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Looking For Advice On Trekking


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Some friends of a friend are coming through CM for a visit and would like to do some trekking, either here, or probably anywhere in the north. I'd like to help them out with some 'insider' knowledge - but other than the typical 3 day tourist trek I went on a decade ago, replete with bamboo rafting and elephant riding, I know very little about the options available or what to tell them. Is it just a crap-shoot, or are some options better than others?

So, does anyone know of a good trekking company, or a private trekking guide they'd recommend, or even an off-the-beaten path trekking locale? Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

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Hi 'cmsoulbrother' I know a licensed Thai guide, really nice guy, speaks very good English, I know him both on a personal and business footing.

One problem, he's busy, a lot, if you would like I could forward his contact details and you could talk to him yourself. I don't know what he charges, but he's very good at his job.

Edited by Tonto21
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One of the many day tours would probably suit them just fine. At least it will give them an idea of what is involved. Then, they can search out the parts that suit them best. I know people who went on hiking treks, but were unfit for the exercise. Others didn't like sleeping in tents with strangers. And, the sleeping pads DO leave a lot to be desired. It's usually just a blanket on the ground. Or, it's a leaky air mattress that leaves you cold part way through the night. It can get quite cold at a night in the hills. What I've enjoyed the most was multi-day trips drifting down rivers on bamboo rafts. Elephant rides aren't much fun for over an hour. There is a real good hike right up Doi Suthep from the bottom to the top if people are fit enough. The trail is scenic, but rugged enough for most adventureous hikers. I've spoken about it many times (with pictures) on the many topics on what to do in Chiang Mai.

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