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Laos Rice Whisky In Bangkok


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consider producing your own lol

get a big glass jar; pour in white chinese wine; put in some dead snakes; sealed the bottle (airtight); leave it in the corner with the date of production;

open it up in 2 years time and start sipping

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There are different herbs involved too, and other secret ingredients... wish I could wait 2 years, but my goal is actually to get a couple bottles within the next few days to bring back to some of my friends as gifts... maybe some of the chinese shops around Yaowarat may carry that kind of brew... :)

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There are different herbs involved too, and other secret ingredients

similar method; buy a few bottles of chinese wine; remove half the contents; pop in whatever herbs you want; resealed the cap and add notice;

"To be open in 2 years upon receipt of bottle"

I think you may find similar bottles in Chinatown but it won't be cheap

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In Laos it's called Lao Lao, meaning Laos alcohol. In Thailand it's called Lao Khao (Rice Alcohol). It's the same thing just made in different countries. Yaa Dong is made from Lao Khao and has the addition of Chinese medicinal herbs and spices.

The bottles with a snake in are just a tourist gimmick, if you're wanting some for your friends - head to a touristy area. I'm sure you'll find some along Sukhumvit near Nana.

Edited by theseahorse
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I drove past some laborer's who'd just come off a condo building site drinking this on Sukhumvit Soi 26

I'd never seen the 'real stuff' before... At what looked like a very temporary street site bar, with one cart and a couple of tables there were three options, each served out of a large jar (possibly 2 liters)...

Anyway - If you do happen to go down Sukhumvit 26 and see this 'temporary street side bar' you could always ask him from where he gets his whiskey...

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Tell you what, I have the exact same thing you're describing (a cart, a few jars, a couple tables) set up every evening at the corner of the street down the place I'm staying at. I never really took a look at the drinks, but the more i read about this yaa dong thing, the more I see the similarity. Gotta have to check the seller out, thanks for the tip. :)

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In Laos it's called Lao Lao, meaning Laos alcohol. In Thailand it's called Lao Khao (Rice Alcohol).

Actually, "Lao Khao" or เหล้าขาว means "white alcohol".

This is the most common brand sold:


It's made from molasses, not rice, so technically it's rum.

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