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Visa Confusion...

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I'm currently looking for teaching working in Bangkok, and have been to some interviews, but have yet to be offered a solid position (I'm waiting for a few answers from a few different schools).

I am due to go to England for a month next week, and was going to apply for the Non-Immigrant B visa from there, and start working when I return to Thailand in August. If I have not been offered a position before I leave, can I still apply for the visa without a letter from a school? If not, what other visa should I apply for?

Thanks in advance for any help / advice anyone can give!


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Did you tell the schools you're leaving the country for a month?

If you did, that's probably why you haven't had a job offer.

If you didn't, that's not really being fair to the schools.

I think you need something from a school to get a B, but check with a consulate at home and see what they can do for you.

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1. It is unlikely that you can get a non-immigrant "B" visa without a job offer and proper documents.

2. Next would be a non-immigrant "O" visa, buy they are getting difficult to obtain without a good reason.

3. That leaves a two entry tourist visa which would give you about six months in Thailand with extensions and a boarder crossing.

4. In the past Hull, England has been reported as a friendly Thai Consulate for issuing visas.

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Don't even bother looking for a job at a school unless you are willing to start straight away. Its all ready mid term now and no school will wait for you to start. I recommend you start looking for a job early late october or early noschool.when the schools go back for the second semester. If you get a tourist visa it can be converted in Thailand with the correct paper work from the school.

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