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Thaksin Set For 'Trade Ambassador' Role


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Looks how the rabid anti-Thaksin posters jump on the lies and start to say they are true.

This is how propaganda works.

A ploy used by the army very well against the communists.

If you throw enough lies around eventually people start to believe some lies as truth.

And those blinded by their emotions believe all lies as its what they want to hear.

Unbelievable how many "told you so" posters crawl out of the woodwork when the lies again start to be spread by the invisible hands under the guise of "source" in an incorrect newspaper report.

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Thaksin as trade envoy rumour denied

By The Nation

The rumour about ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra tipped for the position of Thailand trade envoy was groundless, legal adviser Noppadon Pattama said on Wednesday.

"Rumour moungers wanted to cause confustion and divisiveness," he said, insisting Pheu Thai Party had not planned for a Thaksin appointment.


-- The Nation 2011-07-06

Of course it has been denied.

Post #32

Thaksin's legal adviser Noppadon Pattama says Thaksin may accept trade representative post to help Yingluck /TAN_Network

Noppadon denies saying Thaksin will be assuming trade representative post /TAN_Network

He started the rumour, did't get the response expected, then denies it.


You have a lot of faith in The Nation's ethics in journalism. I think it's much more likely that they asked him in a context of a future position, not in relation to direct information from 'a source', now suddenly labelled 'a rumour'.

Note that the 3 paragraphs about Noppadon are the only ones that don't have the words 'a source' in it. ALL other 12 paragraphs employ this trick.

Don't get me wrong, I think The Nation has every right to print whatever it wants, but they're doing no favors for their own credibility in the eyes of anyone but the yellowest die-hards. And no, I don't support going aftter people for 'rumour mongering' , and think that those laws, like LM and defamation, need urgent and major overhaul.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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If any Thai Newspaper or Editor claims to want reconciliation they should now, without fail or delay - NAME THE SOURCE of this lie.

If they try to hide the source of this lie they are again showing they do not want reconciliation, that they, the newspapers, are happy to be the toy of the propaganda machine of the invisible hand.

Today is the day we can know if these Thai Newspapers are really for reconciliation - or whether they want the division to continue.

Time to "out" the liar - are the Thai Newspapers for reconciliation, or against ? We shall know by their next action.

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Looks how the rabid anti-Thaksin posters jump on the lies and start to say they are true.

This is how propaganda works.

A ploy used by the army very well against the communists.

If you throw enough lies around eventually people start to believe some lies as truth.

And those blinded by their emotions believe all lies as its what they want to hear.

Unbelievable how many "told you so" posters crawl out of the woodwork when the lies again start to be spread by the invisible hands under the guise of "source" in an incorrect newspaper report.

Thaksin's legal adviser, Noppadon Pattama, said yesterday that he believed the ex-premier would be pleased with such an appointment.

"It is up to the [next] prime minister, and whether she is brave enough to appoint her brother to help with her government duties," Noppadon said, referring to Yingluck.

He added that a trade ambassador was not a political position and the officeholder would have no legal power.

"If he is appointed, I believe he will be happy. He can travel to different countries by using a passport issued [previously] by Montenegro," said Noppadon, who once served as foreign minister in a Thaksin-proxy government.

Looks like the only ones telling the lies are the PTP. Noppadon confirms it. Noppadom denies it. What a bunch of clowns. How could any intelligent person believe a word they say?

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This is like Dictatorship 101! with a minor in nepotism :realangry:

It is a family of narcissists. They can do no wrong in their opinion. They have done nothing wrong in their opinion. They are Thai and they screwed Thailand. What's the problem, in the eyes of the Shinawatra family.

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Looks how the rabid anti-Thaksin posters jump on the lies and start to say they are true.

This is how propaganda works.

A ploy used by the army very well against the communists.

If you throw enough lies around eventually people start to believe some lies as truth.

And those blinded by their emotions believe all lies as its what they want to hear.

Unbelievable how many "told you so" posters crawl out of the woodwork when the lies again start to be spread by the invisible hands under the guise of "source" in an incorrect newspaper report.

Which side are you on....hmmm...let me guess.....must be the side that releases this kind of propaganda themselves to gauge the level of resistance and gently roll out the carpet in preparation.......best letting the masses know a little bit at a time in order to get used to it...then the final result is not such a shock.

Edited by Nawtier
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This is, like, sooo brilliant. I really didn't think this satire could get any more farcical, but the charade is far from over. Shakespeare himself couldn't have done a better job of inventing the absurd.

