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Many of us lead a double life - secret services commando by day, sad boring old bar-fart by night, for example...

But how many of us truely feel born again, as if we had had another previous life?

Have you ever met someone and thought "Have we met somewhere before?"

Not like the barmaid in the karaoke bar in Zhong Shan Road - "I wonder what this place is like?"

"Welcome back!" she said, holding up my bag...

Anyway, do you recognise anyone from a previous life?


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Yes, I knew my wife in my previous life. Also, I was my grandfather.

I guess we are getting close to where incest meets masturbation....

The child is father to the man, .... "and so's my wife " Life of Brian


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Yes, I knew my wife in my previous life. Also, I was my grandfather.

I guess we are getting close to where incest meets masturbation....

The child is father to the man, .... "and so's my wife " Life of Brian


I beg your pardon.I'm not joking BTW.I thought this was a serious thread.

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My problem with the previous life stuff is the population explosion of recent years. There are so many more people now than have ever lived in the past so most people must be on their first life.

I do however feel born again living in Thailand. But I have found it is wise not to mention the details of my current life to anyone I have known in the past. As long as I paint my life as eating worms and bugs in a miserable third world jungle my old friends seem to accept it. The truth would kill them.

Back in the States when I was a young man of 50, I was amazed that an 18 year old woman expressed an interest in me. We were from different ends of the country; me North and her South. After we lived together a couple of years her mother, into family trees, managed to find a connection between our two families 200 years before. But her mother was desperate to find some rational reason her young daughter would be attracted to an old duffer like me, so she may have been stretching the truth a bit.

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My problem with the previous life stuff is the population explosion of recent years. There are so many more people now than have ever lived in the past so most people must be on their first life.

I do however feel born again living in Thailand. But I have found it is wise not to mention the details of my current life to anyone I have known in the past. As long as I paint my life as eating worms and bugs in a miserable third world jungle my old friends seem to accept it. The truth would kill them.

Back in the States when I was a young man of 50, I was amazed that an 18 year old woman expressed an interest in me. We were from different ends of the country; me North and her South. After we lived together a couple of years her mother, into family trees, managed to find a connection between our two families 200 years before. But her mother was desperate to find some rational reason her young daughter would be attracted to an old duffer like me, so she may have been stretching the truth a bit.

I really hadn't expected a thread on incest, but then "nobody expects... " Monty Python

Of course its a serious thread. How could anyone not take such a topic seriously.

Like you, I find it more discrete to lead a mundane and tedious double-lives, and try, best I can, to keep the tedious away from the mundane, for fear of gossip and lawyers and visitors


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My problem with the previous life stuff is the population explosion of recent years. There are so many more people now than have ever lived in the past so most people must be on their first life.

I do however feel born again living in Thailand. But I have found it is wise not to mention the details of my current life to anyone I have known in the past. As long as I paint my life as eating worms and bugs in a miserable third world jungle my old friends seem to accept it. The truth would kill them.

Back in the States when I was a young man of 50, I was amazed that an 18 year old woman expressed an interest in me. We were from different ends of the country; me North and her South. After we lived together a couple of years her mother, into family trees, managed to find a connection between our two families 200 years before. But her mother was desperate to find some rational reason her young daughter would be attracted to an old duffer like me, so she may have been stretching the truth a bit.

I really hadn't expected a thread on incest, but then "nobody expects... " Monty Python

Of course its a serious thread. How could anyone not take such a topic seriously.

Like you, I find it more discrete to lead a mundane and tedious double-lives, and try, best I can, to keep the tedious away from the mundane, for fear of gossip and lawyers and visitors


I took my little brother on his first trip away from home. I decided we might as well go the whole hog so we flew out to Kerala....dropped our bags at the 5* resort and walked onto the beach at sunset....

"I'm a wee free! I'm a wee free!" he shouted.

Some people can never remove the shackles.....

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My problem with the previous life stuff is the population explosion of recent years. There are so many more people now than have ever lived in the past so most people must be on their first life.

I do however feel born again living in Thailand. But I have found it is wise not to mention the details of my current life to anyone I have known in the past. As long as I paint my life as eating worms and bugs in a miserable third world jungle my old friends seem to accept it. The truth would kill them.

Back in the States when I was a young man of 50, I was amazed that an 18 year old woman expressed an interest in me. We were from different ends of the country; me North and her South. After we lived together a couple of years her mother, into family trees, managed to find a connection between our two families 200 years before. But her mother was desperate to find some rational reason her young daughter would be attracted to an old duffer like me, so she may have been stretching the truth a bit.

