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Bangkok Police Inspect Car Used By Military Officer To 'Run Over' Woman In Parking Dispute

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What I find very strange is that another article seems to refer to the victim as both a doctor and a "Major".. major where? In the army too? The Bangkok POst even has a picture of her in an army-type uniform.


This article makes it clear she is a Major, and that she works as a doctor. As is the case in western militaries, doctors have an officers rank.


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Police Probes Hit-and-Run Case

UPDATE : 22 June 2011

The deputy city police chief has disclosed that the colonel who allegedly ran his car over a military doctor has turned himself in, but police have not pressed any charges as they are determining whether he was actually the driver.

Metropolitan Police Bureau Deputy Commissioner, Pol Major General Amnuay Nimmano commented on the case of Colonel Saksit Pu-glun, an officer of the Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters' Comptroller General Office who testified in a hit-and-run case in which he allegedly struck military doctor Major Hathaiporn Imwitthaya, or Doctor Muk.

The doctor sustained critical injuries.

Amnuay said investigators doubt Saksit's confession because he denied the allegations against him on Monday, and then said the hit-and-run was an accident, which is clearly in conflict with security camera footage.

Nonetheless, investigators must further investigate Saksit's claim and whether it matches evidence and witness testimonies. He is currently only a suspect in the case.

City Police Bureau 1 Commander, Police Major General Wichai Songprapai also said he is speculative of Saksit's claim that he was not the driver as it conflicts with the evidence.

Police are conducting fingerprint scans to determine whose fingerprints were in the vehicle.

Wichai asserted that the case has made considerable progress and said he is fully committed to the case.

Colonel Saksit has traveled to meet with investigators and military attorneys, but charges have not been filed since they are awaiting the final report on the investigation, including testimony from Hathaiporn's mother and other witnesses who were dining at a nearby restaurant when the incident occurred.

If a link is found, Saksit could be charged with attempted murder.

The City Police deputy commissioner asserted that the case is proceeding without delay, but the details must be carefully considered as they could affect the army's image.

Nonetheless, security camera footage is being reviewed and inspections are being conducted on the vehicle. Further information is expected to be submitted in the next two days.

Prior to his questioning, Saksit said in a public interview that he was not driving the car that hit Hathaiporn and that he and his family and friends were eating at a nearby restaurant at the time of the incident.

Saksit added that when he left the restaurant he found that Hathaiporn's car was in the way with the handbrake up which infuriated him, so he decided to write on her windshield, 'no parking manners'.

He explained that when Hathaiporn came out to the parking lot a quarrel ensued.

Then the military doctor moved her car, but as Saksit was leaving the parking spot, Hathaiporn blocked the way and jumped on the hood of Saksit's car and ripped off a wiper, prompting him to stop and reverse the car.

He insisted that he did not intend to hit Hathaiporn with the car.

According to police reports, Saksit's claim differs from witness reports and that of Hathaiporn's mother, as well as the camera footage, which looks like the driver intended to speed up and hit the doctor.


-- Tan Network 2011-06-22



This is one of the disgusting things about Thailand, and it's in the papers all the time. People with a good job, or in a position of power, always thinking they can do the unspeakable and get away with it. I hope this guy hangs to set an example to everyone out there, watch yourself. This poor lady only wanted to go home.......

Seems to me there is a thug lurking in most Thais.

At least here the thuggery *is* usually lurking!

Change "Thais" to "humans" and you'd be more accurate - let's face it, civilization everywhere is just a thin veneer; free the average person from consequences and/or put them under enough stress and the savage shows his face pretty quickly.

Back home the thuggery's right out there swaggering down the street and in your face everywhere you turn.

Can't agree with that assessment. Elsewhere in the civilized world, people who commit crimes, regardless of their position are held accountable. Just ask the former IMF Managing Director....seems here in Thailand, important people consistently dodge the bullet with payoffs.


I also read some reports that the driver was actually Saksit's 28 year-old son, but he's taking the blame to try and protect him.


Police Probes Hit-and-Run Case

UPDATE : 22 June 2011

The City Police deputy commissioner asserted that the case is proceeding without delay, but the details must be carefully considered as they could affect the army's image.



What I find very strange is that another article seems to refer to the victim as both a doctor and a "Major".. major where? In the army too? The Bangkok POst even has a picture of her in an army-type uniform.


I find it very strange that 'neighbours' were reported to have 'intervened'.


When I first came to Thailand an air force general ran over and killed a little girl in front of her house in a narrow street near China Town. The girl's father rushed out distraught to remonstrate with the occupants of the car and pulled open one of the doors while his son tried to restrain him. The air force general jumped out of his car, pulled out his side arm, shot the son dead, then drove on to his important engagement.