As long as we're all aware that the Yingluck Govt has a shelf life that expires shortly after Thaksin returns.

Yes it is brilliant. The former PM carries alot of clout in SE Asia, particularly in China. China has the ability to assist with multiple large scale development projects such as a modernization of the state railways and highways. China can also provide much needed foreign investment funds. He is also respected by some oil rich Gulf states, states that have the ability to ensure that Thailand has access to much needed oil and petro dollars for foreign investment. Once the Chinese are on board, the Koreans and Japanese will be falling over themselves while the USA wonders how it can best ingratiate itself with a strategic country. Not to forget that the Russians are arriving in droves. There's lots of oil wealth in Russia and it needs somewhere hospitable to go. The USA and EU are hardly the most stable economies are they?

And of Course the Shinawatra Clan will get it's 25% off the Top...

Or Under the table, depending on your point of view!

TAX FREE, of course.


Edited by CosmicSurfer
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Its so very simple to do propaganda.

if I ask someone "Could a man called Suthep one day murder someone" ?

And they say, "well, anything can happen, its impossible to say what someone will do tomorrow".

Then I run a headline "Source says Suthep could resort to murder".

Nothing is actually incorrect. Ethically it is very very wrong, it is pure propaganda manipulation, but factually it is correct and so legally no action can be taken.

This is what they are doing here. Asking one question, taking the response out of context and using it to perpetuate anti-Thaksin propaganda.

Expect this to happen a lot for ALL anti-Thaksin, anti-reconciliation news outlets.

Headline the newspapers with the story - then simply print the denial on the internet or a small mid page article.

Same again with the next lie.

Headline the news paper with it, front page. Put the denial on the internet only or in the middle pages next day.

This is what they did before against TRT and PPP.

Looks like the anti-reconciliation, love division news outlets are doing it again.

They are a disgrace.

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So, Thaksin appoints himself with this job, is able to visit all the countries which previously banned him, on a diplomatic passport, sell a few satellites before returning the people's hero for his daughters wedding in December. He really has got it all worked out. Maybe the people of Thailand do deserve him after all. Either way, bring on the Thaksin tsunami!!!

US and UK (and more) have banned him from entry, for very specific reasons.

Then suddenly he holds a diplomatic passport. As far as the US and UK (and more) are concerned nothing has changed in regard to this man, in fact there's some chance they view him (and his family and cronies) even more seriously as undesireable.

No country HAS TO let someone enter just because they show a diplomatic passport.

Prime ministers, Presidents, Leaders of countries all around the World are aware that the only way Taksin is going to be squashed is via a Military coup. None of them like or support a Military coup it’s the old boys club, any Military coup is dangerous to all and any of them. And may I add, that I think another Military coup in Thailand would create such a blood bath that it would be very wise indeed for everyone to pack their bags and get out quick.

Taksin could probably get through any door, to promote the good of Thailand; he does not need a post to do that. Anyone with any clear thinking can see that he can pull the strings in Thailand, you may not like it but we all know it and so do the heads of state throughout the World.

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Its so very simple to do propaganda.

if I ask someone "Could a man called Suthep one day murder someone" ?

And they say, "well, anything can happen, its impossible to say what someone will do tomorrow".

Then I run a headline "Source says Suthep could resort to murder".

Nothing is actually incorrect. Ethically it is very very wrong, it is pure propaganda manipulation, but factually it is correct and so legally no action can be taken.

This is what they are doing here. Asking one question, taking the response out of context and using it to perpetuate anti-Thaksin propaganda.

Expect this to happen a lot for ALL anti-Thaksin, anti-reconciliation news outlets.

Headline the newspapers with the story - then simply print the denial on the internet or a small mid page article.

Same again with the next lie.

Headline the news paper with it, front page. Put the denial on the internet only or in the middle pages next day.

This is what they did before against TRT and PPP.

Looks like the anti-reconciliation, love division news outlets are doing it again.

They are a disgrace.

Yep, that freedom of the press is a real bummer.

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This just shows how the INVISIBLE HANDS and LIARS are already trying to create division and detail the reconciliation process.

How can these lies make their way into National Newspapers ?

Yingluck should go straight on TV now and expose this and ask, on national tv, for the newspapers to reveal their sources to assist with reconciliation and expose who the liars are for the sake of the country. The country cannot move forward if the liars are going to get their stories into the papers when they have not a shred of proof.

This is the disgrace of a "propaganda" war - the only way to stop it is to shame the newspapers into revealing their liar sources to the Thai people, so the Thai people can know who are the liars trying to create trouble.