I really hadn't expected a thread on incest, but then "nobody expects... " Monty Python

Of course its a serious thread. How could anyone not take such a topic seriously.

Like you, I find it more discrete to lead a mundane and tedious double-lives, and try, best I can, to keep the tedious away from the mundane, for fear of gossip and lawyers and visitors


I took my little brother on his first trip away from home. I decided we might as well go the whole hog so we flew out to Kerala....dropped our bags at the 5* resort and walked onto the beach at sunset....

"I'm a wee free! I'm a wee free!" he shouted.

Some people can never remove the shackles.....

Can I come back to you on that?


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Reincarnation has nothing whatsoever in relating to being born again [whatever that means]

I thought being born again meant being reincarnated. So how do you think people get reincarnated?


Perhaps you were thinking (or even hankering for) reincarceration?

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Reincarnation has nothing whatsoever in relating to being born again [whatever that means]

That's deep. Very very deep.

I guess I'll need a few more hours to work out what you're getting at.

In your case Andrew, a few months will suffice.

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Reincarnation has nothing whatsoever in relating to being born again [whatever that means]

That's deep. Very very deep.

I guess I'll need a few more hours to work out what you're getting at.

Deep as two short planks


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Reincarnation has nothing whatsoever in relating to being born again [whatever that means]

That's deep. Very very deep.

I guess I'll need a few more hours to work out what you're getting at.

Deep as two short planks


...you could always join Andrew, if you wish. Months of deciphering. B)

Speaking of two short planks.

Edited by zzaa09
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Reincarnation has nothing whatsoever in relating to being born again [whatever that means]

That's deep. Very very deep.

I guess I'll need a few more hours to work out what you're getting at.

In your case Andrew, a few months will suffice.

No. You're wrong. I'm starting to get it. I can REALLY see where you're coming from.

Your subtle allusion to Karl Marx is extraordinary. But do you really feel that Trotsky is to blame for everything? You seem to be very forgiving of Lenin.

I simply love the way you suggest that Picasso's blue period was inspired directly by the French Impressionist movement. I had honestly never thought of that.

But maestro -- how can you be so certain that capping global interest rates at 2.4% would be so beneficial. Please explain.

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Reincarnation has nothing whatsoever in relating to being born again [whatever that means]

That's deep. Very very deep.

I guess I'll need a few more hours to work out what you're getting at.

Deep as two short planks


...you could always join Andrew, if you wish. Months of deciphering. B)

Speaking of two short planks.

When you're in a bog, its better to stand up than put on the aqualung and face mask. You don't need to see the bottom if it only comes up to your knees....


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Reincarnation has nothing whatsoever in relating to being born again [whatever that means]

That's deep. Very very deep.

I guess I'll need a few more hours to work out what you're getting at.

In your case Andrew, a few months will suffice.

No. You're wrong. I'm starting to get it. I can REALLY see where you're coming from.

Your subtle allusion to Karl Marx is extraordinary. But do you really feel that Trotsky is to blame for everything? You seem to be very forgiving of Lenin.

I simply love the way you suggest that Picasso's blue period was inspired directly by the French Impressionist movement. I had honestly never thought of that.

But maestro -- how can you be so certain that capping global interest rates at 2.4% would be so beneficial. Please explain.

Oh dear me.

You are, if anything, quite predictable.

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Oh dear me.

You are, if anything, quite predictable.

Maestro -- I accept your judgement. I am a simple man. I am a humble man. I live in a small wooden house in Buriram and subsist on an income of 5000 Baht per month.

You're amazing. I'm a fool.

You're the teacher. I've come to school.

Lyrics by Peter Skellern.

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Oh dear me.

You are, if anything, quite predictable.

Maestro -- I accept your judgement. I am a simple man. I am a humble man. I live in a small wooden house in Buriram and subsist on an income of 5000 Baht per month.

You're amazing. I'm a fool.

You're the teacher. I've come to school.

Lyrics by Peter Skellern.

Zzaa as a teacher. Zzzzz


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Who would have thought this thread would flush out the messiah? Yes Brian has returned ...all too predictably some will scoff....

"I'm back. I'm most definetley (sic) back"

Charles Endell Esq.

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Might it be an exclusive [members only] club?

Yeah but it is just the same old social life

Anything akin to a forum multi-nic?

I was thinking - elitist night club called Reincarnation that reincarnates into the same thing over and over again ......

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Reincarnation………..Not this again…..again………again…..again………again!

Scary, isn't it. Deja Vu all over again. :lol:

We heard you the first time


Hang on....I could swear you sold me an overpriced coconut last time...?

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