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Baby Ban On Malaysia Airlines


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Finally ............. they could extend to business class also .. I love babies but when you pay 3,000euro for a ticket ,you deserve some quiet time without some babies crying.... not their fault of course , we all have been babies but it can be really disturbing , specially when you have early meetings and need some sleep in the plane.

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Finally ............. they could extend to business class also .. I love babies but when you pay 3,000euro for a ticket ,you deserve some quiet time without some babies crying.... not their fault of course , we all have been babies but it can be really disturbing , specially when you have early meetings and need some sleep in the plane.

You OBVIOUSLY do NOT have children...you should be ashamed of yourself for your comment!

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Finally ............. they could extend to business class also .. I love babies but when you pay 3,000euro for a ticket ,you deserve some quiet time without some babies crying.... not their fault of course , we all have been babies but it can be really disturbing , specially when you have early meetings and need some sleep in the plane.

You OBVIOUSLY do NOT have children...you should be ashamed of yourself for your comment!

I have 3 kids and agree with the ban. The worst 17 hours I have ever spent was between Seoul amd Los Angeles, with a baby screaming the whole way. Not the babies fault, it was the parents.

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Actually, reminds me of a time when I boarded a Gulf Air

flight in Bahrain for my annual leave to the UK, only to

find I was seated next to a woman travelling with two

young girls and a boisterous baby. I protested to the

flight attendant and was given the usual mutterings about

maybe changing seats after take-off.

"And to make matters worse," I said, "They are my kids."

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Whats the difference from an upper class tosser being kept awake in first class, than say a working class family in economy who in relative to their earnings also spent a lot of money on their tickets?

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Many years ago there used to be smoking sections on flights. IMO they should do the same with babies. Quarantine them all to one section so they don't disrupt the other passengers. Probably not economically feasible, but perhaps it should be an enclosed area.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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It is possible to disagree with someone's opinion without being rude and insulting. I suggest you give it a try.

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Whats the difference from an upper class tosser being kept awake in first class, than say a working class family in economy who in relative to their earnings also spent a lot of money on their tickets?

Percentage-wise, maybe no difference. But it would still be annoying. ;)

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Good news. I hope MAS extends to business/economy. Or chuck the kids with their parents into separate area. And I hope it is such a success that other airlines also do something about insulating us from kids on long haul flights.

It's really not the kids' fault but often, it's the parents who don't understand that others do not view their kids as the center of the entire universe.

Most responsible parents should not mind. But usually these parents have better behaved kids anyway and their status is jeopardised by irresponsible parents who think it acceptable for their brats to yell becasue there is no cartoon on TV or no ice cream on the menu or just becasue they are plain bored.

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Can they extend the ban to obese people? And people with loud headphones? Oh, and people who want to read when I want to sleep. Or people who want to sleep when I want to go to the toilet.

Yes, other peoples babies can be annoying, but a plane is still public transport and you have to mix with everyone else who can afford the ticket.

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great move, do parents realize how much of a burden they are to other travelers with their babies crying during a long haul flight?

Yep, I am sure parents are thinking of you when they take their kids home to see grandma.

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Finally ............. they could extend to business class also .. I love babies but when you pay 3,000euro for a ticket ,you deserve some quiet time without some babies crying.... not their fault of course , we all have been babies but it can be really disturbing , specially when you have early meetings and need some sleep in the plane.

You OBVIOUSLY do NOT have children...you should be ashamed of yourself for your comment!

I have 3 kids and agree with the ban. The worst 17 hours I have ever spent was between Seoul amd Los Angeles, with a baby screaming the whole way. Not the babies fault, it was the parents.

I have kids and would never take them in first class or even business class. And I bet the babies never pay full fair for first class either

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You bloody ripper. About time an airline did something like this. I would imagine it has come about because the majority that travel first class complained. Majority rules.

I would think it won't be long before other airlines do similar.

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Whats the difference from an upper class tosser being kept awake in first class, than say a working class family in economy who in relative to their earnings also spent a lot of money on their tickets?

+ 1

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who the hell was the parents fault. Maybe the baby was sick or teething. First class parents have kids to and should be entitled to travel what ever way they want.


I have 3 kids and agree with the ban. The worst 17 hours I have ever spent was between Seoul amd Los Angeles, with a baby screaming the whole way. Not the babies fault, it was the parents.

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