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I see we googled the same, whybother.

Thank you for the other google results as to the source of the other assertion being the disgruntled, "you promised me I could be PM", Mingkwan... <_<

Misleading claims by the poster.

"Unlike his sister, Thaksin can remember all the candidates' names.

That's a good sign, as most other reports about Thaksin clearly indicate that he is in fact a senile old man.

All previous 26 Thai PMs had a combined borrowing of 870 billion Baht. Abhisit alone, between 2009 to early 2011, has borrowed 1.49 TRILLION Baht alone. In April 2011, the Governor of the Bank of Thailand warned that Abhisit's policies might cause public debt to surge past the legal debt ceiling of no more than 50% of GDP.

So, please ...can we have the senile 61 year old back now?

Of course he had to borrow,because he had to fill the hole that the senile old man and his cronies left by plundering the state coffers and giving away money that actually wasn't theirs.Remember when he was elected first time he gave 1 million to each village,which actually amounted to 77 Billion.Where do you think this money came from and who had to repay it. Hint : it didn't come out of his pocket,however he made it look like it was.


I think the 46 yo Brit that you're referring to has done quite well running the country (...)

He's done an amazing job, of course. He has:

- Got Thailand out of the evil UNESCO

- Pushed Thailand to the brink of a war with Cambodia

- Still not found out who killed over 90 Thais last year.

- Wasted millions of Baht in a useless egg-by-weight scheme and...

- Tried to force poor vendors to buy expensive machines to make use of it

- Increased internet and news censorship

- Still hasn't convicted the yellow shirt leaders.

- Arrested red shirt leaders on terrorism charges but then let them all out on the streets again.

- Failed to solve the crisis in the South as he promised.

- Been accused by Amnesty International of torture (suffocation, electric shocks, forced nudity).

On top of that, he's broken the record for "borrowing money". All previous 26 Thai PMs had a combined borrowing of 870 billion Baht. Abhisit alone, between 2009 to early 2011, has borrowed 1.49 TRILLION Baht alone. In April 2011, the Governor of the Bank of Thailand warned that Abhisit's policies might cause public debt to surge past the legal debt ceiling of no more than 50% of GDP.

So, please ...can we have the senile 61 year old back now?

The biggest mistake k. Abhisit made, and blame western democracies for forcing him, he didn't protest enough when the courts allowed the UDD leaders to be freed on bail. Softy. Now k. Thaksin, he would have known how to deal with them; them not being know to him anyway. Heads off, like in the 'war on drugs'. No place for softies or democratic diaper wearers.

As for debt ceiling, another punch against k. Abhisit; k. Thaksin wouldn't care about such a simple hurdle or burden; Upcountry many just know he paid off IMF from his own pocket money and would do so again if need be :ermm:


I see we googled the same, whybother.

Thank you for the other google results as to the source of the other assertion being the disgruntled, "you promised me I could be PM", Mingkwan... <_<

Misleading claims by the poster.

It's easy to say misleading claims if you don't know how to Google it. Sadly, I can't post the link because TheNation doesn't allow TheOtherNewsPaper links on these forums. Shouldn't be difficult to Google the keywords together with the name of TheOtherNewsPaper and find it at the top of the search results. Sorry, it's not my fault TheNation doesn't report these things, as they're pro-Democrat.


To clarify, it's the Bangkok Post that doesn't allow us to use their own content as a source, the Nation has nothing to do with it.


Sorry, you're right. Wrong copy & paste. My bad.

The correct article can't be posted unfortunately, because it's in the newspaper that can't be mentioned or linked to here. Do a search on Google and you'll find it. Sorry for the inconvenience but blame it on the forum censorship here.

As to why quoting or linking to Bangkok Post is not allowed; Thai Visa is bound by the law and unfortunately the Bangkok Post does not allow linking or quoting to their articles.

That must do wonders for their Google search ranking.


To clarify, it's the Bangkok Post that doesn't allow us to use their own content as a source, the Nation has nothing to do with it.

How come they allow <URL Automatically Removed> to post their articles?

Ah, I see. The Phradu Mai Sak, how's that?


Lets see how the Reds/PTP ... handle the inevitable street riots and protests if they gain power...

History MunterHunter. We've already been down this road before.

The protests won't materialize until they try and whitewash Thaksin. Nothing else is polarizing enough to bring people together en masse. (Fiddling with the military is also off limits, but that won't bring out street protests.)

But you are correct. These guys will try it, because they have no sense of responsibility to the country, and they will be shoved out on their asses for it. My guess is the courts will do the shoving in the face of crippling public protests by people in shirts any color but red. However, it could be the military as well. Either way, they won't last long if they don't divorce themselves from the demagogue in exile.

If they are smart and leave the fugitive to sulk overseas (and don't tamper with the military in a big way), they can probably serve out their term. I'll bet cash money though none of those red shirts/PT are that smart. They are going to try to destroy the country. It is in their nature.

For once Greg we seem to agree.

If it doesn't go nasty in 2-3 weeks, then

December is the Thaksin daughters wedding count down,

and a line drawn in the sand...

In Oct. / Nov. be very afraid.


I see we googled the same, whybother.

Thank you for the other google results as to the source of the other assertion being the disgruntled, "you promised me I could be PM", Mingkwan... <_<

Misleading claims by the poster.

It's easy to say misleading claims if you don't know how to Google it. Sadly, I can't post the link because TheNation doesn't allow TheOtherNewsPaper links on these forums. Shouldn't be difficult to Google the keywords together with the name of TheOtherNewsPaper and find it at the top of the search results. Sorry, it's not my fault TheNation doesn't report these things, as they're pro-Democrat.

And you say that AFTER I posted a link to the Nation article showing exactly who said what you quoted. :blink:

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