit will be when hes in a box or taken out permanently


While Thai polls do not have a reputation for being particularly reliable, every single one released or leaked recently shows PT ahead and gaining ground. Unless this trend reverses itself in the next two weeks, Yingluck will be the next PM.... until her big brother comes back and she hands the hotseat over to him.

Quite frankly, it probably won't make much difference to us Expats or to most Thais. The biggest changes will the the cancellation (which will be advertised as realignment <_<) of the various BTS/MRT routes that have not yet begun construction, some flashy, short-term (unsustainable) freebies like credit cards for farmers and taxi drivers, an outbreak of peace on the Cambodian/Thai border and possibly a new mega-project or two. Also, someone close the the government will get very rich selling overpriced Chinese notepads to the Govt. for their 'Every Student Gets a Notepad Scheme". A token number of students will actually get notepads. The rest will either get lost in the paperwork or disappear from the warehouses.

As for the totally unworkable promises, like the 15K salaries for new Grads, soon after the election someone will suddenly remember some obscure civil code which will make it impossible to implement.... sorry kids!:whistling: But the law says we can't do it, and we've got to obey the law.

Quite frankly, I have no idea what will happen when Thaksin comes back. A month ago I would have put my money on massive civil disturbances. But now, I suspect that there will be a handful of yellow-shirted nutters complaining, a fair number of Reds rejoicing and the majority of Thais greeting him with a massive wave of indifference... unless his arrival interrupts their favorite soap opera, of course!:blink:

One more thing that may very well happen: After a few months or years of him being PM again, those TV posters who now adore Thaksin will probably come to understand why he was almost universally detested by most TV posters back in 2005-2006!


No the Army didnt because the other smaller parties were already bought and paid for with millions of baht to ensure victory'. Many people seem to forget that some of the parties and MP'S that are now part of the current coalition used to be Thai Rak Thai (Pui Thai)

Many of the factions of TRT were their own parties before being bought into the TRT fold before the 2005 election.

In the 2007 election, they were still part of PPP (TRT mark II), but when PPP were disbanded, they went their separate ways again.

@Slapout ... TRT needed a coalition in 2001, but they merged with the coalition parties for the 2005 election, giving TRT a majority.

You obviously don't read the news. They didn't go their separate ways...they were forced to join the Democrat coalition.

Let's hope that Thaksin can actually return to Thailand, the vicious political persecution can stop & those who have been duped by the propaganda will have a chance to understand that it is the government/ army/ elite that are the ones ruining the country.

Are you saying the red shirts did not try to burn Bangkok down last year that they did not invade a hospital that they did not take over a part of the city putting honest citizens out of work?

It is just propaganda none of that happened. And if it did happen you are saying it was OK no big deal

You are seriously deluded.

Care to give us a list of names of people who are being poliicaly persacuted. Is it the same one as the one where people are being held responsible for there actions in 2010. You know the one's I mean the one's who drew a pay check from Thaksin.

I will share your hope that Thaksin returns to Thailand He has a lot to answer for here and he will be given free of charge two years room and board to do it.


Could you tell me in what context and with which words this someone you mentioned referred to himself as a Mandela or Gandhi?

I think it's much more an attempt at association with certain well-known freedom fighters to suggest a similar treat. 'See Mandela likes me', or 'Cambodian premier compares Thaksin to Aung San Suu Kyi'.

Some of these popularity boosts have never really worked out. Anyone remembers this from November 2008 when k. Thaksin was really turning away from politics "Mandela, Clinton Should Make Room for Thaksin: William Pesek"


A primary source please.

And not that what someone suggest that another someone had said something alike this about him.

I regret to have to tell you that at this very moment my dear buddy Thaksin 'maew' S. and I are not really on speaking terms. We have a difference of opinion on the use of taxes and who should pay them. When we do kiss and make up I will inform you. Don't call us, we might call you ;)

Just for the fun of it:

2009-10-23 Cambodian premier compares Thaksin to Aung San Suu Kyi - Summary


Next time I see my Cambodian buddy I'll ask him to write you a personalised note. Pen written, or do you prefer quill ?

Pretty insulting to Aung San Suu Kyi.


Just for the fun of it:

2009-10-23 Cambodian premier compares Thaksin to Aung San Suu Kyi - Summary


Next time I see my Cambodian buddy I'll ask him to write you a personalised note. Pen written, or do you prefer quill ?

Pretty insulting to Aung San Suu Kyi.

Aung San Suu Kyi is on Thaksin’s payroll. :whistling:

NLD spokesman Nyan Win said that in a meeting Saturday with Suu Kyi, she discussed the situation in Thailand, which has been wracked by crises since a 2006 coup ejected Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

New Gov: “A new government coming to power under a constitution drawn up by the military will never be stable,” he cited her as saying.

“We do not need to see very far. We just see Thailand,” she said. “Thaksin was an elected person. The military seized the power from an elected person. The constitution was drawn up by the military,” she said.

