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Yingluck Says She Cannot Stop Red Shirts Bullying Abhisit


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"Asked about the Democrat Party's relentless criticism of her, Yingluck said the attacks did not discourage her and that she still wanted to serve the country and lead it out of this period of conflict"

Now if she can not control her people how does she figure on accomplishing a political peaceful country where all the elected officials are interested in Thailand first and foremost.

May be she should check with her clone before she speaks.

Well, it's not very difficult to gaze all the way to the grounds of this cup of chicken soup, is it?

Now, waht I don't understand is, that in this country they all are so concerned about "Face", but some seem not to care at all, is it that from a certain hight that this rule goes away and every one simply carries a nofretete mask or is it who pushes from behind?

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"If Thaksin is (corrupt), and we have enough to eat and live, then let him be. We only have two choices here - those who cheat less and those who cheat more" - Singpetch Jitthaisong

To my foreign friends here in Thailand, welcome to Asia!

If you let him be will he let you be?

Or will he continue with his corrupt ways.

And trust me they will affect you also.

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Thailand's Battle for Peace. An outstanding documentary from Al Jazeera on the forthcoming elections in Thailand. Follow this link and enjoy:


"If Thaksin is (corrupt), and we have enough to eat and live, then let him be. We only have two choices here - those who cheat less and those who cheat more" - Singpetch Jitthaisong

To my foreign friends here in Thailand, welcome to Asia!

If you let him be will he let you be?

Or will he continue with his corrupt ways.

And trust me they will affect you also.

Of course he will continue his corrupt ways. But it won't affect me or any of us for that matter. Look at it this way. In Asia, there are "less" corrupt and "more" corrupt nations. In the former category, Hong Kong, Singapore. In the latter, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Phillipines. Where would you prefer to live?

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Of course if someone is

• Paid for many years to convince all people in a given area that the Earths core is filled with Red Jam

• Thesis 1 and 2 are banned from being heard

• And taught that Thesis 1 & 2 be arguments of bad people.

of course people can be 'made to believe',

'the earth is flat' and 'filled with red jam'.

And if those people are sent to discuss with those who:

• Have seen many other hypothesis and arguments for and against them,

• Seen relevant, substantiated info about them

• Were trained to make judgments between many different sources and their probable validities,

You naturally get those who have seen, and know,

unsuccessfully trying to convince those who

'only know what they have been repeatedly told,

is wrong and coming from untrustworthy sources'.

No wonder it is circular in direction.

So if I understand it correctly What you are saying is:

If you are not poor, never been poor, not lived amoung the poor, not lived a poor life

Then you can not comment on the poor or poverty, is that right?

Otherwise it would only be academmic (Theory without practical experience) is that right?

I must say I totally agree with you

This argument has nothing to do with being poor.

You may replace the word Thesis with Idea.

It has to do with being manipulated into believing falsehoods,

because they benefit someone for you to do so.

People, no matter how rich, poor, or middling, have had access to balanced information, not monochromatically biased information, and reached their own decisions.

Being poor limits opportunities for information analysis and training, but not completely. It doesn't limit desire to learn. I have friends who are quite poor, but also have access to accurate information, and have different opinions than those back home, because of their exposure to it, and inclination to not buy into ONLY one side of an argument that has historically told what is what.

It's not poor or rich,

but willingness to accept alternate arguments

and not shut them out.

Part of my argument hinted at Renaissance Church thought of 'Flat Earth' being doctrine, and it being heresy to say other wise, such as persecution of Copernicus and Gallileo., and yet some spoke out and eventually all listened.

An authority organisation tried to prevent this happening, but it was no less a true argument for Mother Church trying for centuries to stamp it out. Book burnings scientists burnings, beatings whipping etc etc. Their message was blocked for a long time because it benefited vested interests to do so, But that Blocked Messager WAS truth; The Earth IS Round.

This whole juxtaposition can be over laid on

'The Thaksin Legend Machine',

and Issan Information Control Political Machine that he has run for years. Lately turned to neo-Maoist control methods, to create an uprising and street army.