1. What do you think happened to the air force general?

2. What do you think will happen in this case?

Seen the same thing here on Phuket many years ago. 'though the driver was just some average guy in a pick up. Backed over the kid to make sure it died (no hospital bills) too, Wife's reaction 'shrug' - so what?


From some acquaintances, it's not an uncommon route for Thais wishing to become doctors or nurses to join some branch of the military and thus get their medical training and certifications in that manner, without having to pay some or all of the normal schooling costs that would be associated with medical degrees. They are then committed to serve in the military for some period of time thereafter, working in government-military hospitals, which serve both the military and regular civilians as patients.


" She jumped onto the boot of the moving car "....you believe that..???????? :angry::angry::angry:

He,Colonel Sakshit, the driver, claims that Major Haithaporn, the injured party, jumped onto the BONNET (hood)of his car, the front..

Perhaps this accounts for the mysterious windshield wiper being detached?

However, personally, I am not inclined to believe anyone who shows absolutely no remorse for putting a person in hospital with severe head injuries. There were accusations the driver of the Nissan was intoxicated . :unsure:

Fortunately, as others have commented, the fact that she is a Major and a Doctor in the military is going to make it harder for the powers that be to sweep this little incident under the carpet as is most often done when one pulls rank. Even the army chief has said heads will roll, just whose is unknown at this stage

Hopefully, the victim will make a full recovery and allow the truth to emerge.

Stay tuned.


This Colonel Saksit Phuklan is a psychopath, he waiting more than 30 min. for her to kill her by car.

He lie, but videocam was still running all the time and show what he do.

Higher militaries will think about their reputation and cancel this sick man...




Colonel's confessions over 'accident' doubted

By The Nation


Police have expressed doubts about a colonel's confession that his car caused serious injuries to a female doctor.

"At first, he said he was just the car owner but later he said he was the driver too," the head of Metropolitan Police Division 1 MajGeneral Wichai Sangprapai said yesterday.

He found Colonel Saksit Phuklan's statement "unconvincing", adding that it contradicted some evidence.

"If his confession is made to protect the real culprit, the case will likely be dropped in the military court," said Deputy Metropolitan Police chief MajGeneral Amnuay Nimmano.

After seeing Saksit's photo, the doctor's mother said he was not driving the vehicle at the time it hit her daughter on June 4.

Saksit is serving as the director of the Office of the Army Comptroller's central division. If he is charged, he will be tried in the military court.

On Tuesday, Saksit turned himself in to police and said he was the owner and driver of the Nissan car that injured Major Dr Hathaiporn Imwittaya.

He claimed that after a dispute over parking manners, she suddenly jumped in front of his car, climbed on the hood and pulled off a windscreen wiper. He said he was so astonished that he braked suddenly and reversed, causing the doctor to fall off. He denied trying to run over her again.

"We have not yet pressed charges against him. We will focus on gathering evidence first," Amnuay said.

Police were examining both the vehicles of Hathaiporn and Saksit. A simulation of the incident will also be created.

Saksit's wife and daughter were present during the drama.

Hathaiporn is being treated at the Phra Mongkutklao Hospital. Her condition improved slightly yesterday but she still needs the help of a respirator.

Her Majesty the Queen yesterday graciously sent a basket of flowers and gifts to Hathaiporn via a representative.

"We are overwhelmingly grateful," Hathaiporn's mother said.


-- The Nation 2011-06-23


Pannakorn Imwitthaya the mother says that the driver of the car was not Col Saksit, reports on social media outlets are pointing the finger at the son of a retired army general who is a Lt Col the 1st army staff officer.

Looks like Col Saksit is the designated fall guy.


I am taking bets, and giving odds, that the officer will be found innocent and the lady will have to buy him a new windshield wiper when/if she gets out of the hospital.. Just call me cynical.


I suspect the police didn't release or comment much of Security Cam footage until there was a 'confession' and now note said confession doesn't match actual evidence. I think the Colonel screwed himself... But how far they can go is another issue. This is military colonel vs military Major, Doctor, and Woman of good family, and the video shows a different story than the Colonels 'confession... it may not be as easy as he originally thought to dodge this bullet.

It also looks like the Junior colonel son of a big shot general IS identified and not his designated fall guy. Interesting scenario with the election happening.


This is one of the disgusting things about Thailand, and it's in the papers all the time. People with a good job, or in a position of power, always thinking they can do the unspeakable and get away with it. I hope this guy hangs to set an example to everyone out there, watch yourself. This poor lady only wanted to go home.......

You miss the point.

It is the

' People with a good job, or in a position of power, ' who get justice done as well as get away with it. The bad guy here has connection nsas do the wronged family.

The poor som tam lady

gets nothing neither justice nor away with it.