“After that, what happened with the first (government)? It was not stable,” she said of the short-lived administration that followed the coup. “This was a result of the constitution being written by the military.” Nyan Win said Suu Kyi was not giving an opinion on the rights and wrongs of the conflict in Thailand, where red-shirted campaigners largely loyal to Thaksin are calling for the ouster of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

Abhisit’s army-backed administration was appointed in a parliamentary vote after a court ruling ousted Thaksin’s allies


Matichon reports an appointed Senator states that Suu Kyi’s criticism of the Thai constitution and Thai government will cause Thailand damage in the eyes of the international community. “I feel very disappointed because Aung San Suu Kyi should understand Thailand better than this. Therefore, I ask for an investigation into Aung San Suu Kyi’s financial situation on whether [she] has received any money from any person”



Are some foreigners scared? :o

your dead right and with reason but not for our own safety but for future of Thailand and our families here. Would you not be scared of Hitler Gaddafi Mugabwie and what they can and do do Taksin is in same mould I assure you of that

Hitler? Gaddhafi? Mugabe? Those are all leaders that have ordered the army to fire on their own people.

Now, what Thai PM would fit that profile? I seriously doubt it's Thaksin.


What country were the victims of his supposed war on drugs where he ordered them to shoot people from.


Matichon reports an appointed Senator states that Suu Kyi’s criticism of the Thai constitution and Thai government will cause Thailand damage in the eyes of the international community. “I feel very disappointed because Aung San Suu Kyi should understand Thailand better than this. Therefore, I ask for an investigation into Aung San Suu Kyi’s financial situation on whether [she] has received any money from any person”


A bit over the top, but keep in mind that the remarks were made in April 2010 when the 'peaceful protesters' were still occupying Ratchaprasong and grenades rained almost daily. Mrs. Suu Kyi remarks on the 2006 coup should be seen in the light of her 20 year house arrest and all that the Burma junta did in those years.

This is a similar article from 2010-04-26 Suu Kyi wades into Thailand crisis


The lady also has kind words for Thailand

2010-12-01 "Suu Kyi, who was released from house arrest early this month, expressed her gratitude to Thais for helping the Burmese people."



Are some foreigners scared? :o

your dead right and with reason but not for our own safety but for future of Thailand and our families here. Would you not be scared of Hitler Gaddafi Mugabwie and what they can and do do Taksin is in same mould I assure you of that

I hate the fact that I have to preface most of my posts by saying that I am not a supporter of Thaksin or PTP but I do not want the ravening dogs of TVF Dem supporters attackng me. But.......

I really do wish that posters would stop likening Thaksin to Hitler - Hitler was leader of a regime which systematically and with industrial efficiency murdered 6 million people. No matter how bad you think Thaksin is, he is not in that category. Nor, indeed did he reduce his country from prosperity to poverty as did Mugabwe. Gaddafi - in what way is Thaksin a supporter of external terrorism, which is NATO's real reason for their actions against him, notwithstanding other humanitarian excuses?



"Thaksin expressed hope that he can return to Thailand in November to attend the celebration of His Majesty the King's 84th birthday anniversary on December 5"

Will he get an invite?

He seems to be the kind of guy who will attend an event uninvited despite the fact that most other attendees do not wish him to be there, with some even wishing for his death.


Thaksin Hopes to Return in December

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has endorsed his sister to the premiership.

He also hopes to return to Thailand in December.

During an interview with Reuters in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra expressed full support for his younger sister Yingluck Shinawatra to be the next prime minister if the Pheu Thai Party wins the general election on July 3.

Thaksin also asked his political opponents not to interfere with the poll results or the formation of the new government.

The ousted premier insisted that the Pheu Thai Party is loyal to the Monarchy and one of the party's primary campaign promises is to bring amnesty for those politically persecuted.

Thaksin said that he hoped to be back in Thailand in December to attend his daughter's wedding.

He added that his personal wealth has been dwindled to only about one billion US dollars or approximately 30 billion baht, accusing the Thai government of unfairly seizing 1.4 billion US dollars of his assets under the court ruling last year.

Thaksin claimed that he is currently looking to invest in a mineral mine in South Africa.

When asked about his earlier remark that Yingluck is his “clone”, Thaksin responded that he had a key role in raising his younger sister and as a result, her thinking and political belief are similar to his.

Reuters has predicted that even if the Pheu Thai Party wins most MP seats, the Democrat Party will still get to form the coalition government because Thaksin is viewed as a divisive figure which may alienate some potential political allies.

Also it said if the Pheu Thai Party captures less than 220 seats, the Democrat Party, which is likely to secure at least 180 seats, will have the upper hand in forming the coalition with the Bhum Jai Thai Party and this could throw the country into another political turmoil.

Currently Thaskin is spending his exile in Dubai playing golf and visiting some upscale shopping malls in the Arab country.

He is traveling on his Montenegrin and Nicaraguan passports and believed to have invested heavily in the African continent.


-- Tan Network 2011-06-17



So - between July and December, they'll have wiped the slate clean for Thaksin and will be working on transferring US$1.4 Billion to him?


