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Posting Nude Planking Photos On The Internet An Offence In Thailand


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Surely there must be some prohibition in the Thai culture about "naked animals " planking? There's a prohibition about everything else...naked in the shower, showing "flesh" at the beach, eating a hamburger or fried chicken with your fingers! :cheesy:

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Well it just shows "Planks" and "planking" is not just for a ships deck anymore!

The things a guy learns these days!laugh.gif

plank (plabreve.gifngk)n.1.a. A piece of lumber cut thicker than a board.b. Such pieces of lumber considered as a group; planking.2. A foundation; a support.3. One of the articles of a political platform.tr.v. planked, plank·ing, planks1. To furnish or cover with planks: plank a muddy pathway.2. To bake or broil and serve (fish or meat) on a plank: "Boards specially made for planking food have grooves . . . to hold juices" (Michael Stern).3. To put or set down emphatically or with force.

An extra difinition (UK) "plank" - a person who is as thick as a "plank" B)

For me that says it all!!!!!

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Nude planking photos online an offence.....nail down the people who posted them

Nail down plankers! This lady is funny.

First thing that sprang to my mind when I read the article too, kerryk! :lol:

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Nude planking photos? Never even heard of that. Someone post a link. :whistling:

As far as the tourist? The is company pressing charges :rolleyes: Right... an example must be made! What a load of crap. She made a mistake and offered to pay. A chewing out from the coppers along with payment for the damages is enough.


If she was Thai thats exactly what shed get. Its the same mentalilty that charges a Thai 30 baht for noodle soup and a farang (me) 50 baht. What Thailand needs is a complete boycott on tourism for one year - then they might stop this two tier system which CERTAINLY would be allowed in western countries. You may have been convinced that their poverty SHOULD allow them to do it - personally after seven years here I cant accept it. Its rude, its insulting and its wrong. Off topic - not really - if youre going to discuss the tourist planking affair, you have to mention the reasons behind her treatment.

Nothing will ever convince them, none, if boycotted they will say "obsessedby an evil spirit, to want to harm them..."they are the best and most innocent godliest people in the entire universe and yes they are right!

it's a nut house full with self centered egoists, who are trained to only love and support themselves, however, wherever, whenever, the "rest" is just unworthy because they "don't understand because they aren't Thai!"...!

Some and luckily not all, are dead serious about it!

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Nude planking photos? Never even heard of that. Someone post a link. :whistling:

As far as the tourist? The is company pressing charges :rolleyes: Right... an example must be made! What a load of crap. She made a mistake and offered to pay. A chewing out from the coppers along with payment for the damages is enough.


Nude planking photo's, you will never see online as it's only a small splinter group doing it :lol: .

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Lara Louise Pland Saen, 20, a tourist from the Netherlands, climbed over the roof of a car-rent company in Chiang Mai on Sunday night in the hope of planking, but ended up breaking many roof tiles.

The broken tiles fell and damaged a car parked below.

A security guard quickly alerted police and Saen, who was clearly drunk, was arrested. She later admitted she was trying to perform planking and offered to pay compensation.

The company, however, has refused to settle the case out of court. It has insisted that she should be charged with intrusion and causing property damage.

That bit of frontal lobe higher level thought processing deserves a photo of the erstwhile planker


Lara at the police station

Thai Rath


There is a funny post to this BS in German language on: http://wahnsinnausdemwok.wordpress.com/2011/06/19/zu-ruhm-ehre-durch-duldungsstarre/

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Nude planking photos? Never even heard of that. Someone post a link. :whistling:

As far as the tourist? The is company pressing charges :rolleyes: Right... an example must be made! What a load of crap. She made a mistake and offered to pay. A chewing out from the coppers along with payment for the damages is enough.


If she was Thai thats exactly what shed get. Its the same mentalilty that charges a Thai 30 baht for noodle soup and a farang (me) 50 baht. What Thailand needs is a complete boycott on tourism for one year - then they might stop this two tier system which CERTAINLY would be allowed in western countries. You may have been convinced that their poverty SHOULD allow them to do it - personally after seven years here I cant accept it. Its rude, its insulting and its wrong. Off topic - not really - if youre going to discuss the tourist planking affair, you have to mention the reasons behind her treatment.

