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What Does Your Home Look Like?


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Now that I'm finally starting to get settled into the Thailand way of life, I catch myself wondering what other expat women have done with their homes and even simply what the living situations look like.

I can start it off with a few photos of my 1-bedroom in Chiang Mai (shared with my husband).




Just a basic home...I find that I do miss having a bathtub. I love the view of Doi Suthep from our balcony.

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That is nice, its funny, even when I go back to visit my family and my sister has this fabulous jetted tub, I don't take a bath. I will in a hotel every once in a while but I guess its been so long I lost the habit.

My home is very basic, but I guess thats another thing I've lived so long with I am now used to it.

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That is nice, its funny, even when I go back to visit my family and my sister has this fabulous jetted tub, I don't take a bath. I will in a hotel every once in a while but I guess its been so long I lost the habit.

My home is very basic, but I guess thats another thing I've lived so long with I am now used to it.

i like the garden of my house will take some pics and show later. I got no bath tub in my toilet but we do have one in our guest villa :P . :jap:

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I am sorta at the opposite end of the scale - after being here for 17 years I am trying to clean up the accumulation of bits and pieces I have attained over the years! From stuffed animals (and don't ask me how that started) of which I now have 14. Books - which I donate to Care 4 Kids here in Pattaya each year, music, a huge bag full of photos plus plus plus.

I have made more of a mess trying to sort all this out as I am contemplating returing to Oz later on in the year (contemplating mind you) but this is a necessity!! Clothes I don't even remember having is another one so there is a pile going to charity.

The hardest part is when I start looking at photos and oops there goes at least 2 hours!! Not that I am throwing them out but trying to put them in order is fun. So many people so many places so many memories.

Anyway back to work!!

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I am a bit of a an organizer and given the climate, everything I want to keep is in storage boxes. I have minimal space so clutter is not a choice. I have a once or twice yearly clean out, throwing out old unused crap. DH got very annoyed when I threw out some ancient stereo component that he hadn't looked at in over 3 years and then suddenly decided he needed a part from it two weeks after it went out. :lol:

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Wow after 20+ yrs here I can safely say I have accumulated as much as my 20yrs in farangland!

I have enough tools and bits and pieces to open my own branch of HomePro. Enough camping, adventure etc gear to mount an expedition on Everest. Enough books to open a library and the list goes on.

Every time I start organising it gets me into trouble. Last week I though I would attack a certain cupboard (only 1 cupboard, what trouble could that possibly get me in!!??) Well I uncovered over 500 old cassette tapes with some pretty good music. Now I have to convert them all to an up to date format so they don't all become redundant. What the heck, that will only take me about a month or so. :blink:

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I'm a hoarder.

Not like one of those weird cat women that you see on TV with years of newspapers etc piled up!

But, looking at the boxes of books and those plastic boxes full of clothes under my bed, yup.

Tomorrow, big clean out of clothes to charity.

The books, I keep. Later in the year here they have a big book sale at some Church where the proceeds go to charity.

The rest is just personal trinkets. Lots of them.

Oh and the furry thing.

I have to move house, unfortunately, as soon as possible. So am throwing a lot of things out after five years. And finding things that I had forgotten about.

Hate it.

Edited by Patsycat
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I'm already accumulating so many clothes :-/ When I moved here, I thought I'd be teaching and so I brought a bunch of very conservative clothes. Well, I got an office job with casual attire, so I've been shopping up a storm! I've managed to DOUBLE my clothes in only three months :(

I'm lucky I wear a size 42 shoe. I'm in love with the shoes, here, but can never find my size!

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For those in Thailand - I have friends who work with refugees up north who are always in need of clothes.

I'll be snding a package up to maesod by bus in the next week or so.

If anyone else wants to give stuff away and can arrange for delivery let me know.

(not sure if within forum rules, if not please feel free to delete. Yes yes I should know, but sometime my memory and judgment fail me)

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Okay, I not exactly a lady, maybe not even a gentleman but here is our main living area set up for a party of six couples a while back. In the equal opportunity housing forum there is a long running thread on houses that you might find interesting to peruse. A broad selection of expat housing is to be found there.


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Ok, here are a few shots of mine. It's a large 2 story house on the south side of Khao Yai.












And last but not least, the dog's house....


There is also a small shed near the house that I use for garden supplies and my portable jacuzzi ("Spa In a Box".) . I share it with an excessive number of geckos :annoyed:

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That's CAT, singular, Bina. She refuses to allow me to get another! . And she owns the entire house and yard in its entirety. It's all hers. She just kindly allows me to share it...and serve as her personal maid....:)

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More like her personal whipping boy!

She persecutes the poor doggie, alas.....

But he's grown used to it and has learned how to avoid her ire (most of the time) by being properly respectful, keeping his eyes downcast in her presence sand keeping his distance etc.

She does nto allow him in the house. I make an exception during thunderstorms, which is OK since she's off hiding under furniture herself at that point. But I have to be quick about getting him back outside once it's over, if I'm too slow she launches an attack, leaping well across the room in a single stealth bound to swipe him with her claws.

But before you feel too sorry for him, his house is really nice. You can't tell from the pix but it's carpeted inside and all the vents are screened. And he gets plenty of inside cuddle time with me in the car as he accompanies me on all errands and trips.:)

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car as he accompanies me on all errands and trips.

thats what all parents say when they justify quality time as apposed to quantity time with their kids. but its a lie.

animals like to have u around all the time doing nothing rather then a short time doing something...

and cats , well, cats should be outdoors hunting and catching ....

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