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Dog Attack


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Dealing with Thai dogs is a lot different from dogs back in the west.

I find that when a soi dog comes after me barking and hollering, if I try and fight it off then more often than not its friends (other soi dogs) come from nowhere and will join in the melee too. Not uncommon for 10 on 1. So what I usually do is just smile at the dog. This causes the dog utter confusion as it doesn't know how to react to my big grin. The soi dog's just seem to wander off so as to avoid losing face. Seems to work.

Ps. Do not try this method in the west as the dog might attack you.

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It is sick that some of "the dog lovers" will so viciously attack their fellow human for complaining about been bitten...well,we are just humans,so sometimes we get pissed at something,that can be easy avoidable,but still happens...and it is not a dogs fault,that it bit you,it's the owners who allow their dogs to wonder around(most of the time,so they don't have to clean after them).

My children have had been bitten several times in past few years and I myself ones and it all happened on one short street!...and as to the owners,like somebody mention before,they just stood around and when this happens,you just get a "stupid" smile,or maybe somebody will add "sori sori" and that's it!

I did get pissed several times and even wanted to get the police,but my wife talked me out of it...the reason -WE will have problems!!! Give me a brake!...and yes,I want to move...anybody wants to buy a house?!...55555555555555!!!!!(BTW,we have two dogs and they never go out without a leash-that's for their own protection...an of course a big stick helps!!)

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Dealing with Thai dogs is a lot different from dogs back in the west.

I find that when a soi dog comes after me barking and hollering, if I try and fight it off then more often than not its friends (other soi dogs) come from nowhere and will join in the melee too. Not uncommon for 10 on 1. So what I usually do is just smile at the dog. This causes the dog utter confusion as it doesn't know how to react to my big grin. The soi dog's just seem to wander off so as to avoid losing face. Seems to work.

Ps. Do not try this method in the west as the dog might attack you.

There is always one who is the "leader of the pack". So this is the one you should aim at with your weapon of choise.

If you get a good hit, the rest of the pack will go/run back to where they came from.

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75 grams of ground chicken--make ball and stick thumb in middle...fill with anti-freeze.....HERE BOY!

http://www.whiotv.com/news/28324751/detail.html Beagle Attacks Pit Bull, Owner

Bastardo Beagles!!! Ban them all!

Ban the Beagles, Kill the Cockers, Hang the Huskies, Spit on the Pitt, Dump the Dogo's,... just Flip those Flappies!

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Yeah the next soi of my house there's a pitbull there im sure that pibull's <_< are not weak

Are you guys serious ? The dog in Chiang Mai are small and weak. Just walk toward them or fake a kick. They bark loud but no dog is stupid enough to actually attack something 4 time their size. The only way they could bite you is if you try to run away, then their instinct kick in.

The only reason some dog are vicious toward human is because some asshol_e beaten them badly in the past

Oh dear. I can take you for a tour and you will change your mind. B)

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Yeah the next soi of my house there's a pitbull there im sure that pibull's <_< are not weak

Are you guys serious ? The dog in Chiang Mai are small and weak. Just walk toward them or fake a kick. They bark loud but no dog is stupid enough to actually attack something 4 time their size. The only way they could bite you is if you try to run away, then their instinct kick in.

The only reason some dog are vicious toward human is because some asshol_e beaten them badly in the past

Oh dear. I can take you for a tour and you will change your mind. B)

It depends on how they are looked after and trained whether they are aggressive though. But your right they are certainly not weak.

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No, it's the owner's fault for having no manners or consideration for others who simply want to use public ways.

Public walkways are not what you said in your original post.

Errr....where else would you find people cycling and getting attacked by dogs than on public ways (that was ways)?

I might get a stick and slam them with it or I could just let go of my 40kg Pitbull and see what happens then.


Think we get it......

ps: when did the pitbull become grossly obese?

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Completely agree with Thaimiller. You enter my property and start throwing things, I guarantee that it won't be the dog doing dying that day....