...if boycotted ...

the few still coming will have to pay much more for everything, as this is Thai mentality (when you not have that much customers, the few must pay so much more that you get the same profit as with more customers). That's what I learned here :D But at least this has nothing to do with being Thai or Farang; customer is customer

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Lara Louise Pland Saen, 20, a tourist from the Netherlands, climbed over the roof of a car-rent company in Chiang Mai on Sunday night in the hope of planking, but ended up breaking many roof tiles.

The broken tiles fell and damaged a car parked below.

A security guard quickly alerted police and Saen, who was clearly drunk, was arrested. She later admitted she was trying to perform planking and offered to pay compensation.

The company, however, has refused to settle the case out of court. It has insisted that she should be charged with intrusion and causing property damage.

That bit of frontal lobe higher level thought processing deserves a photo of the erstwhile planker


Lara at the police station

Thai Rath


There is a funny post to this BS in German language on: [url=http://wahnsinnausdemwok.wordpress.com/2011/06/19/zu-ruhm-ehre-durch-duldungsstarre/]http://wahnsinnausdemwok.wordpress.com/2011/06/19/zu-ruhm-ehre-durch-duldungsstarre/[/of url]

Interesting that she is being prosecuted for this even after she has offered to pay compensation,one wishes that the police were equally as willing to prosecute those who cause the death of others when driving expensive fast cars

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Lara Louise Pland Saen, 20, a tourist from the Netherlands, climbed over the roof of a car-rent company in Chiang Mai on Sunday night in the hope of planking, but ended up breaking many roof tiles.

The broken tiles fell and damaged a car parked below.

A security guard quickly alerted police and Saen, who was clearly drunk, was arrested. She later admitted she was trying to perform planking and offered to pay compensation.

The company, however, has refused to settle the case out of court. It has insisted that she should be charged with intrusion and causing property damage.

That bit of frontal lobe higher level thought processing deserves a photo of the erstwhile planker


Lara at the police station

Thai Rath


Interesting that she is being prosecuted for this even after she has offered to pay compensation,one wishes that the police were equally as willing to prosecute those who cause the death of others when driving expensive fast cars

As per the article, it's up to the offended party (the car company in this case) to pursue charges. They are entirely within their rights to do so and easy to understand why they may wish to do so rather than simply accept compensation.


Edited by Buchholz
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REMEMBER: since Thailand's internet computer crime reach is now international, if you post a link to a nude planking photo on your blog while you are living at your home in another country, you can and will be arrested in Thailand for the "crime" when next you visit for cheap medical treatment!! So beware nude plankers!!

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........ Notthenation (satirical website) could not have written a funnier parody.

The company, however, has refused to settle the case out of court. It has insisted that she should be charged with intrusion and causing property damage. MEANS lets press the person for more money...

Biggest whorehouse in the world , and bigger Double moral than a Church going American ..

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Did the Ministry of Internet Censorship precise at which age it becomes criminal to post a nude picture? I lately saw a picture in the Internet of a young woman totally naked. (Well, she was 6 months old).

It seems to me that the MICT and the Ministry of Culture do everything they can to discredit the Democrat led government. The Ministry of Education, in particular the Office of Basic Education has joined them too now.

Time for a change? Certainly in these 3 ministries.

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Planking is hard for the average male foreign visitor to Thailand... belly gets in the way and tilts 'planker' to either feet or face making it necessary to call it "ramping" :lol:

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Police Crackdown on Widespread "Nude" Planking

Reveals Green Turtles as the Instigators


API Wirephoto

In an effort to break the chain of events that is spurring the nude "planking" craze, local and national police forces have combined efforts to crack down on what they believe to be the instigators of this heinous act; green turtles.

The police are convinced that they have targeted all of the key locations of these rogues, and have initiated a nationwide dragnet along all all coastal beaches. The intention is to arrest and detain all green turtles and take them to local police stations for questioning. The guilty turtles will then be ordered to pay a fine not to exceed 1000 sand dollars, and to serve a mandatory three month sentence on beach clean up crews.

One unidentified officer from within the police force is quoted as saying, "Thus far, every green turtle we have apprehended and detained does not have a passport. We do not believe these turtles are native, because our turtles would never stoop so low. Therefore, we believe these are foreign turtles. We are determined to bring an end to this intolerable, foreign behavior, because it is affecting the innocent little minds of our dear little children!".

When this reporter questioned several turtles for any comments to these accusations, said turtles simply flopped their fore-flippers, worked their jaws slowly and spat out sea water.

More arrests are expected.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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