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How To Tell Boss I Need A Promotion.

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i was offer in the position of japanese speaking secretary in this company and been working here for 4 months as a fresh grad girl.

but the job description doesn't match with what i'm doing now. HR and admin staff had been resigned when i first came here and i have to take their job. (without training)

so that means i have to take care of my boss as an MD secretary and also take care of everybody in the company as HR.

i work from 8 till 9-10 almost everyday and sometimes have to work on saturday.

Once i was admitted to the hospital due to stomach problem and restless. and several time i have to see the doc because im really sick of work :(

i tried to talk to my boss to hire the actual HR and the word i always get from him is ''anny i see you can do it''

i'm kinda curious if i keep continue doin this job, i should have the promotion. here's the comparison from the old staff they used to work here

secretary ; 30k

HR ; 50k

admin staff ; 21k

so im kinda 3-in1.

what i concern now is, the comp is gettin bigger, more biz expand, more employee more job. i would sleep for 4-5hours a day soon :(

my probation period had been terminated a months ago and my boss was kinda put me more and more job.....im dying

what should i do? any boss here suggest me? what do you think boss?

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I am not sure if you are getting paid as HR at 50k or as secretary at 30k but you should certainly receive the 50k if you are working that role. However, I would not do anything until you have been there long enough for them not to want to go through the problem of finding someone to replace you. Unless you want to quit the job you should keep a positive attitude and grow with the company. However, you are being worked very hard so you may have two options: Be positive and find some excuse to not be at the job every night. For instance a sick relative or perhaps you are taking class in HR, etc. to better help the company. Number two explain you would like to have an assistant and then you can transfer some of the work to the assistant particularly in the evenings. For instance you could say pay me 40k for HR and hire assistant rather than paying me 50k without assistant and together you can get more done.

Let us know how you make out.

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I would tell your boss exactly what you're posted here.... And that he choose to either compensate you properly for your work or look for another secretary/HR/admin staff member. Life is too short to waste it working for a shitty boss. Get what you deserve or walk away.

Good luck!

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Unless you want to quit the job you should keep a positive attitude and grow with the company. However, you are being worked very hard so you may have two options: Be positive and find some excuse to not be at the job every night. For instance a sick relative or perhaps you are taking class in HR, etc. to better help the company. Number two explain you would like to have an assistant and then you can transfer some of the work to the assistant particularly in the evenings. For instance you could say pay me 40k for HR and hire assistant rather than paying me 50k without assistant and together you can get more done.

Let us know how you make out.

im 80% positive of what im doing now. another 20% goes with fussy employee . deal with my bossy boss cause me headache enough.

but i don't want to quit the job. cuz i like it here except when people want me to do things for them as an admin.

im thinking about to go for training which my boss asked me to go too but i can not find my available schedule LOL

i used to have an assistant for a month and she just quit the job yesterday :(

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farang or Thai boss?

how much are you making now?

Cheapskate Japanese

i got 22k plus OT and others allowance

Why don't you tell them you cannot work nights because you are taking HR classes so you can work HR and make the salary of 50k:) I would love to see their reply.

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farang or Thai boss?

how much are you making now?

Cheapskate Japanese

i got 22k plus OT and others allowance

Fresh out of college .... 22k and OT ... not a bad wage. 4 months on and being given added duties is a show of faith in you. Personally, I'd suggest you wait until the 9 month mark and then ask for a salary increase and a new job title. If it isn't given then become unwilling to work OT and start looking for another job. If they fire you for not working the OT you will be due a month's severance.

I'll likely be hiring a few Thais that have fluency in Japanese in the coming months and likely won't be paying 22k to start :)

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farang or Thai boss?

how much are you making now?

Cheapskate Japanese

i got 22k plus OT and others allowance

Fresh out of college .... 22k and OT ... not a bad wage. 4 months on and being given added duties is a show of faith in you. Personally, I'd suggest you wait until the 9 month mark and then ask for a salary increase and a new job title. If it isn't given then become unwilling to work OT and start looking for another job. If they fire you for not working the OT you will be due a month's severance.

I'll likely be hiring a few Thais that have fluency in Japanese in the coming months and likely won't be paying 22k to start :)

Edited by losworld
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farang or Thai boss?

how much are you making now?

Cheapskate Japanese

i got 22k plus OT and others allowance

Personally, I'd suggest you wait until the 9 month mark and then ask for a salary increase and a new job title. If it isn't given then become unwilling to work OT and start looking for another job. If they fire you for not working the OT you will be due a month's severance.

yeah, that what i thought, let's see for several months, see how im gonna deal with the situation. it's kinda challenge for me tho. none of my friends working 3-in-1 as im doing :D

im trying to work as much as i can so that i can take the training! :)

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farang or Thai boss?

how much are you making now?

