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Make Your Own Dog Bed?

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You need to consider your environment. I am wary of providing a hiding place for snakes or centipedes, so a simple wind/rain break for their outdoor sleeping area is often enough. Avoid blankets etc as this is a perfect home for ticks and fleas. For ease of cleaning you might consider a plastic tub type dog bed. I've seen plastic cushions that do not provide a hiding place for ticks but you need to consider seams.

You might consider a dog coat, something that you can wash (long soak then hot wash) to kill any bugs that take up residence. Your dog will not enjoy wearing a different "smell", although if you use the same washing powder as you normally use your dog will be used to it. Consider a final wash in your normal dog shampoo, but it's best to leave the coat not smelling at all, if you have two you can air them for a week or more so help the washing smell disperse.

To train a dog to wear a coat: You will need to first introduce the coat to the dog, I would do this after washing it a few times so the dog does not have to deal with the "factory new" smell as well as your washing smell, the introduction is just that - not putting it on the dog. If you do this a few times just before serving food it will help build a positive association with the coat. Then move on to putting the coat on just prior to a walk, again the positive association and distraction will help familiarise the dog with the coat. It is just like collar training. I would expect at the first opportunity the dog will find something smelly to roll in to tone down (from the dog's POV) the smell of the coat, so you might consider doing that first yourself. Dogs do not care about the appearance from a human fashion POV but the smell they carry.


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Cat the same. When i had four of the buggers i was often squished up in a corner...

Know the feeling.... quite apart from finding myself pretty much hanging on to the edge of the bed, one of my dogs likes to sleep under the duvet when he gets cold (air con), but then gets too hot so comes out etc. etc. He has me so well trained that I no longer even wake up when he sticks his nose under the duvet, I automatically lift it up for him :lol:!

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Carrifour, now big C sell cheap single comforter/duvet type bedding. They cost around 200 bhat and last a few months. They can be put in the washing machine, which makes it easy to keep clean.

Ok sometimes the colours are a bit bright but they do the trick

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