Until they start to apply the law to all then the irony is that someone here will lose out. Not both powerfully connected families can walk away from this one. And yet it is suggested that they can.

The seeking of 'justice' for all. That would mean one is punished. But that will not happen. The settlement by way of payment will take place and that means little to those who are financially secure. That is the injured person's family.

Simply, our first world standards have no place in Thailand. For all those misguided individuals who believe bitter old expats have a jaundiced view of Thailand, please put me right on how to interpret this one.

Drunks driving off in pursuit of pedestrians with the intent to injure them using a car as a weapon. Where in the world does that happen with impunity? Thailand.

And remember this those of you with rose coloured specs. It was at a restaurant. Over car parking. Blocked access. Please move your car. Next stop life support machine. Are these people sane? Do you call these people normal?

When will this madness stop?



Police Probes Hit-and-Run Case

UPDATE : 22 June 2011

The deputy city police chief has disclosed that the colonel who allegedly ran his car over a military doctor has turned himself in, but police have not pressed any charges as they are determining whether he was actually the driver.

Metropolitan Police Bureau Deputy Commissioner, Pol Major General Amnuay Nimmano commented on the case of Colonel Saksit Pu-glun, an officer of the Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters' Comptroller General Office who testified in a hit-and-run case in which he allegedly struck military doctor Major Hathaiporn Imwitthaya, or Doctor Muk.

The doctor sustained critical injuries.

Amnuay said investigators doubt Saksit's confession because he denied the allegations against him on Monday, and then said the hit-and-run was an accident, which is clearly in conflict with security camera footage.

Nonetheless, investigators must further investigate Saksit's claim and whether it matches evidence and witness testimonies. He is currently only a suspect in the case.

City Police Bureau 1 Commander, Police Major General Wichai Songprapai also said he is speculative of Saksit's claim that he was not the driver as it conflicts with the evidence.

Police are conducting fingerprint scans to determine whose fingerprints were in the vehicle.

Wichai asserted that the case has made considerable progress and said he is fully committed to the case.

Colonel Saksit has traveled to meet with investigators and military attorneys, but charges have not been filed since they are awaiting the final report on the investigation, including testimony from Hathaiporn's mother and other witnesses who were dining at a nearby restaurant when the incident occurred.

If a link is found, Saksit could be charged with attempted murder.

The City Police deputy commissioner asserted that the case is proceeding without delay, but the details must be carefully considered as they could affect the army's image.

Nonetheless, security camera footage is being reviewed and inspections are being conducted on the vehicle. Further information is expected to be submitted in the next two days.

Prior to his questioning, Saksit said in a public interview that he was not driving the car that hit Hathaiporn and that he and his family and friends were eating at a nearby restaurant at the time of the incident.

Saksit added that when he left the restaurant he found that Hathaiporn's car was in the way with the handbrake up which infuriated him, so he decided to write on her windshield, 'no parking manners'.

He explained that when Hathaiporn came out to the parking lot a quarrel ensued.

Then the military doctor moved her car, but as Saksit was leaving the parking spot, Hathaiporn blocked the way and jumped on the hood of Saksit's car and ripped off a wiper, prompting him to stop and reverse the car.

He insisted that he did not intend to hit Hathaiporn with the car.

According to police reports, Saksit's claim differs from witness reports and that of Hathaiporn's mother, as well as the camera footage, which looks like the driver intended to speed up and hit the doctor.


-- Tan Network 2011-06-22


Well that's cleared that up then. It was a suicide bomb attempt on the good officer and the wisdom of the police is to tread softly as the do not want the reputation of the Army tarnished. How the rest of you could have doubted anything else is beyond me, fall out you non-believers! whistling.gif


Sucks not to have clout around here, eh?


Ah yes the patronage system works well most of the time, problem with it is, sooner or later some has a brother bigger than yours.

Last incident I witnessed was a local threating a construction worker type with all sorts, turns out said worker was DSI.

As you say sucks not to have clout, sucks even more when you realise you dont have the clout you thought you had.


Sucks not to have clout around here, eh?


Ah yes the patronage system works well most of the time, problem with it is, sooner or later some has a brother bigger than yours.

Last incident I witnessed was a local threating a construction worker type with all sorts, turns out said worker was DSI.

As you say sucks not to have clout, sucks even more when you realise you dont have the clout you thought you had.

Yeah, there's always a bigger a fish, two tigers can't live on the same mountain, never get involved in a land war in Asia, etc. etc. The kid driving the car wasn't operating within the 'accepted' patronage rules. He'll probably get away with it, but his dad will have to put out so many markers that their lives won't be quite the same as before. It's all relative.

