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Sighting In The Sky July 5 , 2011, 3:19Pm


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My Canon Powershot SD750 Digital Elph and I were enjoying the sunny day today taking pictures of the BKK city skyline from the south perspective (from the city).

It was a very bright day! After snapping some clips , i returned to the computer to upload the shots and noticed something in one of the pictures.

The time it took to snap a few pics and upload to the computer all took place within about 12 minutes. This was approximately 3:19pm July 5th, 2011

What are your thoughts as to what the camera saw in the photograph? There were no planes in the sky at the time. you can hear them clearly in the flight pattern.

this was not a helicopter, I hear and see those often too. I have many photos of this view and see birds and bats all the time, this is not a bird or a bat.

zooming in, you can clearly see sunlight reflecting from the south side, and a dark area on the opposite side. the shape is somewhat familiar... Bird feathers do not reflect sunlight like this.

i was operating on manual mode which means anything moving in that amount of light would be blurred out in the snap shot, this object looks still as if it was not moving.

the television antenna is in the picture on the left, this should give a distance analysis as to how large this object might be, i would guess 4-6 meters across?

Has anyone else seen anything like this in the skys of Thailand , or recently over Bangkok?

Never have caught anything like this before on film.

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1) Those little insects can find their way in everywhere, time to give a good clean to your camera lenses.

2) William playing with his new toy on his way to Canada with Katy

3) Black unmarked helicopters have in the past been reported wherever the US got some funny businesses around

4) A real Ufo still looking for a landing spot at immigration


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1) Those little insects can find their way in everywhere, time to give a good clean to your camera lenses.

2) William playing with his new toy on his way to Canada with Katy

3) Black unmarked helicopters have in the past been reported wherever the US got some funny businesses around

4) A real Ufo still looking for a landing spot at immigration


Look inside your passport, aliens are already here :)

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Sorry, but you can't do "distance analysis" using the antenna as a reference.

This is most likely an helicopter. The shape clearly matches.

You didn't hear it because it was far and the wind was blowing the sound away from you.

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I'm going to agree, a helicopter, or a giant pterodactyl, or possibly a Decepticon!! Would have been cool though if it was a legit UFO!

Edited by REM
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I'm not gong to pass any judgemen or express any opinions one way or the other.

What I will say is that the immage of the object is too small and maybe to far away to be easily identified.

For that reason, any "opinion" expressed would be useless...because there isn't enough that can really be seen to make a honest judgement possible.

That's why the calll them UFOs...the U standing for UNIDENTIFIED.


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Hello folks,

Well, I contacted some old classmates at NORAD HQ and they told me exactly what was going on.

It seems that the old gent with the red suit and the white beard was partying with his elves and they got so blotto they mixed-up the date - thought it was xmas eve.

So they quickly packed the bags, goose-started the reindeer and sent them, the sleigh and its cargo, including old Nick on their way.

Mystery solved!!!


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Helicopter...few over my condo about same time. I live in south Bangkok facing south. Have been seeing them last several days. NO UFO! Sorry to disappoint you.

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A Bell Jet Ranger, UH-1 Huey or Black Hawk helicopter is my guess.

Did you hear any thumping sounds?

Hi Rakman, thanks for the message!

I did not hear any thumping "copter" sounds!

It was a clear and quiet beautiful afternoon.

I hear and see helicopters all the time. I must live over a flight pattern.

Ive seen military, medical and news choppers before many times, and i do not believe this is any of those. when they fly over, i hear them coming 2 or 3 miles away. im the first one to jump up and run out to look up because i just like helicopters, and want to see what kinds are flying around BKK.

I am speculating just as much as any of you. If this was a chopper, then tell me, where is the rotor and heli blades? this is clear enough and close enough to see both of those characteristics..

I do have to agree, it does look chopper shape like, but again, where are the blades.? also thought of a bird diving with wings tucked, but it is too big, and like i mentioned, i was in manual mode on the camera

. anything moving with that much light out (just like today, July 6th) would have been completely blurred out due to aperture speed, this is OBO is quite still no?

This was near Rama II area. Ive seen helicopters and airplanes, day and night flying way beyond Rama II and to the south and you can still hear them. Those choppers rattle the place.

Thats all i can say for now. now that this was caught on film, it makes me recall another event where I did a double look , like "what was that", kind of response. In short, it was a light that went from way far out, to close, then far out again, quite quickly.

this could have been a number of things. but because i don't have it on film, i don't care to comment more. interesting thing is, this picture was taken in the exact same vicinity as when i saw that light months ago. this was at night.

makes me wonder no doubt! ! have to be honest, i have my eyes up in the clouds the last day and half! :) was out last night, beautiful open starry sky. didn't see anything! :)

people, grab your cameras, and take pictures, never know what might show up in the film.

a lot of people are playing with cheap to find/buy infrared cameras and finding some interesting things.

ill post if i catch another one!

