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Britain, Thailand Agree To Strengthen Ties


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Britain, Thailand agree to strengthen ties


LONDON: -- Bilateral relations between Thailand and Britain turned to a new chapter when both leaders agreed to foster closer ties through a new "Plan of Action," as the British prime minister also supported barter-trade arms exchanges for Thai agricultural produce.

Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, said after meeting his British counterpart Tony Blair at 10 Downing Street Thursday that the so-called "Thai-UK Action Agenda" ,which both countries signed seven years ago, will be replaced with the new "Plan of Action."

The two leaders last met in the United Kingdom in 2002.

Mr. Thaksin explained that the plan of action will set a specific timeframe for political, security and economic cooperation. The Foreign Ministries of the two countries will work out the details.

Britain also agreed to sell weapons to Thailand through a barter-trade deal between BAE Systems, a UK government-supported weapons manufacturer and the Thai government, according to the Thai prime minister.

Mr. Thaksin added that some proceeds from the sales will be used to invest in education, public health and healthcare, as well as technology transfers to Thailand.

A joint statement released by the British government after the talks said that the two prime ministers welcomed the accords as a sign of progress in co-operation between BAE Systems and the Thai government regarding the Thai Defence Modernisation programme.

They agreed to continue this work with a view to conclude the next phase of the project as soon as possible -- noting that discussions were already underway. Both sides re-affirmed that commodity-based

finance, or "barter trade", would feature in any consideration of the payment arrangements for new contracts and agreed that satisfactory delivery of offset arrangements, technology transfer and inward investment-- collectively known as "Economic Compensation" - would also remain important.

Mr. Thaksin also briefed Mr. Blair on Thailand's plans for a series of special celebrations next year to mark the Sixtieth Anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej's Accession to the Throne.

The Thai premier was later granted an audience with Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh at Buckingham Palace. He also presented to the Prince an invitation for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh to visit Thailand to attend the event as guest of the Government of Thailand.

The Thai Prime Minister then left London Friday to visit Finland to meet Finnish President Tarja Halonen.

Mr. Thaksin will then fly to Russia, the last stop of his five-nation tour before returning to Bangkok on Oct 16.

--TNA 2005-10-15

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Britain also agreed to sell weapons to Thailand

Interesting. Pardon my ignorance but what enemies does Thailand have exactly that it needs to defend itself against? No doubt Blair and Thaksin have discussed the problems of the South and this is what Blair can offer? Well done Blair, the Bush/Blair doctrine of extermination comes to the Land of Smiles (and weapons).


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Britain also agreed to sell weapons to Thailand

Interesting. Pardon my ignorance but what enemies does Thailand have exactly that it needs to defend itself against?

Taksin and Blair have one thing in common - corruption. They're both dishonest - they're both liars - they both rely on the gullibility of the masses to stay in power. They ought to read a bit of Abe...

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Britain also agreed to sell weapons to Thailand

Interesting. Pardon my ignorance but what enemies does Thailand have exactly that it needs to defend itself against?

Taksin and Blair have one thing in common - corruption. They're both dishonest - they're both liars - they both rely on the gullibility of the masses to stay in power. They ought to read a bit of Abe...

Couldn't have put it better myself, corrupt and liars!

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Britain also agreed to sell weapons to Thailand

Interesting. Pardon my ignorance but what enemies does Thailand have exactly that it needs to defend itself against? No doubt Blair and Thaksin have discussed the problems of the South and this is what Blair can offer? Well done Blair, the Bush/Blair doctrine of extermination comes to the Land of Smiles (and weapons).


Weapons are needed to fight Terrorism!!! Mind you 2 Weapons of Mass Destruction were discovered in the 21st century..........Bush & Blair!!!


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Taksin and Blair have one thing in common - corruption. They're both dishonest - they're both liars - they both rely on the gullibility of the masses to stay in power. They ought to read a bit of Abe...

Thaksin, Blair & Bush corrupt? That is a lot of rhetoric without fact. It’s okay to spout off pub talk without an educated argument. Taksin represents the average Thai and promotes avidly a two tier pricing system to favour his countrymen - and rightly so. Blair is in support of all Europeans favouring those less well off for the good of all, as is the social policy of the European Union. In addition, Bush - well he is, as any educated cretin knows only a figurehead for the capitalist entity. Think about that and spout your ill-advised boll ox!

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Mr. Thaksin added that some proceeds from the sales will be used to invest in education, public health and healthcare, as well as technology transfers to Thailand.

This is the interesting sentence.

What proportion of the proceeds will each of these services receive?

Who owns the company that will benefit most from these "technological Transfers"?

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Thaksin, Blair & Bush corrupt?  That is a lot of rhetoric without fact.  It’s okay to spout off pub talk without an educated argument.  Taksin represents the average Thai and promotes avidly a two tier pricing system to favour his countrymen - and rightly so.  Blair is in support of all Europeans favouring those less well off for the good of all, as is the social policy of the European Union.  In addition, Bush - well he is, as any educated cretin knows only a figurehead for the capitalist entity.  Think about that and spout your ill-advised boll ox!

Thaksin: http://www.thecornerhouse.org.uk/item.shtml?x=51987

Blair: Blunkett, Mandelson, Mandelson, Mandelson, Mittal, Hinduja, the gerrymandering of the postal voting system, Ecclestone's £1 million contribution which Blair had to give back, Keith Vaz - Blair and his government stink like a barrel of rotting fish.

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Britain also agreed to sell weapons to Thailand

Interesting. Pardon my ignorance but what enemies does Thailand have exactly that it needs to defend itself against?

You mean apart from countries that occasionally lob mortar fire over (e.g. Burma)?

There's probably a small risk from Laos and Cambodia - a bit of anti-Thai action might go down well in those countries.

There's a huge risk of Malaysia intervening in the south. If Thai 'policing' becomes far too heavy-handed, they may cite the precedent of Kosovo and try driving the Thai ground forces out from the air. Who would have air superiority?

When did Malaysia last fire on a Thai fishing vessel? Malaysia has zealous fishery protection.

I may be wrong to emphasis possible Thai-Malaysian hostility - it's over 60 years since Thailand last annexed Malay territory, the annexation I have in mind was reversed, and the Thais who traditionally live in the territory have the status of bhumiputras.

It may even help ward off Chinese high-handedness, though I am not so sure of the risks here.

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Whatever you might think of the current Thai leadership, and I'm no big fan myself, Thailand is a democracy and has a right to defend itself, and so to buy arms.

England sells arms to dodgier regimes than TRT.


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