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Living Unattached


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This is a silly thread.

It`s like wanting to know about the birds and the bees.

No one can answer the OP`s question, it`s up to the lifestyle preferences of each person.

Personally I would like 500 million baht in the bank, a little wifey at home and a harem of beautiful girls whose only life ambition was to fulfil my every desire.

But like you, I'm stuck in the real world and have to make my own decisions and choices according to the limited funds that I have.

Anyone who has 500 million baht in the bank and a Thai wife will not have 500 million baht for long.

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Anyone who has 500 million baht in the bank and a Thai wife will not have 500 million baht for long.

Just because you lost a lot of your money to a Thai woman, it doesn't mean everyone else does or will. :)

So what's the secret, short of dumping them, how do you stop them from spending as if money grows on trees?

Edited by OriginalPoster
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This is a silly thread.

It`s like wanting to know about the birds and the bees.

No one can answer the OP`s question, it`s up to the lifestyle preferences of each person.

Personally I would like 500 million baht in the bank, a little wifey at home and a harem of beautiful girls whose only life ambition was to fulfil my every desire.

But like you, I'm stuck in the real world and have to make my own decisions and choices according to the limited funds that I have.

Anyone who has 500 million baht in the bank and a Thai wife will not have 500 million baht for long.

Any fool who has 500 million baht in the bank and a Thai wife will not have 500 million baht for long . . . fixed it for you.smile.gif

Edited by Trembly
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Anyone who has 500 million baht in the bank and a Thai wife will not have 500 million baht for long.

Just because you lost a lot of your money to a Thai woman, it doesn't mean everyone else does or will. :)

So what's the secret, short of dumping them, how do you stop them from spending as if money grows on trees?

Stop sprouting money as if you were a money tree.

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The only jolly old fellow i know is santa but he's a myth.

NOW you tell me. :(

I wondered why I wasn't getting any presents under my Christmas tree in Chiang Mai.

Maybe you had been a BAD boy! :whistling:

I'm ALWAYS a bad boy. Just ask the mods here. B)

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I live alone.

I have always lived alone since I left home at 16.

I cant think of anything worse than having anyone at all living with me, except perhaps having two people living with me.

If one day I need someone to push my wheelchair around or feed me warm rice soup from a spoon I will pay them to do it.

I wish I was the same as you.

You sound like a very strong type of person.

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The only jolly old fellow i know is santa but he's a myth.

NOW you tell me. :(

I wondered why I wasn't getting any presents under my Christmas tree in Chiang Mai.

Not only do I still believe in Santa, but I worked with him, back in 2007. I even went to his leaving do, as I recall.


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I live alone.

I have always lived alone since I left home at 16.

I cant think of anything worse than having anyone at all living with me, except perhaps having two people living with me.

If one day I need someone to push my wheelchair around or feed me warm rice soup from a spoon I will pay them to do it.

I agree 100%

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I live alone.

I have always lived alone since I left home at 16.

I cant think of anything worse than having anyone at all living with me, except perhaps having two people living with me.

If one day I need someone to push my wheelchair around or feed me warm rice soup from a spoon I will pay them to do it.

I agree 100%

I read with interest and a bit of envy your independent posts. I have lived with one or more women since I was 16. Even when I was in the army and college I had a female bunkmate. I really don't know what it is like to sleep by myself.

I don't think I get lonely but I have never really tried. When I got to Thailand as I remember it I was alone for a day. Not always the same woman more like serial monogamy or a bit of polygamy when I got lucky.

I put the toilet seat down even when I am alone for a night. I am used to doing it. I never pass air in bed or anywhere actually except in the toilet. Sanitary napkins have a place in my paper drawer. When I shop I replace them if I am out along with toilet paper and Kleenex.

Once when my wife left me I asked the next door neighbor to come over and sleep with me because I was having a hard time getting to sleep by myself. She still laughs about it.

Whenever I am with a woman and we are about to leave a restaurant or mall I ask them if they have to go to the bathroom. I have learned to negotiate almost any mall to get to the computer store without passing a shoe or purse shop.

It is not that I am helpless. I cook for myself and do my own laundry because I like to. Ironing is about the only thing I don't like doing nor do I sew on buttons.

I enjoy reading the posts of you loners. It gives me cause to think. After 50 years of sleeping with women every night should I actually try sleeping alone?