Cheapskate Japanese

i got 22k plus OT and others allowance

Personally, I'd suggest you wait until the 9 month mark and then ask for a salary increase and a new job title. If it isn't given then become unwilling to work OT and start looking for another job. If they fire you for not working the OT you will be due a month's severance.

yeah, that what i thought, let's see for several months, see how im gonna deal with the situation. it's kinda challenge for me tho. none of my friends working 3-in-1 as im doing :D

im trying to work as much as i can so that i can take the training! :)

ok... waiting a bit is probably the right thing to do.

Also, you mentioned the company is growing, so this could be your chance to grow with the company.

Maybe wait some months and have a discussion with the boss about your future in the company?

But I wouldn't hesitate to leave if somene from outside is hired above you for a job you can do.

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@manarak many reason i wont leave the company even my fam/freinds want me to quit

bosses and coworkers are nice.

there are various kind of job for me to do. im learning a lot from the company

using english and japanese everyday is awesome!

the comp is top famous comp in japan so im kinda proud of myself


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Take you pay/time sheets in and show the boss how much time your putting in. It may make a better impression if you can give approximate time spent each day working on stuff for the boss vs time devoted to work assigned by other employees. Take in a month pr more, of your work schedule schedule and note when your assistant left. It may also help if you have to train a new girl, that you provide your time involvement etc.

If the boss works long hours like you are, he may be aware of the time your at the office. If he leaves earlier and you still have work to do to catch up, he may not be aware of this.

Rcp;ain that the travel time to and from work plus the 10 to 12 days just do not leave you enough time for to get the physical rest needed to maintain a healthy body, both physically and mentally.

Good luck on whatever you decide to do.

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Wait until you have been working for 120+ days (after Probationary period) By law you are then a permanent employee.

Ask for a written Job description

Also are you on a Work Visa? or are you a local?

22k is ok for you first job out of college but you need to be compensated for the OT either by getting accumulated extra time off (extra paid vacation time)


handy information

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I think as slapout suggested provided you can keep up with the challenging time schedule

keep going as much as you can but you should remind your boss occasionally about your predicament

in that you are in effect carrying out several roles.

Say it cheerfully and with a smile but just remind him that he is getting a bargain

by having you. After all this is a business arrangement and there's nothing wrong with

pointing out to him face-to-face that you are prepared to help him now in this somewhat

difficult situation but strictly on the understanding that it is a trade-off to getting

much higher compensation and a new title in the not too distant future.

The worst possible thing to do is to just keep suffering in silence because that

way you run the risk that your boss is testing to see how much he can get away

with and possibly you will be challenged even further. Do all other people in the

company including your boss work such long hours?

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IMO the best way to successfully attempt this is to negotiate from strength....

In this case, apply for and have confirmation of another job that you would be happy with and be prepare to take it.

If you don't get another job you are happy with, your position weakens but there is no harm in asking.

If you do have another job lined up you can then submit your resignation, you will be asked why... It is from this position of strength that your negotiation position is strongest, you will also find out very quickly exactly how valued you are in your current position.

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Your boss gains from your hard work. You should gain from your hard work as well. Agree you have to give it some time but not too long because you have the right to earn according to the work you do. IT's to late if your body and brain suffers from your work. Then you should take action. Good luck

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If you're unhappy with the pay, look for a new job. I think it's a good pay for a fresh graduate - I think they gave you an additional 'Language-fee' making it 22k.

You're being over-worked - yes, voice it out that you're not experienced enough to handle that level of responsibility.

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As a project manager for a company, I know the situation, however, as a boss to many people,

I look at how you present here and I am curious.

Are you a teenager? You speak here as if you are.

As a HR person, what do you do?

As the MD secretary, what are your responsibilities?

Making a judgement call depending on what you say is tough as you cannot take pressure as it breaks you. Definitely not the sign of a manager

Being sick a lot, seems to be a staff condition that is widespread. Managers dont get sick that often. I am surprised you haven't been let go already.

Lastly, all the jobs you have said you took over require some skillset and a big Japanese company that makes you proud would not take on staff who cannot perform crucial tasks. It would kill a company!