The feudal systems and methodology of rural control, turn on it's head and filtered through modern communications machinery.

Machiavelli meets Mao, on the information Super Highway,

and blocks Jeffersonian messages to the proletariat.

To throughly scramble some metaphors.

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Heckling is a normal part of electioneering - if Mr Abhisit can't cope with people shouting against him, he is obviously unfit for public office, it goes with the territory. Yet another excuse by the ineffective Democrat party.

True, but read the OP. When 200 people interrupt a market walk-through, that has gone past heckling to harassment and intimidation.

I did read the OP, it does not say anything about a market walk-through. As for there being 200 people there, I assume the reporter had a calculator. :D

It is, however, strange that Mr Abhisit did not file a complaint. " Sutthipol said Samut Prakan election officials had told him that no violence had broken out and that no election candidate had filed a complaint with the provincial election office."

Perhaps yet another smoke screen by the Democrats to make the opposition look bad ? This is politics, after all.

"Campaign at a market" - what do you think it means, buying a cabbage? and you don't need a calculator to assess a small crowd, and you don't need a smoke screen to make red-shirts look bad - it comes naturally (with the exception of her indoors)

Nowhere in the OP does it say that Mr Abhisit was taking part in a market walk-through. I also read the other English language newspaper and that doesn't mention a walk- through either. But hey, if that's what you choose to believe........As for buying a cabbage, I would expect Mr Abhisit to do exactly what he is told by the people pulling his strings, whether it is the "elite" or the army. If they want cabbage, he'll happily do their bidding.The calculator joke was obviously lost on you, perhaps you're taking yourself a little too seriously? (It is a well known joke that most Thais need calculators to add even small numbers together), but perhaps you don't live here. Possibly in your world, the protestors who died in Bangkok all committed mass suicide, by throwing themselves at the armies bullets ?

At the time of writing, the Democrats have still not filed a complaint about the Samut Prakan heckling. Indeed EC secretary general Suthiphon Thaveechaiygarn, asked the Democrats to file a formal complaint, instead of discussing it in the media, according to the Bangkok Post (today, page 3, column 1, paragraph 4). Interestingly, the Bangkok Post also mentioned that Mr Abhisit called off campaigning, as he feared a clash between his supporters, and the Pheu Thai supporters, so perhaps the whole thing was not as one sided as it first appears.

It seems to me, that the Democrats sole tactic is to try to blacken the character of the opposition, which is perhaps understandable, given the Democrats total failure since they came into power. If they concentrated on their achievements, such as raising the minimum wage by 7 %, according to www.business-in-asia.com/thailand/minimum_wage2011, which sounds fine, until inflation of 4.19 % is taken into account, (May 2011 figures), which reduces the raise to an actual 2.81 %.(Inflation data from www.trading economics.com/thailand/inflation).

In the meantime, according to Forbes (in.reuters.com/article/2010/09/02/idINIndia-51240520100902, Thailands top forty richest people increased their wealth by an average of 46% in the year to September 2010. According to World Bank figures, Thailands richest 20% people have some 55% of the countrys' wealth, while the poorest 20% have a mere 4 %. Mr Abhisits Democrat party, strangely, avoids all mention of these figures. Possibly they make the promised 25% pay rise over several years seem like a pittance, compared to the vast sums that those controlling Mr Abhisit are making?

Lies and counter lies are a normal part of any election process, as are false promises made to the electorate, by those seeking power. I don't honestly believe that either of the two main parties are good for Thailands future, but they are still better than the army taking over (again).

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Thailand's Battle for Peace. An outstanding documentary from Al Jazeera on the forthcoming elections in Thailand. Follow this link and enjoy:


"If Thaksin is (corrupt), and we have enough to eat and live, then let him be. We only have two choices here - those who cheat less and those who cheat more" - Singpetch Jitthaisong

To my foreign friends here in Thailand, welcome to Asia!

If you let him be will he let you be?

Or will he continue with his corrupt ways.

And trust me they will affect you also.