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I saw a bright orange light - so did my wife a year ago and commented about it on tv at the time (search bright orange light in the sky). 3 months ago my wifes father and I saw the same thing fly by heading towards rama 2 (I live on the river). Not chinese lanterns btw. Not a regular commercial aircraft-no flashing lights or sound-a very bright light moving at incredible speed.

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A Bell Jet Ranger, UH-1 Huey or Black Hawk helicopter is my guess.

Did you hear any thumping sounds?

Hi Rakman, thanks for the message!

I am speculating just as much as any of you. If this was a chopper, then tell me, where is the rotor and heli blades? this is clear enough and close enough to see both of those characteristics..

I do have to agree, it does look chopper shape like, but again, where are the blades.? also thought of a bird diving with wings tucked, but it is too big, and like i mentioned, i was in manual mode on the camera

. anything moving with that much light out (just like today, July 6th) would have been completely blurred out due to aperture speed, this is OBO is quite still no?

Your camera lens speed is too slow to catch the blades whirling. That why they don't show. Plus the distance and also angle of the copter in relation to the sun which would highlight the blades is wrong.

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A Bell Jet Ranger, UH-1 Huey or Black Hawk helicopter is my guess.

Did you hear any thumping sounds?

Hi Rakman, thanks for the message!

I am speculating just as much as any of you. If this was a chopper, then tell me, where is the rotor and heli blades? this is clear enough and close enough to see both of those characteristics..

I do have to agree, it does look chopper shape like, but again, where are the blades.? also thought of a bird diving with wings tucked, but it is too big, and like i mentioned, i was in manual mode on the camera

. anything moving with that much light out (just like today, July 6th) would have been completely blurred out due to aperture speed, this is OBO is quite still no?

Your camera lens speed is too slow to catch the blades whirling. That why they don't show. Plus the distance and also angle of the copter in relation to the sun which would highlight the blades is wrong.

It's actually too slow. :)

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Hi there, I also saw a strange phenomena on Tuesday night, 5th July, about 9 pm over Nonthaburi area. I saw 2 orange lights in the shape of a disc. There was no noise, no lights coming from the ground. Those lights would fade away, then become stronger. Finally they disappeared towards westr at incredible speed. I've never seen anything like that, very strange experience. I tried to record it with my camera but I was too slow. I will check it later if I can see something. If it's visible I will post it.

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Does one consider : that if "orange" light was observed that it is cymatically significant?

from the color observed, you can deduce its frequency in the spectrum, which will provide more information as to its legitimacy as X !!!!! :) and since light is sound is light (within the EM light spectrum) , this could also provide more insight.

this phenomenon on a global scale seems to surround objects of golden yellow, white, or orange color.. anything else, in my opinion (and only that) is something else, XX , XXX, XXXX, or a technological Vimana! :)

The reason i believe we see these events in the similar colors noted around the world is due to a density and furthermore dimensional constraint!.. -> See Sagan's Apple Slices explanation !

another gorgeous day out there. was out snapping away trying to take pics of those blade-less choppers,!! :) Maybe Thailand re-invented Air Wolf!! ? :)

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A Bell Jet Ranger, UH-1 Huey or Black Hawk helicopter is my guess.

Did you hear any thumping sounds?

Hi Rakman, thanks for the message!

I am speculating just as much as any of you. If this was a chopper, then tell me, where is the rotor and heli blades? this is clear enough and close enough to see both of those characteristics..

I do have to agree, it does look chopper shape like, but again, where are the blades.? also thought of a bird diving with wings tucked, but it is too big, and like i mentioned, i was in manual mode on the camera

. anything moving with that much light out (just like today, July 6th) would have been completely blurred out due to aperture speed, this is OBO is quite still no?

Your camera lens speed is too slow to catch the blades whirling. That why they don't show. Plus the distance and also angle of the copter in relation to the sun which would highlight the blades is wrong.

It's actually too slow. :)

Again it depends on the shutter speed, Rotators run from 400-500rpm avg 450rpm. Fast shutter speed will stop the blades like this link:


The under side of the blades are often painted white or blue to mask visibility from the ground. In any event it doesn't really matter does it? It was a helicopter.

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A Bell Jet Ranger, UH-1 Huey or Black Hawk helicopter is my guess.

Did you hear any thumping sounds?

Hi Rakman, thanks for the message!

I am speculating just as much as any of you. If this was a chopper, then tell me, where is the rotor and heli blades? this is clear enough and close enough to see both of those characteristics..

I do have to agree, it does look chopper shape like, but again, where are the blades.? also thought of a bird diving with wings tucked, but it is too big, and like i mentioned, i was in manual mode on the camera

. anything moving with that much light out (just like today, July 6th) would have been completely blurred out due to aperture speed, this is OBO is quite still no?

Your camera lens speed is too slow to catch the blades whirling. That why they don't show. Plus the distance and also angle of the copter in relation to the sun which would highlight the blades is wrong.

I agree. If you blow up the picture, the flag pole isn't that clear and the helicopter is a bit blurry due to it's motion. As was stated, it's high and the wind is moving the sound away, plus it's overhead. Huey's were known for their noise approaching, Black Hawks are very quiet.

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