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Someone Needed To Make A 'Thii Sai Kraduck'


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If you are a donor/patron of a temple the abbot there will be able to help. Mine are going into a wall if the temple with a plaque on it.

Good idea, thanks :)

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  • 1 year later...

As the OP is now dead, I hope he will rest in peace in his special designed kind of box.

I sorry to read his story not to have any family members he has contact to or does hot have at all and having no friends! So sorry!

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There are many SANGKHAPAN (sell most of things relate with temple) shops in Chiangmai that you ask informations about it , this is one of shop the name is Sing Kaew Prathan Sin in Mae Rim district, 053-297551 if they can not make it for you then you can ask them if they know someone to make it but take your time as long as possible, you are not in hurry . Right?

Thanks for your kindness smile.gif

RIP LJW, this is the 2nd post(1st to your website) that I sent you after you gone and this time will be last time to reply you.

I always respect when people decided to do as you did, I took care someone more than one year with serious sickness and want to choose the same way as you, now gone in the natural way.

I think always when the right time of any life come, nobody prevent it, I am also ready for every moment so every time I have to stay with peoples nearly dead or clean them after dead, helping to made up them to be a visitable body for their family,... that make me look the life more and more quiet, even sad every time but this is life.

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Can you create Lifegem diamonds from individuals previously cremated?

Yes. It is not only possible but highly probable that a certified, high quality diamond can be created from previously cremated remains. It is possible to collect a limited amount of carbon from previously cremated remains to create a limited number of diamonds. Because of the original cremation was beyond our control, and given the additional intricacies of filtering carbon from the ashes, we use a slightly different process, but the end result a stunning LifeGem diamond still remains.

Will you use all the ashes of my loved one to create my diamond?

No. At LifeGem we only require a portion(250g or 1 cup) of the cremated remains to create your Lifegem diamond. This gives families the opportunity to memorialize their loved one in a more traditional manner and also receive the certified high quality Lifegem diamond(s) to memorialize the loved one’s life.

A nice bit of promotion for such a shonky company wink.png and only $10,000

Edited by Maejo Man
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Given recent events--I find this Topic very sad, indeed--I do hope that the OP did, finally, get the information for which he was searching. RIP LJW.

As an aside--I find the 'Dust 2 Diamond' sales pitch somewhat insensitive--or worse.

Edited by haybilly
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As the OP is now dead, I hope he will rest in peace in his special designed kind of box.

I sorry to read his story not to have any family members he has contact to or does hot have at all and having no friends! So sorry!

I apologise if I caused offense. I did not notice this post and spoke out of turn. Would be obliged if the mods could remove my post?

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As the OP is now dead, I hope he will rest in peace in his special designed kind of box.

I sorry to read his story not to have any family members he has contact to or does hot have at all and having no friends! So sorry!

I apologise if I caused offense. I did not notice this post and spoke out of turn. Would be obliged if the mods could remove my post?

your post has been removed.

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