Of course he will continue his corrupt ways. But it won't affect me or any of us for that matter. Look at it this way. In Asia, there are "less" corrupt and "more" corrupt nations. In the former category, Hong Kong, Singapore. In the latter, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Phillipines. Where would you prefer to live?

Sorry to disabuse you yet again, but,

While in office Thaksins corrupt ways affected me,

and materially changed how I thought of him.

I once was a fan.

"And trust me they will affect you also."

I have yet to meet ANY Farang with more than 15 years here

who thinks Thaksin's ways did not affect his life negatively,

who was NOT in the gravy trains of Thaksin cronies in some business venture. Or not a faceless, pro-Thaksin biased, poster on TVF.

And those few making a profit at the time are few and far between.

And many later totally screwed like Munson from the TV company.

Thaksin uses people in business like toilet seat covers, use once,

cover in crap, and flush them when the job is done.

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Reading the posts in many of the forums, it seems to me that pro-Thaksin supporters would merely like Thaksin to be back in power but do not vehemently attack Abhisit and co. However, the anti-Thaksin camp continuously attack him, his family and his siblings, bringing everything down to a very personal level.

So a question to the anti-Thaksin camp - what will you do IF Thaksin comes back to power? As a matter of principle, will you then be leaving the country in disgust (and returning to your respective countries of cleaner than white politicians with fair and democratic elections) rather than contribute further to Thailand's economy, which after all, will merely find it's way to Thaksin's pockets again?

Unlike the Thaksin supporters we will except the results of this election. Now what will you do if Abhist is elected. Take to the streets again.

If the polls are reliable indicators then Mr. Abhisit will be unemployed as PM after the election. If his party should somehow gain a majority despite polling data o the contrary, there would mass protests because the election was seen as rigged. Now, if the polls show a trend to the Democrats and a surge of support in the last week, then the re-election of the Democrats is plausible. I believe this scenario occurred a few months ago in Cote Ivoire where the incumbent was in a similar position to PM Abhisit, lost the election and refused to give up office.

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Reading the posts in many of the forums, it seems to me that pro-Thaksin supporters would merely like Thaksin to be back in power but do not vehemently attack Abhisit and co. However, the anti-Thaksin camp continuously attack him, his family and his siblings, bringing everything down to a very personal level.

So a question to the anti-Thaksin camp - what will you do IF Thaksin comes back to power? As a matter of principle, will you then be leaving the country in disgust (and returning to your respective countries of cleaner than white politicians with fair and democratic elections) rather than contribute further to Thailand's economy, which after all, will merely find it's way to Thaksin's pockets again?

Unlike the Thaksin supporters we will except the results of this election. Now what will you do if Abhist is elected. Take to the streets again.

If the polls are reliable indicators then Mr. Abhisit will be unemployed as PM after the election. If his party should somehow gain a majority despite polling data o the contrary, there would mass protests because the election was seen as rigged. Now, if the polls show a trend to the Democrats and a surge of support in the last week, then the re-election of the Democrats is plausible. I believe this scenario occurred a few months ago in Cote Ivoire where the incumbent was in a similar position to PM Abhisit, lost the election and refused to give up office.

What do you expect, they speak French there.:D (About as useful a language as Latin, in the modern world). So are you saying Mr Abhisit will have a tantrum if he loses ?

You have to feel sorry for the electorate here, it's definitely a choice between a flop and a squared face.

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Mme. Yingluck?

Did she get French citizenship or something? When did, all of sudden, she become Madame Yingluck?

But, if we're going to use French forms of address and since she's not legally married, shouldn't she be addressed as Mademoiselle (abbreviated as Mlle) Yingluck?

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"Asked about the Democrat Party's relentless criticism of her, Yingluck said the attacks did not discourage her and that she still wanted to serve the country and lead it out of this period of conflict"

Now if she can not control her people how does she figure on accomplishing a political peaceful country where all the elected officials are interested in Thailand first and foremost.

May be she should check with her clone before she speaks.

She also can't lead her Party in a debate and requires a stand-in, who, actually, will be a stand-in for a stand-in.