Hey tough guy, I'm equal opportunity........if I happen to get attacked by your dogs when I cycle past I'll be after them like a shot regardless of your biceps bulging out of your polo shirt.

Maybe its you who needs to wake up and change your moronic meme.

You know anything about systems theory. It says "The tighter the feedback, the more intelligent the system."

Well this is my way of giving feedback.


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To the OP

I bought this extend able walking stick (Light weight Aluminum)....................................

I now have a Shield (The Bike) a Sword (The walking stick) I have even got the Sandels :lol:

Hope this helps


Hey Tigerbalm

thanks for the idea, that looks great.

1. is the walking stick strong enough......as good as a 3/4inch cane?

2. where are the clips from as one will need those for any type of stick thing?

3 (anyone) where do I find cane?

It's amazing how this topic has resonated, obviously a real pain in the ass and genuinely dangerous to many.

This says nothing of the damned shame that one simply cannot stroll around at night for the noise. It's just no pleasure.

cheers Cheeryble

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75 grams of ground chicken--make ball and stick thumb in middle...fill with anti-freeze.....HERE BOY!

http://www.whiotv.co...751/detail.html Beagle Attacks Pit Bull, Owner

Bastardo Beagles!!! Ban them all!

Ban the Beagles, Kill the Cockers, Hang the Huskies, Spit on the Pitt, Dump the Dogo's,... just Flip those Flappies!

Go, Dog. Go!

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Reall not a good idea to go throwing bottles at peoples dogs; good possibility u might get shot; people do over less on the roads several times a year.

Chill yourself; Jai yen yen,

Many options to deal with it without acting up like a lunatic.

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Reall not a good idea to go throwing bottles at peoples dogs; good possibility u might get shot; people do over less on the roads several times a year.

Chill yourself; Jai yen yen,

Hang on a minute mmcw.....

I'm having a nice peaceful ride with my girlfriend on a public way. A pair of dogs hurl out and the leader tries to bite my girlfriend and then goes for me. And you're telling me I should roll over and let it do the same next time, or to someone else?

I jump off my bike, the dog runs into it's gate. Following my policy of zero tolerance because if they don't get a real shock they'll just do it repeatedly, and possibly very dangerously, to me or someone else I grab the first thing I see, a bottle, just inside the gate, and hurl it at the dog. It's not like I'm going in their bathroom for a shave I am probably a few feet inside. It hits the dog.

My experience is if you chase a dog, I mean really chase it, just once or twice they change their behaviour fast.

BTW the owner was just standing watching the whole episode and saying nothing to draw the dog off either of us. She's the one that really needs the lesson drilled into her thick skull. I've gone as far as actually throwing something into a gate after a dog once before. The male owner was obviously perturbed. Happily it did go into his skull. His gate is closed in the evening to this day.

Thankyou for your concern over my getting shot but I'll judge my own situations on the hoof.


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U got off your bike and it ran away. U then should of politely pointed out to the owner how dangerous and would she please keep her gate closed.

Your not dealing with a soi dog pack! U should learn some manners just as much as she should learn some responsiblity.

This was the first time u say?

I'm not much of a dog lover but if I had a dog and say I just parked the car and taken the shopping inside before shutting the gate; step back out and see my prized pooch getting a bottle to head and sum falang nut job in my yard I would go ballistic.

I ride a bike and it seems to be a dogs nature to bark and chase a bit but I just ride slow and if they look like they might bite just stop and make an aggressive move to assert dominance and they back off. Which u did but then went totally over the top. Just two dogs, come on, man up boy.

Carry a stick to swing a bit for effect if u must but you'll look like a fassy if your just riding around smart ends with only home dogs.

If I'm walking places where I know packs operate then I take stick, but if I'm caught out with out one the pretend to pick up a rock trick has always worked. The wild packs of 10-15 at night are some serious shit; 2 little house dogs aren't anything to get worked up about

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To b honest I throw ice cubes at the neighbours dogs from down the street when they come sniffing round the street frontage of my house. Always shitting all over the place. Everyone on the street has complained about it. Just one &lt;deleted&gt; house that leave their gates open all time.