Thaksin Hopes to Return in December


Thaksin said that he hoped to be back in Thailand in December to attend his daughter's wedding.



-- Tan Network 2011-06-17


The other newspaper has Ms. Yingluck saying today "k. Thaksin will return to Thailand this December to attend his eldest daughter's wedding". Well, that leaves about four months after installation of a new government to try to push through an amnesty :ermm:


The other newspaper has Ms. Yingluck saying today "k. Thaksin will return to Thailand this December to attend his eldest daughter's wedding". Well, that leaves about four months after installation of a new government to try to push through an amnesty :ermm:

... but it's not a priority ...

The ousted premier insisted that the Pheu Thai Party is loyal to the Monarchy and one of the party's primary campaign promises is to bring amnesty for those politically persecuted.
isn't that a change yet again? Didn't PTP say just last week that an amnesty is NOT a priority?

Reuters has predicted that even if the Pheu Thai Party wins most MP seats, the Democrat Party will still get to form the coalition government because Thaksin is viewed as a divisive figure which may alienate some potential political allies.

interesting aspect


Are some foreigners scared? :o

your dead right and with reason but not for our own safety but for future of Thailand and our families here. Would you not be scared of Hitler Gaddafi Mugabwie and what they can and do do Taksin is in same mould I assure you of that

Hitler? Gaddhafi? Mugabe? Those are all leaders that have ordered the army to fire on their own people.

Now, what Thai PM would fit that profile? I seriously doubt it's Thaksin.



I think you have some catching up to do on your knowledge about: "Thaksin Facts"


He thinks they will win a landslide but that they will form a coalition government because single party government has proved unsuccessful?

Really? Well for one, if they do win a landslide, they will have all the power they need and any party that wants to join them will do so from a very weak footing so they would have to be very desperate. For two, if they win a landslide and other parties join them, that will leave the country with a tiny opposition. Would that be healthy? Not that i suppose he cares... just wondering.

Anyway, not that it really matters. PTP have to win the landslide first, and none of the indicators suggest any party capable of that. We'll see.

a fine example of what is wrong with Thailand and Thaksin, he seems to think that if his sister gets into power all his convictions will go away - more the reason why he and his whole family should be locked up

and even if his sister wins the military will never allow them to take their seats, something that although I disagree with for a democratic society - thailand isn't quite there yet


During an interview with Reuters in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates


Thailand's former premier Thaksin Shinawatra warms up before playing golf at the Emirates Hills Golfcourse in Dubai, May 28, 2011. Shinawatra, the ousted former prime minister backing his sister's bid to unseat the ruling party in Thailand's upcoming general election, is optimistic about the outcome -- and a possible homecoming. The billionaire former telecommunications tycoon, who lives in exile to avoid a prison sentence for graft, said he hoped to return to Thailand by December, but acknowledged in an interview with Reuters that he would have to negotiate with his powerful enemies first. Picture taken May 28, 2011. To match interview



Thailand's former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra poses for a photograph at his residence in Dubai June 16, 2011.


Exiled Thaksin seeks December return to Thailand

DUBAI (Reuters) - Thaksin Shinawatra, the ousted former prime minister backing his sister's bid to unseat the ruling party in Thailand's upcoming general election, is optimistic about the outcome -- and a possible homecoming. The billionaire former telecommunications tycoon, who lives in exile to avoid a prison sentence for graft, said he hoped to return to Thailand by December, but acknowledged in an interview with Reuters that he would have to negotiate with his powerful enemies first.

Living in Dubai since fleeing Thailand ahead of a 2008 court verdict, the twice-elected Thaksin said he was in regular contact with his youngest sister, Yingluck Shinawatra, while managing what remains of his wealth from a villa in the cosmopolitan desert city. "In politics we have to use the iron fist and the velvet glove," said Thaksin, who has made his home in a region that has seen unprecedented upheaval since early 2011 with people in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen and Syria taking to the streets against their governments. "Nowadays you have to use more of the velvet glove than iron fist. During time of conflict you need to have more dialogue instead of just trying to use law to suppress the other side," he said, referring to Thailand long-running political crisis.

The former policeman and Premier League soccer club owner is betting that victory will pave the way for a general amnesty that might allow him to return without going to prison. Thaksin's yearning for his homeland is clear at his resplendent white mansion in the upscale Emirates Hills area of Dubai, where he surrounds himself with Thai orchids and at least half a dozen Thai staff. Magazines from home are stacked up on a coffee table next to a bowl of Thai candy and the smell of Thai food wafts through the room. Messengers travel back and forth between his home and Bangkok, relaying information to his allies.




-- Reuters 2011-06-17


and even if his sister wins the military will never allow them to take their seats, something that although I disagree with for a democratic society - thailand isn't quite there yet

I think they will allow them to take their seats. I think they have to. The problem will arise if PTP start trying to interfere with the judiciary, or attempt any whitewashing. That will not be tolerated, not only by the mililtary, but by a large section of society.

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