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There is a fundamental difference between the headline and the OP's first line. She may not be able to stop them, but she certainly can TELL them to stop. Why can't she express disapproval? Perhaps her brother refuses to allow it, as it would soften the bully-boy image of the party.

"Yingluck Shinawatra said yesterday that she could not tell her red-shirt supporters to stop protesting against Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva during campaign rallies."

She is actively allowing it by refusing to speak against it.

If she were a TRUE leader, she could and would put a stop to it.

But she is not, and it does not fit her brothers aims.

Yes, some truth in all this. I met her yesterday at a rally. She is pleasant, and even more attractive than the photos, but clearly a sacrificial lamb before the slaughter. Definitely not a clue about politics. Her nomination makes me wonder even more about Thaksin's motives. Could she be PM? she just isn't going to make it that far. But maybe that's part of the plan?

She could easily end up, very soon after the election, using her brother's words of "I'm finished with politics" , with the obvious difference being she actually means it.

She can easily cite the stress, the meanness of politics, the back-biting, in-fighting, or whatever and announce her complete disappointment and resign....... clearing the way for a replacement PM.

Cue Montenegro.


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I had insider information (Thai officers). The " no vote " strategy of the yellows has the aim, that when there enough voters with " no", there will be no Government. For the intermediate time HRM can select a PM.

I never understood the "no voting", but I learn about Thailand.

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"Asked about the Democrat Party's relentless criticism of her, Yingluck said the attacks did not discourage her and that she still wanted to serve the country and lead it out of this period of conflict"

Now if she can not control her people how does she figure on accomplishing a political peaceful country where all the elected officials are interested in Thailand first and foremost.

May be she should check with her clone before she speaks.

She also can't lead her Party in a debate and requires a stand-in, who, actually, will be a stand-in for a stand-in.


As I posted earlier, If the said family paid for the reds UPRISING, then they could pay for stopping most of the present problems. Thaksin is just using his little sister like a barbie doll.:bah:

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Whenever there's a 'nice' picture of k. Abhisit being heckled I can hear people say 'see, that's how Thai think about him'. Similarly Ms. Yingluck getting flowers 'See, that's how Thai think about her'. There seems to be an awful lot of manipulation going on :ermm:

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There is a fundamental difference between the headline and the OP's first line. She may not be able to stop them, but she certainly can TELL them to stop. Why can't she express disapproval? Perhaps her brother refuses to allow it, as it would soften the bully-boy image of the party.

"Yingluck Shinawatra said yesterday that she could not tell her red-shirt supporters to stop protesting against Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva during campaign rallies."

She is actively allowing it by refusing to speak against it.

If she were a TRUE leader, she could and would put a stop to it.

But she is not, and it does not fit her brothers aims.

Yes, some truth in all this. I met her yesterday at a rally. She is pleasant, and even more attractive than the photos, but clearly a sacrificial lamb before the slaughter. Definitely not a clue about politics. Her nomination makes me wonder even more about Thaksin's motives. Could she be PM? she just isn't going to make it that far. But maybe that's part of the plan?

Interesting insight, thanks.

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Heckling is a normal part of electioneering - if Mr Abhisit can't cope with people shouting against him, he is obviously unfit for public office, it goes with the territory. Yet another excuse by the ineffective Democrat party.

At least he doesn't break down sobbing like Yingluck at the slightest negative remark!

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She is smart and recognizes the reality is the other side is just up to their old game of "branding" anyone who supports Thaksin as Thaksin.

Can the Democrats control the yellows? NO.

Can the Democrats manage to finally control the masses with their brainwashing schemes in the first election they don't seem to have rigged with other people who wear green for a living? NO. Sorry, they are going to be out and we all know it, unless they go about their dirty tricks once again. The corruption of the court system or the use of the military are serious offenses in the REAL WEST.

She probably can, but to recognize that is to play the game of these "NON-democrat" types, who will soon be gone, face the fear of charges themselves (last I checked a coup is treason and NO you can't write a law to provide yourself amnesty, the hypocrites; you GET amnesty from a 3rd party like the man whom they claim to respect so much or by proving the charges are political).

