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Sighting In The Sky July 5 , 2011, 3:19Pm


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Helicopter 100% - No sign of Rotors as they are moving too fast for the shutter speed in use. No sound due to height and helo being downwind of observer.

Only other explanation is ...A Ghost - of a helicopter !!

Cheers, MH

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A Bell Jet Ranger, UH-1 Huey or Black Hawk helicopter is my guess.

Did you hear any thumping sounds?

Hi Rakman, thanks for the message!

I did not hear any thumping "copter" sounds!

It was a clear and quiet beautiful afternoon.

I hear and see helicopters all the time. I must live over a flight pattern.

Ive seen military, medical and news choppers before many times, and i do not believe this is any of those. when they fly over, i hear them coming 2 or 3 miles away. im the first one to jump up and run out to look up because i just like helicopters, and want to see what kinds are flying around BKK.

I am speculating just as much as any of you. If this was a chopper, then tell me, where is the rotor and heli blades? this is clear enough and close enough to see both of those characteristics..

I do have to agree, it does look chopper shape like, but again, where are the blades.? also thought of a bird diving with wings tucked, but it is too big, and like i mentioned, i was in manual mode on the camera

. anything moving with that much light out (just like today, July 6th) would have been completely blurred out due to aperture speed, this is OBO is quite still no?

This was near Rama II area. Ive seen helicopters and airplanes, day and night flying way beyond Rama II and to the south and you can still hear them. Those choppers rattle the place.

Thats all i can say for now. now that this was caught on film, it makes me recall another event where I did a double look , like "what was that", kind of response. In short, it was a light that went from way far out, to close, then far out again, quite quickly.

this could have been a number of things. but because i don't have it on film, i don't care to comment more. interesting thing is, this picture was taken in the exact same vicinity as when i saw that light months ago. this was at night.

makes me wonder no doubt! ! have to be honest, i have my eyes up in the clouds the last day and half! :) was out last night, beautiful open starry sky. didn't see anything! :)

people, grab your cameras, and take pictures, never know what might show up in the film.

a lot of people are playing with cheap to find/buy infrared cameras and finding some interesting things.

ill post if i catch another one!

You haven't said what shutter speed your camera used on this pic . This is easy enough to find from the camera data of the said picture. My guess is that your camera was recording this pic at about 1/500th of a second as you were shooting into the sunlight. Probably, the image is that of a bird; as you previously suggested with its wings either edge onto you or folded.

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Apparently? When, where, what time, elevation, speed, size? To me that looks like an aircraft, based on the "apparent" speed and altitude.

Jeez, given the huge number of sightings, here and throughout the world, of "spacecraft" of varying sizes, shapes, colors, speeds, along with abductions ( along with requisite "probings" ) I figure Earth must be like some truck stop on I-80. Thousands of different aliens, with ships capable of super light speed (and the slow speed agility of helicopters), seem to stop off here quite frequently.

It is amazing that witnesses rarely can describe any details regarding size, shape, speed, direction, altitude.

In this instance it is quite clearly a helicopter. But generally it is better to let people (jobicus nutticus, or haticus tin foilio) believe what they want.

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