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A Real Salesman!

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A young Aussie lad moved to London and went to Harrods looking for a


The manager asked "Do you have any sales experience?"

The young man answered "Yeah, I was a salesman back home."

The manager liked the Aussie so he gave him the job. His first day on the job was challenging and busy, but he got through it.

After the store was locked up, the manager came down and asked:

"OK, so how many sales did you make today?"

The Aussie said "One."

The manager groaned and continued "Just one? Our sales people average 20

or 30 sales a day. How much was the sale for?"


The manager choked and exclaimed £101,237.64? What the hel_l did you

sell him?"

"Well, first I sold him a small fish hook, then a medium fish hook, and

then I sold him a new fishing rod. Then I asked him where he was Going

fishing and he said down at the coast, so I told him he would need a

boat, so we went down to the boat department and I sold him that

twin-engined Power Cat. Then he said he didn't think his Honda Civic

would pull it, so I took him down to car sales and I sold him the 4 x 4


The manager, incredulous, said "You mean to tell me....a guy came in

here to buy a fish hook and you sold him a boat and 4x4?"

"No no no......he came in here to buy a box of tampons for his Missus

and I said... 'Well, since your weekend's f**ked, you might as well go


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