Can't even control her party out of office, imagine what a mess it would be when/if she was in office and the money starts to flow.... Perhaps this is the same militant faction that was uncontrollable in the riots as well...

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Mme. Yingluck?

Did she get French citizenship or something? When did, all of sudden, she become Madame Yingluck?

But, if we're going to use French forms of address and since she's not legally married, shouldn't she be addressed as Mademoiselle (abbreviated as Mlle) Yingluck?

Don't know if this helps, but in the UK a "madam", is a spoilt brat (female). Perhaps this is a thinly veiled reference to that? I am happy to confirm that the young lady is definitely not French. I've seen a photo of her wearing a sleeveless dress, with an arm raised, and there was NO under-arm hair visible. :D

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Mme. Yingluck?

Did she get French citizenship or something? When did, all of sudden, she become Madame Yingluck?

But, if we're going to use French forms of address and since she's not legally married, shouldn't she be addressed as Mademoiselle (abbreviated as Mlle) Yingluck?

Don't know if this helps, but in the UK a "madam", is a spoilt brat (female). Perhaps this is a thinly veiled reference to that? I am happy to confirm that the young lady is definitely not French. I've seen a photo of her wearing a sleeveless dress, with an arm raised, and there was NO under-arm hair visible. :D

No it does not help...Your anti french comments are rather low taste to say the least, and even not slightly funny. You must have a real problem, as I am not sure that you are posting in the right thread. This one is about Yingluck.... If you are to attempt some jokes, try to make them funny, at least....Or is it not within your possibilities?

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She is smart and recognizes the reality is the other side is just up to their old game of "branding" anyone who supports Thaksin as Thaksin.

Can the Democrats control the yellows? NO.

Can the Democrats manage to finally control the masses with their brainwashing schemes in the first election they don't seem to have rigged with other people who wear green for a living? NO. Sorry, they are going to be out and we all know it, unless they go about their dirty tricks once again. The corruption of the court system or the use of the military are serious offenses in the REAL WEST.

She probably can, but to recognize that is to play the game of these "NON-democrat" types, who will soon be gone, face the fear of charges themselves (last I checked a coup is treason and NO you can't write a law to provide yourself amnesty, the hypocrites; you GET amnesty from a 3rd party like the man whom they claim to respect so much or by proving the charges are political).

Can't even control her party out of office, imagine what a mess it would be when/if she was in office and the money starts to flow.... Perhaps this is the same militant faction that was uncontrollable in the riots as well...

"Can the Democrats control the yellows? NO."

Of course not. Yellows are a different pressure group, and not really aligned to the dems. They are not akin in the same way as PTP= reds. Many seem to make that misconception...... especially red-sided minds.

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Mme. Yingluck?

Did she get French citizenship or something? When did, all of sudden, she become Madame Yingluck?

But, if we're going to use French forms of address and since she's not legally married, shouldn't she be addressed as Mademoiselle (abbreviated as Mlle) Yingluck?

Don't know if this helps, but in the UK a "madam", is a spoilt brat (female). Perhaps this is a thinly veiled reference to that? I am happy to confirm that the young lady is definitely not French. I've seen a photo of her wearing a sleeveless dress, with an arm raised, and there was NO under-arm hair visible. :D

No it does not help...Your anti french comments are rather low taste to say the least, and even not slightly funny. You must have a real problem, as I am not sure that you are posting in the right thread. This one is about Yingluck.... If you are to attempt some jokes, try to make them funny, at least....Or is it not within your possibilities?

lighten up, Pierre, everyone is subject to a bit of satirical characterization. Maybe he should have mentioned cheese munching and the waving if white flags to animate the post to a suitable extent. He makes a fair point.... by and English (UK) use of the word Madam, she certainly seems to fit the bill well.