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I live alone.

I have always lived alone since I left home at 16.

I cant think of anything worse than having anyone at all living with me, except perhaps having two people living with me.

If one day I need someone to push my wheelchair around or feed me warm rice soup from a spoon I will pay them to do it.

I agree 100%

I read with interest and a bit of envy your independent posts. I have lived with one or more women since I was 16. Even when I was in the army and college I had a female bunkmate. I really don't know what it is like to sleep by myself.

I don't think I get lonely but I have never really tried. When I got to Thailand as I remember it I was alone for a day. Not always the same woman more like serial monogamy or a bit of polygamy when I got lucky.

I put the toilet seat down even when I am alone for a night. I am used to doing it. I never pass air in bed or anywhere actually except in the toilet. Sanitary napkins have a place in my paper drawer. When I shop I replace them if I am out along with toilet paper and Kleenex.

Once when my wife left me I asked the next door neighbor to come over and sleep with me because I was having a hard time getting to sleep by myself. She still laughs about it.

Whenever I am with a woman and we are about to leave a restaurant or mall I ask them if they have to go to the bathroom. I have learned to negotiate almost any mall to get to the computer store without passing a shoe or purse shop.

It is not that I am helpless. I cook for myself and do my own laundry because I like to. Ironing is about the only thing I don't like doing nor do I sew on buttons.

I enjoy reading the posts of you loners. It gives me cause to think. After 50 years of sleeping with women every night should I actually try sleeping alone?

I recommend you give it a try. Despite what you write you don't come across as the sort of chap who gets lonely by himself.

I come from the opposite end of the spectrum - In extremis I've had to go and sleep on the sofa or separate mattress to my girlfriends because I just wasn't getting to sleep. It's gotten easier to sleep beside someone as I've gotten older though, either because i'm getting better at dealing with it or i'm just becoming callous with old age. It's not like I'm autistic or have personal space issues - being in a Thai market or on a crowded songthaew doesn't bother me in the least. I just really value my solitude and personal vibratory down time.

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I enjoy being single, but then I've ALREADY done the marriage thing. I was married twice and divorced twice. Now I'm happily single. Unless you actually want to raise a family I see no need for marriage. Rentals are much, much cheaper and you can always upgrade to the latest model. But, I'm only speaking for myself. However, some guys want a mommy to take care of them. I don't.

And, there is no need to be lonely if you don't want to be. You can always adopt a Thai family and help them out occasionally, or on a continual basis. There is no need for legal commitment. There are thousands of unwed mothers in Thailand looking for a man... any man: old, young, fat or skinny, just so long as he helps out occasionally with some finances. It doesn't even have to be too much.

But, only you know your own needs and wants. Everyone is different. Just examine all the options before jumping off the bridge.

+1 on all counts.

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Never be lonely again. Get to know youself, understand yourself, and stop looking outside yourself for fullfillment. Self examination and introspection will give you knowledge of yourself

wanking ?

:lol: :lol:

That too... when necessary.

I always hear about growing old gracefully, but I keep asking myself how old do you have to be before you are old? Once upon a time I thought 50 was old, then it was 60, and later changed that to 70. Now I am 71 and still don't feel old. Maybe I was just blessed with good genes.

And, there is still that old saying... I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm just as good once as I ever was... and maybe even a little bit better. :D

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I have been alone so long when a woman sleeps over in the morning I am confused what to do. I find it difficult to get organized. Making a decision what to do that day,which now involves 2 people. I quess I havenot progressed beyond the women are sex object stage in my life.

I sometimes envy those in what appears to be happy home relationships, but this is short lived when reality steps in. Often the case their happy home life facade comes to the surface. The marriage may end in divorce ,one may take a lover, have separate lives in same house,stop communicating etc.

Guys say they cannot sleep alone,I like them to leave before I fall asleep.Being with a woman full time drains me. I like them as friends and lovers. I like my time with women friends because they are my friends no commitments and as friends can be very kind and pleasant to be with. As far as I am concerned all the women could live in a big commune and the men live alone and free and when a man wants a women go the commune and chat one up and take her home for sex. Then send her back to the commune.