I have returned the shit to them a few times and they keep it in for a week or so until they obviously get fed up with picking the crap off their lawn so start to just leave the gate open again. Real pain in the arse.

If I was supreme leader I'd b tempted to ban all dogs, (except for guide dogs, police dogs, other useful dogs and keep a few in petting zoos) but newter all the rest so the world would be mostly mutt free in a doggy generation. No more shitting, barking, biting mmm b nice

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^i mean returned the shit to them in a bag and told them to sort it out in a polite but force full manner using the the thai smile at the end (the one meaning "I'm ready to switch on u any moment) while still conforming to cultural protocol.

I realise this is a bit ott for most Thais to contemplate also and expect to get a certain amount of ripping now from u tv falangs; but what would u do?

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I doubt I would handle the dog poop in front of my house exactly as you did, but the owners would probably get it back a little more discreetly from me.

But I'm with you, "mccw", as to throwing rocks and bottles while trespassing on others' property. Cheeryble is a relative newcomer to TV and it sounds like he is new to CM as well. It's obvious we're not going to convince him that he's wrong on every point, but we'll probably get to read about him in the newspapers someday.

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Aside from throwing things and ordering dogs to attack...... On the apparently remote chance that a dog does bite someone on a public street.... Who should pay for the required rabies series of injections?


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Stepping back and trying to take this all in...

1. - I agree with "cheeryble" as far as chasing the dog ans giving it a good scare. But entering someones property and throwing anything at it or the dog is just plain stupid.....and illegal! What excuse will you give when the owner chases you into your property and beats you over the head?

2. - i'm not touching the dog droppings. I'm walking over to the dogs owner and getting him/her to come pick it up.

3 - If one of my dogs chases a biker and bites him, it my responsibility to cover the shots/jabs etc. If my dog bites someone for entering my property throwing stuff, then you pay your own bills. BTW, in Thailand, you can be shot legally for entering and attacking on a persons property.

Lastly, I ride a bike around most days and I've never had to do more than make a sudden stop to scare off any dog....

Aside from throwing things and ordering dogs to attack...... On the apparently remote chance that a dog does bite someone on a public street.... Who should pay for the required rabies series of injections?


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Aside from throwing things and ordering dogs to attack...... On the apparently remote chance that a dog does bite someone on a public street.... Who should pay for the required rabies series of injections?


I was bitten by a dog while leisurely riding my bike in our mooban. A small group of 4 or 5 little dogs ( poms and poodles ) "escaped" their house under the very nose of the owners ( who did absolutely nothing ). One of them bit my ankle, it was so sudden I could not even see which one... We went to ask the owners if they had any certificates for vaccinations , they had none... We made a point of asking them to pay for the first 3 shots of vaccines ( out of 5 ..) , they had the nerve to ask for a discount and we had to insist several time to get our money back, which they paid very reluctantly. It was not really for the money, but to try to instill a bit of responsibility in them.


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U got off your bike and it ran away. ...

I ride a bike and it seems to be a dogs nature to bark and chase a bit but I just ride slow and if they look like they might bite just stop and make an aggressive move to assert dominance and they back off. Which u did but then went totally over the top.


There you go. Well said!

OP came of the bike and the dog ran away.

What happens next was pure working off one's bad temper on the dog, and indirectly on the owner. It has NOTHING to do with teaching the dog a lesson anymore" the time between the actual act and the correction is way too long, and the dog ALREADY has chosen for withdrawal in stead of challenge and, thus, the OP ALREADY got what he wanted.

That one wants to protect him or herself from chasing (and sometimes even snapping or nipping) dogs I can certainly understand. I have been chased by a pack of dogs while on the motorbike as well, and the dog teeth luckily only ripped a piece from my sweater.

That a person uses tools to protect oneself I also can understand. We humans seem to have a tendency to use tools. It's a history thing ...... But that one goes on 'in rage' after the goal has been reached by the opposite party showing defeat, I do not understand. Although, also THAT seems to be a particular trait seen primarily in the human being. ^_^

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