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Beat The Ban!


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For those of you who'd like to beat the ban today (Saturday) on alcohol sales caused by the election pre-voting tomorrow,

we at The Olde Bell are holding a BBQ starting at 2pm this afternon and going on until around 6pm.

Steak, Chicken, Fish, Pork, Livers, Seafood, Potato Salad, Coleslaw and more

All you can eat for just 100 Baht!

A well known Irish Stout as well as our home brewed brown ale will be on special offer and a large beer with the name of the star sign between Cancer and Virgo will be sold at prices not seen on Loi Kroh Rd in a long time!

All welcome: come along and Beat the Ban!

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I also love the way things have to be worded in 2011-Thailand. It's beginning to affect freedom of speech here, too.

This would really shape up as an excellent day.. Pig out and get plastered until 6pm, then on to the 700 Year Stadium to catch the concert. Could turn out to be the funnest day this year! (Not counting Songkran)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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WOW great value Pedra , 100 Baht sounds like an offer that should not be missed. Am sure you do not have profit out of that ? may see you later.Rob/sk


I also love the way things have to be worded in 2011-Thailand. It's beginning to affect freedom of speech here, too.

This would really shape up as an excellent day.. Pig out and get plastered until 6pm, then on to the 700 Year Stadium to catch the concert. Could turn out to be the funnest day this year! (Not counting Songkran)

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Sounds great Pedr, don't know how you can do it, not something to do with the "Best by date" by any chance, after all business has been a little slack of late! (I know, there's always one!!) Can I order home delivery via MOW. :D


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Ha! Ha! Hi John, to reassure you: it's all fresh produce - no items approaching their 'sell by date' It just seemed like a fun idea!

We certainly won't make a fortune, but every little helps!

hope to see you later!

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Well, better stock up O.B.P.. You have got a minimum of 2 DRY weekends , possibly 3. !!! The first 2 are for elections ,the 3rd , maybe on the 15th and 16 th of next month. This is no new law . I t has been in place since time immemorial. ALL ,elections,local and national, many public holidays and some Buddhist days are ALL legally dry.No alcohol may be served. Up to some BIB, how seriously it is policed. Many Chinese Thai restaurants a have superb collection of teapots and teacups, only to be on open display on these specific days.Happy imbibing. !!!

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our home brewed brown ale

Can't make it today, but curious about this homebrew. Is this always available?

It's a German Dunkel Lager microbrewed by the German Microbrewery restaurant behind the Carrefour relabeled as a home brewed English Brown Ale by the Old Bell. O'Malley's sells it too but they label as what it is.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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Gotcha. Is that German microbrewery any good? Back in the states, we brewed our own beer and a past-time was visiting breweries. We haven't been there just yet.

I wasn't impressed with it but others have expressed positive opinions of it in this forum. But I don't know enough about German food to be able to offer a credible opinon about it. About the beer, thought that it was clearly subpar, that almost any imported German beer available in either bottles or kegs in Chiang Mai is infinitely superior.

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our home brewed brown ale

Can't make it today, but curious about this homebrew. Is this always available?

It's a German Dunkel Lager microbrewed by the German Microbrewery restaurant behind the Carrefour relabeled as a home brewed English Brown Ale by the Old Bell. O'Malley's sells it too but they label as what it is.

The word 'English' certainly isn't used in our description and if you knew anything about me Orignal Poster, you'd know just how wrong you are!! We describe the microbrew (with the agreement of the German microberwery) as Olde Bell Brown Ale which is what it is. Dunkel being the German for 'Dark' For me it's not as sweet as most German Dunkel's, rendering it not disimilar to British brown ale. If you've just come out from Uk, you might find it slightly sweeter than Wadworth's 6X, Brain's S.A. or Spitfire, but if you've been out of Blighty for a while it's a worthy substitute! It's already very popular - particularly with Americans for some reason, although Brits and Europeans are enjoying it too. The only ones who don't like it en masse are the Aussies - not cold enough!

By the way: a big thank you to everyone who turned up yesterday: Our busiest Saturday since the end of the football season- even with the 6pm closing! Another promo coming next weekend! Watch this space!

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our home brewed brown ale

Can't make it today, but curious about this homebrew. Is this always available?

It's a German Dunkel Lager microbrewed by the German Microbrewery restaurant behind the Carrefour relabeled as a home brewed English Brown Ale by the Old Bell. O'Malley's sells it too but they label as what it is.

The word 'English' certainly isn't used in our description and if you knew anything about me Orignal Poster, you'd know just how wrong you are!! We describe the microbrew (with the agreement of the German microberwery) as Olde Bell Brown Ale which is what it is. Dunkel being the German for 'Dark' For me it's not as sweet as most German Dunkel's, rendering it not disimilar to British brown ale. If you've just come out from Uk, you might find it slightly sweeter than Wadworth's 6X, Brain's S.A. or Spitfire, but if you've been out of Blighty for a while it's a worthy substitute! It's already very popular - particularly with Americans for some reason, although Brits and Europeans are enjoying it too. The only ones who don't like it en masse are the Aussies - not cold enough!

By the way: a big thank you to everyone who turned up yesterday: Our busiest Saturday since the end of the football season- even with the 6pm closing! Another promo coming next weekend! Watch this space!

But is it an ale or a lager?

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