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Don't know if this helps, but in the UK a "madam", is a spoilt brat (female). Perhaps this is a thinly veiled reference to that? I am happy to confirm that the young lady is definitely not French. I've seen a photo of her wearing a sleeveless dress, with an arm raised, and there was NO under-arm hair visible. :D

No it does not help...Your anti french comments are rather low taste to say the least, and even not slightly funny. You must have a real problem, as I am not sure that you are posting in the right thread. This one is about Yingluck.... If you are to attempt some jokes, try to make them funny, at least....Or is it not within your possibilities?

Well, I thought it was funny. Perhaps it's just you.

Anyway, in reference to the title of the thread, you can't educate pork.

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She is smart and recognizes the reality is the other side is just up to their old game of "branding" anyone who supports Thaksin as Thaksin.

Can the Democrats control the yellows? NO.

Can the Democrats manage to finally control the masses with their brainwashing schemes in the first election they don't seem to have rigged with other people who wear green for a living? NO. Sorry, they are going to be out and we all know it, unless they go about their dirty tricks once again. The corruption of the court system or the use of the military are serious offenses in the REAL WEST.

She probably can, but to recognize that is to play the game of these "NON-democrat" types, who will soon be gone, face the fear of charges themselves (last I checked a coup is treason and NO you can't write a law to provide yourself amnesty, the hypocrites; you GET amnesty from a 3rd party like the man whom they claim to respect so much or by proving the charges are political).

Can't even control her party out of office, imagine what a mess it would be when/if she was in office and the money starts to flow.... Perhaps this is the same militant faction that was uncontrollable in the riots as well...

"Can the Democrats control the yellows? NO."

Of course not. Yellows are a different pressure group, and not really aligned to the dems. They are not akin in the same way as PTP= reds. Many seem to make that misconception...... especially red-sided minds.

Yes ,this comment is truly the kettle calling the teapot black.

Accuse your opponents of exactly what you do so they might look worse than you. See, I label them this, so they MUST do it more that we do. But most all recognize which side really is wallowing in dirty tricks day in and day out.

And no amount of 'ReBranding' can detach the Red street violence arm from the PTP political arm of the Thaksin machine.

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She is smart and recognizes the reality is the other side is just up to their old game of "branding" anyone who supports Thaksin as Thaksin.

Can the Democrats control the yellows? NO.

Can the Democrats manage to finally control the masses with their brainwashing schemes in the first election they don't seem to have rigged with other people who wear green for a living? NO. Sorry, they are going to be out and we all know it, unless they go about their dirty tricks once again. The corruption of the court system or the use of the military are serious offenses in the REAL WEST.

She probably can, but to recognize that is to play the game of these "NON-democrat" types, who will soon be gone, face the fear of charges themselves (last I checked a coup is treason and NO you can't write a law to provide yourself amnesty, the hypocrites; you GET amnesty from a 3rd party like the man whom they claim to respect so much or by proving the charges are political).

Can't even control her party out of office, imagine what a mess it would be when/if she was in office and the money starts to flow.... Perhaps this is the same militant faction that was uncontrollable in the riots as well...

"Can the Democrats control the yellows? NO."

Of course not. Yellows are a different pressure group, and not really aligned to the dems. They are not akin in the same way as PTP= reds. Many seem to make that misconception...... especially red-sided minds.

Yes ,this comment is truly the kettle calling the teapot black.

Accuse your opponents of exactly what you do so they might look worse than you. See, I label them this, so they MUST do it more that we do. But most all recognize which side really is wallowing in dirty tricks day in and day out.

And no amount of 'ReBranding' can detach the Red street violence arm from the PTP political arm of the Thaksin machine.

red shirts = PTP

PTP = red shirts


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She is smart and recognizes the reality is the other side is just up to their old game of "branding" anyone who supports Thaksin as Thaksin.

Can the Democrats control the yellows? NO.

Can the Democrats manage to finally control the masses with their brainwashing schemes in the first election they don't seem to have rigged with other people who wear green for a living? NO. Sorry, they are going to be out and we all know it, unless they go about their dirty tricks once again. The corruption of the court system or the use of the military are serious offenses in the REAL WEST.