Call me a caveman I donot care

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I have been alone so long when a woman sleeps over in the morning I am confused what to do. I find it difficult to get organized. Making a decision what to do that day,which now involves 2 people. I quess I havenot progressed beyond the women are sex object stage in my life.

I sometimes envy those in what appears to be happy home relationships, but this is short lived when reality steps in. Often the case their happy home life facade comes to the surface. The marriage may end in divorce ,one may take a lover, have separate lives in same house,stop communicating etc.

Guys say they cannot sleep alone,I like them to leave before I fall asleep.Being with a woman full time drains me. I like them as friends and lovers. I like my time with women friends because they are my friends no commitments and as friends can be very kind and pleasant to be with. As far as I am concerned all the women could live in a big commune and the men live alone and free and when a man wants a women go the commune and chat one up and take her home for sex. Then send her back to the commune.

Call me a caveman I donot care

I eat lunch some days at a Brit pub at the beginning of a street of bars. Not a tourist area. A number of old guys hang out at the pub to drink and chat. Mostly chat. They speak in some obscure Celtic brogue so I only catch half of what they say. There is also an Aussie group who mainly insult each other about football teams but it is done in an good natured way. These are old guys. Some drive big motorcycles (70 years old on a Harley electroglide) and wear leather vests and have a ponytail of hair on an otherwise bald head. I think the men live by themselves and go to the bar (commune) when they want a woman. They seem very happy. The women appear OK with the arrangement as they greet the men with friendly or pseudo loving greetings as they walk by.

I have heard of and have seen old sad men in the West. These gentlemen are old but anything but sad. They use childish slapstick humor to entertain ladies who seem to find it immensely funny. Yesterday they were playing a game with a frozen pork chop that had the ladies screaming in laughter.

It is another Thai lifestyle. The old men drink moderately and I imagine have sex every once in a while but they really look very happy. They watch footy on the tube at the pub and laugh with the ladies and since I never see them out past 8 PM get to bed early. Maybe they are lonely and unhappy but it doesn't look like to me.

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Never be lonely again. Get to know youself, understand yourself, and stop looking outside yourself for fullfillment. Self examination and introspection will give you knowledge of yourself

wanking ?

:lol: :lol:

That too... when necessary.

I always hear about growing old gracefully, but I keep asking myself how old do you have to be before you are old? Once upon a time I thought 50 was old, then it was 60, and later changed that to 70. Now I am 71 and still don't feel old. Maybe I was just blessed with good genes.

And, there is still that old saying... I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm just as good once as I ever was... and maybe even a little bit better. :D

“once, as I ever was.” That's good.

I worry about the illness that leaves one unable to walk or function alone for a long period of time. It happened to a friend of mine, stroke or something like that. His Thai wife nursed him back to health because his money ran out and the hospital kicked him out. Now, he is fine and living a productive life after being off of his feet for a year in a Thai village. Of course the question is, how many women would do that? He is lucky to be alive and have a lady like that. I know, I think too mutt.

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I live alone.

I have always lived alone since I left home at 16.

I cant think of anything worse than having anyone at all living with me, except perhaps having two people living with me.

If one day I need someone to push my wheelchair around or feed me warm rice soup from a spoon I will pay them to do it.

I left home a little later but otherwise we could be twins.

Jack said it. Above all, give me Freedom.

(Wallace knew his onions too!)

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I'm married to a Thai girl and it has got to be one of the worst mistakes I've ever made.

She's insanely jealous. I can't leave to get a drink at a bar without her going balistic.

If you love your freedom, don't marry. Don't even stay with a woman for more than 3 days. Stick with the pros. That is my personal advice.

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I worry about the illness that leaves one unable to walk or function alone for a long period of time. It happened to a friend of mine, stroke or something like that. His Thai wife nursed him back to health because his money ran out and the hospital kicked him out. Now, he is fine and living a productive life after being off of his feet for a year in a Thai village. Of course the question is, how many women would do that? He is lucky to be alive and have a lady like that. I know, I think too mutt.

Many Thai women would do this.

Thai think, very bad luck to leave sick person.

Stealing from wealthy healthy person different subject.

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Stealing from wealthy healthy person different subject.

It's not stealing, Olaf, it's just redistributing the wealth where it's needed most. :lol: :lol:

I don't think they would steal from a wealthy person - only a farang.

My understanding is that most of the time its given away anyway...


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