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Help For Insomniac


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I have real problem getting to sleep after midnight, usually I will be wide awake till 9 am, when I go finally to sleep and sleep to 4 or 5 pm, loose all day in fact.

Is there a medicine alternative that might help?

I dont want to take any sleeping pills

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By definition, this is not insomnia as the OP sleeps all day but then has trouble sleeping at night; clearly the way to change this is to try and change this sleeping pattern. Instead of going to sleep, try and get out and get exposed to sunlight and "day-time activities" such as gym etc. It will be tough initially as some hormone sectretion patterns may need to change. Taking melatonin in combination with chnging a routine will help..

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By definition, this is not insomnia as the OP sleeps all day but then has trouble sleeping at night; clearly the way to change this is to try and change this sleeping pattern. Instead of going to sleep, try and get out and get exposed to sunlight and "day-time activities" such as gym etc. It will be tough initially as some hormone sectretion patterns may need to change. Taking melatonin in combination with chnging a routine will help..


The OP doesn't mention his use of caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, or other stimulants but that may be the first thing to look at. Changing sleep patterns can be tough, It is easy for me to fall into a day-sleeper pattern but I have learned that I just have to avoid coffee after 11am or so, same with cokes and other sodas with stimulants. I make sure to get out and about some during the day and not stay stuck in my office, and I go to bed now before midnight.

When I was younger coffee never had this affect on me, but now it is brutal. 1 cup after 3pm and I will not sleep until after 6am. My biochemistry changed and that seems to be all there is to it. (It doesn't matter how much coffee I drink in the morning at all.

I do take a med that helps with sleep and have occasionally used another. The medication I take now (amitriptyline) in a low dosage is for pain caused by an intestinal problem (it raises the pain threshold) and I take it at night. Many pharmacies suggest this as a sleep aid but what it really is (in higher dosages) is an older SRI (serotonin re-uptake inhibitor). The other medication which is also available OTC is Atarax (hydroxizine hcl) which is merely an anti-histamine and available in 10 or 25 mg tabs.

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There is also a capsule form of Valerian, an herb which is a natural sleep aid, available at the larger Boots- I forget the brand name.

I'd also suggest a bit of exercise on a daily basis, especially some muscle training which will tire you as the muscles rebuild.

While alcohol at night CAN make you sleepy, it's not recommended as the sleep cycle is apparently disrupted by it. I'd suggest limiting it to no more than a single shot of spirits as a nightcap- in any case, avoiding too many calories is probably a good idea at night when you want your metabolism to wind down.

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I do not drink coffee and not drink alcohol at all. It must be psychological. I can easily sleep at day but at night I am fully awake and alert.

I need to solve this somehow cecause my life begins now after 5 pm. :)

i will go to pharmacy and check any natural stuff like valerian if they have.


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seriously...if you don't take stimulants then it's most likely that your body isn't tired as some have suggested EXERCISE even small weights and walking, try NOT to sleep in the afternoons and I think this may help, I rekon you cant beat lots of water, clean vegetables and exercise for a great nights sleep...good luck to you

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i go fitness almost each day :)

Means nothing for your sleep if it's not aerobic. Please tell, at fitness, how far you swim, cycle or run. Do you take this aerobic exercise to the point of physical exhaustion?

"I go to fitness", sure, ask the trainer what machine you should use next to impress the ladies.............response..................the ATM machine.

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What the OP describes is not, as FBN pointed out, insomnia. It is Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder

see http://www.aasmnet.org/Resources/FactSheets/CRSD.pdf and also google it

Bright light therapy and melatonin can be helpful. Melatonin is very hard to find in Thailand, I get mine in Phnom Penh.

Lacking bright light therapy as such, deliberate exposure to as much sunlight as possible during the day followed byu a melatonin regimin should help.

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i had the same problem for years and then i started taking 2 Mg of melatonin around 10.30 ( same time important ) each night and within 1/2 hour ready to fall asleep.

we humans get 2 rounds of REM deep sleep in the night cycle and the first is within 90 minutes of falling asleep..melatonin ensures you at least get the first one....the second round is usually around 5 am so you may miss that but melatonin is a natural hormone produced by the pineal gland and it diminishes with age so tis supplement def. helps....it also has many other positive side effects

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No problem to take a second melatonin dose if one wakes in the middle of night or too early in the morning. I often do so. I find it can be taken up to say 2-3 hours before one has to get up with no difficulty.

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