So they also denied that cases will be revisited too then?

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Yingluck insists Thaksin won't b a trade envoy. "He's just my adviser and supporter." /via@tulsathit /via @news1005fm

If this is true then it stands good

Only an idiot would ever doubt that he was going to be her biggest and most experienced adviser

As I stated before: First resolve the unity and econmic issus

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This just shows how the INVISIBLE HANDS and LIARS are already trying to create division and detail the reconciliation process.

How can these lies make their way into National Newspapers ?

Yingluck should go straight on TV now and expose this and ask, on national tv, for the newspapers to reveal their sources to assist with reconciliation and expose who the liars are for the sake of the country. The country cannot move forward if the liars are going to get their stories into the papers when they have not a shred of proof.

This is the disgrace of a "propaganda" war - the only way to stop it is to shame the newspapers into revealing their liar sources to the Thai people, so the Thai people can know who are the liars trying to create trouble.

do unto others as you would have them do unto you. :jap:

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This is, like, sooo brilliant. I really didn't think this satire could get any more farcical, but the charade is far from over. Shakespeare himself couldn't have done a better job of inventing the absurd.

As long as we're all aware that the Yingluck Govt has a shelf life that expires shortly after Thaksin returns.

Yes it is brilliant. The former PM carries alot of clout in SE Asia, particularly in China. China has the ability to assist with multiple large scale development projects such as a modernization of the state railways and highways. China can also provide much needed foreign investment funds. He is also respected by some oil rich Gulf states, states that have the ability to ensure that Thailand has access to much needed oil and petro dollars for foreign investment. Once the Chinese are on board, the Koreans and Japanese will be falling over themselves while the USA wonders how it can best ingratiate itself with a strategic country. Not to forget that the Russians are arriving in droves. There's lots of oil wealth in Russia and it needs somewhere hospitable to go. The USA and EU are hardly the most stable economies are they?

The brilliant ones are those countries you mention, who will be sitting on the other side of the table, in the negotiation. The bargaining table is a great place, if both sides have something to contribute to the end result. Thaksin may be regarded as a entrepreneur by the Thai's, but I see no evidence of him ever getting one over on the counties you mention as potential business partners. I try to give credit where credit, in this case as successful as Thaksin was in raping the country (Thailand), how much did he or Thailand net from his forign agreements with non third world countries?

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It hasn't taken long for Pheu Thai to start showing their true colours and already start showing that they have no regard for the thai judiciary. I will start shortening the odds for the Army to be having to intervene in the country's politics yet again.

Again, not to worry. The Thai judiciary will have a role to play. Rest assured that justice will be served once the politically inspired criminal charges and conviction are vacated.

Which 'politically inspired criminal charges' ? Please also keep in mind that a 'review' is not the same as 'vacate conviction and/or charges'. That depends on the outcome of the review.

..the politically inspired criminal charges and conviction are vacated"

On the land purchase he broke a specific law, laws that apply in any country and for very good reason. And as well as breaking the law, citizens of any country have every right to expect / to demand that their prime minister is the absolute role model for values and morals. he failed on all counts.

Also, he railroaded a reversal of Thai owndership laws through parliament to suit his own personal desires and pocketed billions and paid no tax --- how can you call this 'politically ispired criminal charges'?

The populous seems to already know their prime minister (thaksin and family) is the absolute role model for values and morals. Nuf said

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This is, like, sooo brilliant. I really didn't think this satire could get any more farcical, but the charade is far from over. Shakespeare himself couldn't have done a better job of inventing the absurd.

As long as we're all aware that the Yingluck Govt has a shelf life that expires shortly after Thaksin returns.

Yes it is brilliant. The former PM carries alot of clout in SE Asia, particularly in China. China has the ability to assist with multiple large scale development projects such as a modernization of the state railways and highways. China can also provide much needed foreign investment funds. He is also respected by some oil rich Gulf states, states that have the ability to ensure that Thailand has access to much needed oil and petro dollars for foreign investment. Once the Chinese are on board, the Koreans and Japanese will be falling over themselves while the USA wonders how it can best ingratiate itself with a strategic country. Not to forget that the Russians are arriving in droves. There's lots of oil wealth in Russia and it needs somewhere hospitable to go. The USA and EU are hardly the most stable economies are they?

And of Course the Shinawatra Clan will get it's 25% off the Top...

Or Under the table, depending on your point of view!

TAX FREE, of course.


Thaksin himself said that the norm is 30% but can be less on unusually large projects.

