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Sorry ol Jaques Boy...Of target anda day late, again...Bumb Froggie Jerkoff

Chirac's scarf ban continues ugly trend


President Jacques Chirac of France last week lent his support to a proposed ban on the wearing of Muslim headscarfs, or hijab, in state schools. A law banning ``conspicuous'' religious insignia from the classroom will now be put before the National Assembly in February and should come into effect by September, the start of the next academic year.

While the hijab was the main reason behind such a ban, President Chirac also includes a ban on the Jewish kippa, or skullcap, and ``large crucifixes'', although he has not said exactly how large is ``large''. Mr Chirac's decision has led to thousands marching in French cities in protest and sparked fiery debate throughout the world.

The Muslim hijab has been banned elsewhere in the world. Singapore does not allow girls to wear the headscarf at school, although they can wear it off campus. But failing to be consistent, the government permits Sikhs to wear turbans to school. German state authorities have agreed to ban women teachers from wearing a Muslim headscarf in school, although Christian and Jewish attire will be allowed. It must be ratified by the state parliament, probably in January, but this is regarded as a formality because of the Christian Democratic Union majority.


Signs of one faith are a good thing. Be the hijab or what ever.....Freedom

No the bull from the American Civil Liberties Union!


Crucifixes was banished from state's schools many years ago.

Part of the problem is that many female muslim children or teenagers are forced by their parents to wear hijab (or kipah).

In the other hand, many female muslim children/teenagers they don't wear that hijab (or kipah) are molested by male muslim teenagers because of that.

Other Islaam rules are in discrepancy with french common life.


Had the same discussion with a Thai muslim friend and try to explain him the context of the situation in France, as well as the meaning of "Laicite".

"L'Abus de Religion est dangereux pour la Sante !" :o


Lets just get this straight:

You are campaigning for the freedom of people to wear what they are being forced to wear?

How about forcing people to wear what they want on their heads?



Na mate

New as I am to the politics of this forum, I was actually retorting to the misguided Hawaiin at the top of the page.

However, as I am engaged in a battle with a few dark brown bottles of the stuff at the moment, perhaps Singha did form the words.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention.


You should get on well with ole Jimmy then. Seems you share a propensity to take a drink. You may take a little less, your posts are reasonably legible, whereas ole Jimmy's are not.


He might just do that. He was fairly pissed at France and Germany and France won't want the Germans to help. coz they have a habit of over-running France whenever the German troops drop by.


Actually, he is a great uniter. France and Germany have never been so close. Schroeder is invited to the 60th D-day remembrance this year. Something even Kohl did not manage, albeit he was allowed to stand hand-in-hand with Mitterand.

Now, while France is attacked for this scarf-ban, it goes nearly unnoticed that the same laws are brought in some German federal states vividly fought against by muslim groups and probably brought to a federal court as questioned wether it is constitutional.

The main issue in both countries refers to education. In Germany, it is the question if the headgear should be allowed in public, government sponsored, schools. And here I say no, same as the Christian cross has been banned (or reduced in size, whatever that means). Keep religion to relevant schools. In public schools you have a choice to attend religious education or not.

Thailand? As so often, does it much easier with a mai pen rai - attitude, I love so much. It is no real problem here. Schools? No problem.

Motorbike, yes you have to wear a helmet, but if you feel safer with a scarf, good luck, may HE protect you.


As Axel already said, only state's free schools are concerned.

It's also to try to stop the flood of demand for special muslim children treatement. Many other demand are made, like muslim food in school's cantine, extra vacation for ramadan, to separate boys and girls, exemption of sport practice for muslim girls... and so on.


That principle should be same "treatment" for every students regardless of race and religion. Differenciation can only lead to segregation and more racism.

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