Dumping extra work on staff could simple mean they are trying to get a voluntary dismissal from you, as it seems that your character would be of someone that would run to the Dept. of labor at a moments notice. We have to do that when we see the signs of a disgruntled employee. Then again we have some staff who we need to let go, but get amazing references and come back to say hello every now and again.

>I hear it day in day out how my staff need a payrise and how hard they work. What they dont see is how many breaks they take, how many days off they have and how sloppy their work is. As a manager, I step in and complete their work, repair their work and take over their task when they are sick or off with the girls chatting about nonsense.

This is Thailand, but working for a proper international company means that you have to work. I un-train my Thai staff, then train them up to be efficient. Its sad, but that's how it is. All of my Thai staff are now little powerhouse workers, who now have a bright future. Any employee who takes them on will be happy at their performance.

Perhaps you have so much to do because of all the mistakes that need fixing. I know my staff when they start are told to work back until they fix the mistakes or complete a task that should have been finished hours ago.

I have been working in Thailand for 7 years now and I know what its like. It very frustrating having staff who want more but don't produce quality.

One thing for sure... I wouldn't hire someone who is being bitchy on a forum... I could imagine how much bitching you do with other staff members... you must drive them crazy with your whining !

Edited by MarceloRune
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Well, yes but 12-14 hours a day 6 days a week is excessive and you will burn out sooner rather than later, regardless of your age.

i think im kinda ok of what im doing now.

i would have nth to do if i work approximately time.

i dont like to go out/ shopping/ hang around/ clubbing.

plus, just broke up with my bf bcuz of my extreme working hours and many stupid reason.

so.. i enjoy working!!

just sometimes it piss me off when some stupid people want me to help them out while im super busy X(

but im young, more power to learn new thing! LOL

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Wait until you have been working for 120+ days (after Probationary period) By law you are then a permanent employee.

Ask for a written Job description

Also are you on a Work Visa? or are you a local?

22k is ok for you first job out of college but you need to be compensated for the OT either by getting accumulated extra time off (extra paid vacation time)


handy information

my pro period had been terminated and im now with permanent contract.

I am Thai

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Once i was admitted to the hospital due to stomach problem and restless. and several time i have to see the doc because im really sick of work.

Would getting a promotion or getting more money solve the above problem?

my intention was is 22k make sense enough for what im doing now?

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>I hear it day in day out how my staff need a payrise and how hard they work. What they dont see is how many breaks they take, how many days off they have and how sloppy their work is. As a manager, I step in and complete their work, repair their work and take over their task when they are sick or off with the girls chatting about nonsense.

This is Thailand, but working for a proper international company means that you have to work. I un-train my Thai staff, then train them up to be efficient. Its sad, but that's how it is. All of my Thai staff are now little powerhouse workers, who now have a bright future. Any employee who takes them on will be happy at their performance.

Perhaps you have so much to do because of all the mistakes that need fixing. I know my staff when they start are told to work back until they fix the mistakes or complete a task that should have been finished hours ago.

I have been working in Thailand for 7 years now and I know what its like. It very frustrating having staff who want more but don't produce quality.

One thing for sure... I wouldn't hire someone who is being bitchy on a forum... I could imagine how much bitching you do with other staff members... you must drive them crazy with your whining !

Ihave 5 days incentive leave, 30days sick leave a year.

I'm happy for you having such a good/ efficient (or whateveru say) employee

I know it wouldn't been that difficult if I just do my job(secretary) and don't care about theother one.

Been here for 7 year? Are you Japanese? I've been working inJapanand the State for a year and I know what its culture like. It's obviously verydifferent.

Me? Bitch? Excuse me boss, would you mind describe how bitchI am? Im here for just ask a boss likeyou if it make sense enough to ask for the promotion.

So what are you doing here, BOSS?

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Some people just do not have the temperament to work under pressure. Some jobs (fast paced with dead lines) are not what people want or are looking for.

I do not know if this description fits the op's position or not. I did note that she is answering comments made on the topic during working hours. I would need a lot more info to be able to give any assessment of the conditions, etc.

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Working long hours is the accepted practise in Japanese companies, but only if you let it. Once you start following their routine it is more difficult to stop but stop you must if you want a life outside work. Also towards the Japanese being indirect can have a better result than being direct. If you want promotion and work less hours start going home at 5:00 or 6:00 pm. They will soon notice.

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I do not know if this description fits the op's position or not. I did note that she is answering comments made on the topic during working hours. I would need a lot more info to be able to give any assessment of the conditions, etc.

im sure i cant surf the internet in the office hour if im at my office

but waiting for the queue for 2 hours at BOI was something boring so i just come by here.

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