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I'd like to make a suggestion in regards to older posts. Occasionally a reply to a comment/post pops up on a subject that was first created a long time ago. Although the poster may be asking a legitimate question or comment, many times the "content" of the thread is either old news or often out dated. Example take the subject "American Football". It was originally posted in 2005 and now has 228 posts or comments made. A lot has change since 2005. Every year the schedule changes, or the times it is shown changes or who is showing it changes. A persons not going to read 228 comments to get an answer. This is just one example.

My suggest is when there has been no activity after 2 months or 3 months, the original post is "Closed". You pick the time frame that makes sense. That way posts stay more current and less cluttered with out-of-date information. The information contained in the post still remains and is searchable. It does make a person who needs to ask or make a comment, post a new subject title if in fact the same subject is closed. But is that all that bad? Does this make sense or is it just a pipe dream?

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bit of a pipe dream as there is an assumption that we keep track of older posts or that there is forum software out there that will close them automatically (no idea but if there is, I haven't seen it).

If a thread is ancient and resurrected by whomever for whatever reasons, simply use the report button to alert a mod on duty that it needs closing.

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bit of a pipe dream as there is an assumption that we keep track of older posts or that there is forum software out there that will close them automatically (no idea but if there is, I haven't seen it).

If a thread is ancient and resurrected by whomever for whatever reasons, simply use the report button to alert a mod on duty that it needs closing.

Well it was an idea. That does sound like the only method to close old threads. I tried.

PS my system back to not giving me a full posting menu box. And the drop downs are back. They went away mysteriously and came back just as mysteriously.

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