She probably can, but to recognize that is to play the game of these "NON-democrat" types, who will soon be gone, face the fear of charges themselves (last I checked a coup is treason and NO you can't write a law to provide yourself amnesty, the hypocrites; you GET amnesty from a 3rd party like the man whom they claim to respect so much or by proving the charges are political).

Can't even control her party out of office, imagine what a mess it would be when/if she was in office and the money starts to flow.... Perhaps this is the same militant faction that was uncontrollable in the riots as well...

"Can the Democrats control the yellows? NO"

But the Democrats didn't just take the PAD-leaders onto their own party-list of MP-candidates, perhaps because they already have their own political-party NPP, in the way that Ms Yingluck's party just adopted so many Red-Shirt leaders. So it's a slightly-different case.

The point surely is, that she should be pointing-out to her running-mates and their cohorts, how their actions might work against PTP's getting elected with enough MPs to form a coalition-government, and to restrain themselves. Her unwillingness to do so suggests that she doesn't feel she's in control of 'her' party, or this significant part of it, enough to advise or discipline them. B)

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"Can the Democrats control the yellows? NO"

But the Democrats didn't just take the PAD-leaders onto their own party-list of MP-candidates, perhaps because they already have their own political-party NPP, in the way that Ms Yingluck's party just adopted so many Red-Shirt leaders. So it's a slightly-different case.

The point surely is, that she should be pointing-out to her running-mates and their cohorts, how their actions might work against PTP's getting elected with enough MPs to form a coalition-government, and to restrain themselves. Her unwillingness to do so suggests that she doesn't feel she's in control of 'her' party, or this significant part of it, enough to advise or discipline them. B)

Point of order --- the Yellows appear to have 2 political parties. NPP and, Heaven and Earth. (PFD) Heaven and Earth seem to be attached to the Santi Asoke sect.

The Dem's seem to have kept a lid on the yellows fairly well since Abhisit was elected. The yellows are more marginalized than ever in the past. They (the yellows) may very well be out en masse again if a Thaksin backed party tries for an amnesty though!

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She is smart and recognizes the reality is the other side is just up to their old game of "branding" anyone who supports Thaksin as Thaksin.

Can the Democrats control the yellows? NO.

Can the Democrats manage to finally control the masses with their brainwashing schemes in the first election they don't seem to have rigged with other people who wear green for a living? NO. Sorry, they are going to be out and we all know it, unless they go about their dirty tricks once again. The corruption of the court system or the use of the military are serious offenses in the REAL WEST.

She probably can, but to recognize that is to play the game of these "NON-democrat" types, who will soon be gone, face the fear of charges themselves (last I checked a coup is treason and NO you can't write a law to provide yourself amnesty, the hypocrites; you GET amnesty from a 3rd party like the man whom they claim to respect so much or by proving the charges are political).

Can't even control her party out of office, imagine what a mess it would be when/if she was in office and the money starts to flow.... Perhaps this is the same militant faction that was uncontrollable in the riots as well...

"Can the Democrats control the yellows? NO"

But the Democrats didn't just take the PAD-leaders onto their own party-list of MP-candidates, perhaps because they already have their own political-party NPP, in the way that Ms Yingluck's party just adopted so many Red-Shirt leaders. So it's a slightly-different case.

The point surely is, that she should be pointing-out to her running-mates and their cohorts, how their actions might work against PTP's getting elected with enough MPs to form a coalition-government, and to restrain themselves. Her unwillingness to do so suggests that she doesn't feel she's in control of 'her' party, or this significant part of it, enough to advise or discipline them. B)

Are you sure that the Democrat party is PAD free? According to www.th4u/kasit_piormya.htm , Thailands foreign minister, Mr Kasit Piromya, is an advisor to both the Democrats and the PAD. Furthermore, according to the other English language paper, Mr Kasit (a Democrat Party member), is still waiting to hear whether he will face charges relating to the Suvarnabhumi / Don Mueang aiport closures. (Edition of 21 June 2011, p4). Perhaps the Democrats didn't take PAD members onto their party list, because they were already there.

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