I think most would agree though that life would be so much better with a 'few' relatively easy to use 'get out of jail' free cards though, especially if you live within the boundaries of the system and have an accident or two over the course of your life. I only comment here because it reminded me of a situation we had a few years ago where my brother in law was driving in the provinces in the middle of the night and hit a motorcycle that was driving lights out AND in the wrong lane. The motorcyclist died after a few days in ICU. Insurance says they'll pay out, police agree that the motorcyclist was in the wrong. No worries, right? In these situations though, the police often end up with a payment 'or else' situation (that is, payment to the police station) when it gets to the payment of 'kwan' (damages I suppose would be the closest) situation between the victim's family and the family of the other party. Insurance pays to a certain point, but tradition says that we also have to pay a portion as well. They (the police) phrased in such a way that we'd have to pay X amount to get my BIL's car out of the impound lot, or the other family would probably want to take him to court. Those who don't want to pay will sometimes find that their cases are long and drawn out at every turn, even when they are in the right. Well a few calls here and there got it cleared up right before his eyes, but it could have been annoyingly drawn out otherwise. Would have sucked not to be able to make those calls, and just because some moron decided to drive around with his lights out on the wrong side of the road.



Colonel faces perjury charges if caught covering up

By The Nation


The colonel who confessed to having caused serious injuries to a female doctor will face perjury charges if he is found to be protecting the real culprit, Metropolitan Police Division 1 commander MajGeneral Wichai Sangprapai said yesterday.

"At this point, we don't believe his statement," the senior police officer said.

On Tuesday, Colonel Saksit Phuklan surrendered to police, saying that he was driving the car that left Dr Hathaiporn Imwittaya critically injured. Describing it as an accident, he said that he was so astonished when she jumped onto the hood of his car that he reversed suddenly, causing her to fall and hurt herself.

Meanwhile, Saksit's wife, Sapawan, showed up at the police station yesterday to provide more information on the case. Wichai said she looked very worried, but stood by her husband's version of the story.

"We will summon her daughter and her daughter's friend to provide statements soon," he added, suggesting that police officers would most probably interrogate them in the next couple of days. Both girls were present when Hathaiporn was allegedly run over.

In addition, Wichai said police would not press charges against Saksit until evidence strongly suggested that he was responsible for Hathaiporn's injuries.

"Our investigation is more than 80 per cent complete. We have witnesses who are not involved in the conflict," Deputy Metropolitan Police Commissioner MajGeneral Amnuay Nimmano said.

According to witness accounts, Hathaiporn reportedly had a dispute over parking rights with Saksit's family. Also yesterday, Saksit produced a photograph showing Hathaiporn standing in front of his car to back his claim of her being in a "belligerent mood".

Hathaiporn, who sustained severe brain injuries, is being treated at the Phra Mongkutklao Hospital. The hospital's director Dr Phirapon Pokpong said her condition was stable.

"She opens her eyes when her name is called and has squeezed her mother's hand sometimes," he said.

Kosalang Wannarospak, one of Hathaiporn's cousins, said the victim's mother had told him that Saksit did not look like the man she saw behind the wheel on June 4.

Saksit works for the Office of the Army Comptroller, and if charged, he will be tried at the military court.


-- The Nation 2011-06-24


it will go the same way the girl in the car that hit a mini bus killing people went. put on the back burner till its forgotten with.


it will go the same way the girl in the car that hit a mini bus killing people went. put on the back burner till its forgotten with.

I'm guessing you don't know that charges aginst the girl were made yesterday.


it will go the same way the girl in the car that hit a mini bus killing people went. put on the back burner till its forgotten with.

I'm guessing you don't know that charges aginst the girl were made yesterday.

Wasnt Kh Kanpithak Pachimsawas charged and convicted of premeditated murder?

Please refresh my memory, wasnt he sentenced to 10 years them released on 5 million baht bail without actually spending anytime in jail?


it will go the same way the girl in the car that hit a mini bus killing people went. put on the back burner till its forgotten with.

I'm guessing you don't know that charges against the girl were made yesterday.

And what sort of sentence do you think she will eventually serve, xx years and after 3 appeals from now ????

Bet you 10:1 not one single day inside a police or prison cell and not even a substantial fine.


Mor Muk, the doctor seriously injured, was very young, I think less than a year old, when her father, a soldier, was killed in the war against the communists. Her mother,working at Sirirat hospital, brought up Mor Muk alone, Mor Muk worked for the Queen in the south for a while, so there is plenty of interest in this case, meaning it's not going to go away easily for the colonel.


She'll get a sentence, just like Kamnan Poh and Duangchalerm Yubumrung.


Thats fine company you keep there Kh Heng.

Better not piss you off, wouldnt want to find a buffalo head in my bed.

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