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Silver 2+

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Our vet gave us a tiny bottle of some liquid to use to clean wounds and scratches on our cats.

It says nothing about what's in the bottle other than it's by a Thai company called BestAgro, "Silver 2+", "All purposes for fighting bacteria", "The hygienic solution for your pet".

Anyone know what this is? I'm guessing it's just repacked saline solution at a horrendous price of 190 baht for 50 ml, but maybe I'm cynical.

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Hi Phil

The product you mention contains NANO SILVER, my vet sold me this very expensive product,they make a huge profit on it.

The best thing I have found for wounds is BETADINE available at any pharmacy, and its cheap, note not iodine

If you Google NANO SILVER this will give you more facts.

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My thoughts as well SBK.

It sounds your vet is selling colloidal silver. Nano silver is pretty much the same.

It looks like after decennia of campaigning against colloidal silver, Big Pharma is now using this same product but under a different name (and a higher price) and are putting a patent on it. :whistling:

The real colloidal silver isn't cheap either, but pretty good for many things.

In excessive amounts however (sometimes people tend to go overboard "because natural stuff can't do harm" according to some) it can cause the skin become irreversible bluish.

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We have betadine on the go for pets and humans most of the time. While out walking I carry a small bottle and pair of tweezers, solves most small problems. When they were pups I got them used to the smell by putting a drip on a leg.

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I just use hydrogen peroxide now ...used that purple spray stuff that the vet said was used by the military ... but what a bloody mess all over your hands and bleeds off on everything..purple blotches everyplace

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Oh, so it's like homeopathy stuff. Amazing, they have that for animals as well now. Well he gave us that purple stuff as well to put on after having cleaned it with that silver water. I agree it's a terrible mess, but he says unlike iodine it's not poisonous for the animals to lick off.

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No, not homeopathy at all, that's something completely different.

And putting the Blue Gentian (purple) stuff after the silver stuff? IF the silver stuff is colloidal silver, than that doesn't make sense at all. It's like putting antibiotic over antibiotic.

Ah well, if it helps in the end ... :)

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Its not homeopathy. Its an antibacterial.

As for the blue man, well apparently he used very high concentrations and drank it excessively. You can ingest normal colloidal silver without turning blue.

I have several friends who swear by it and use it for many things, including pets, sunburns, scrapes etc

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