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Yingluck denies appointing Thaksin as trade representative and says his role would be that of just giving moral support /TAN_Network

ASTV: Yingluck adds she will not appoint red-shirt leaders as ministers fearing public opposition /TAN_Network

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Noppadon Denies Rumor of Thaksin Becoming Trade Envoy

The Pheu Thai Party is said to be considering to assign Thaksin as a trade ambassador when it officially takes office.

Following the election, a Pheu Thai Party source says the fugitive former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinnawatra is likely to be posted as a trade ambassador, given that Thaksin has strong connections to businessmen leaders worldwide.

The source said Thaksin has the ability to drive Thai economics forward.

The rumor comes as many expect that the new government will try hard to legitimize bringing Thaksin back to Thailand.

However, in the latest report, Thaksin's legal consultant, Noppadol Pattama has come out to deny that the Pheu Thai Party is planning to appoint Thaksin as the country's trade envoy.

He said the rumors were thrown around to create confusion, and that the party will clarify its stance later today.


-- Tan Network 2011-07-06


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Before considering whether k. Taksin would be a good trade ambassador, one should ask oneself 'Would I buy a used car from this man?"

Saves a lot of time.

Tomorrow"s news - all campaign promises off, Thailand cannot afford them! (We're even having trouble scraping up B46 billion )

Yingluck chairs Pheu Thai party economic panel

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This is, like, sooo brilliant. I really didn't think this satire could get any more farcical, but the charade is far from over. Shakespeare himself couldn't have done a better job of inventing the absurd.

As long as we're all aware that the Yingluck Govt has a shelf life that expires shortly after Thaksin returns.

Yes it is brilliant. The former PM carries alot of clout in SE Asia, particularly in China. China has the ability to assist with multiple large scale development projects such as a modernization of the state railways and highways. China can also provide much needed foreign investment funds. He is also respected by some oil rich Gulf states, states that have the ability to ensure that Thailand has access to much needed oil and petro dollars for foreign investment. Once the Chinese are on board, the Koreans and Japanese will be falling over themselves while the USA wonders how it can best ingratiate itself with a strategic country. Not to forget that the Russians are arriving in droves. There's lots of oil wealth in Russia and it needs somewhere hospitable to go. The USA and EU are hardly the most stable economies are they?

To anyone without morals or scruples |Im sure it is brilliant. To those of us with a sense of right and wrong its a shambles and a black day for Thailand. Why would China WANT to invest in Thailand - to grease palme - thats all Shinawatra has ever done. Can you provide some evidence of the USA and UKs lack of economic clout - heres a clue for you - use some of your time to look up which country is STILL the worlds biggest economy. China is 4th by the way!! The countries you list in your ramble are not stupid - they dont invest without return - what return do you think Thailand can supply? Youre dreaming - wake up and grow a set!!

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This is, like, sooo brilliant. I really didn't think this satire could get any more farcical, but the charade is far from over. Shakespeare himself couldn't have done a better job of inventing the absurd.

As long as we're all aware that the Yingluck Govt has a shelf life that expires shortly after Thaksin returns.

Yes it is brilliant. The former PM carries alot of clout in SE Asia, particularly in China. China has the ability to assist with multiple large scale development projects such as a modernization of the state railways and highways. China can also provide much needed foreign investment funds. He is also respected by some oil rich Gulf states, states that have the ability to ensure that Thailand has access to much needed oil and petro dollars for foreign investment. Once the Chinese are on board, the Koreans and Japanese will be falling over themselves while the USA wonders how it can best ingratiate itself with a strategic country. Not to forget that the Russians are arriving in droves. There's lots of oil wealth in Russia and it needs somewhere hospitable to go. The USA and EU are hardly the most stable economies are they?

And of Course the Shinawatra Clan will get it's 25% off the Top...

Or Under the table, depending on your point of view!

TAX FREE, of course.


Thaksin himself said that the norm is 30% but can be less on unusually large projects.

I stand Corrected.....

Khup Khun Krup ... :jap:


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This is like Dictatorship 101! with a minor in nepotism :realangry:

What part of a majority election victory and the support of additional political parties do you not understand. The PTP has the mandate to act.

With a bought vote that only the North and Northeast subscribe to - based on lies and propaganda - we shouldnt confuse this with the landslide of democracy that Shinawatra has offered us to believe - by the way Hun Sen admitted in a Cambodian newspaper last week that the black shirts were "his team" try and see past the kindergarden politics Geriatric - youre a westerner after all - you should know better!!

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