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This has nothing to do with Chiang Rai but I found it interesting. This pic was taken of the crowd prior to the recent Hockey Riots. Apparently the Vancouver police can use photos like this along with facial recognition software to identify members of a crowd. Amazing how you can zoom in on a face in such a large group. I guess Big Brother really is watching.



Interesting but something is wrong with this picture. Look at the lower right hand corner of the pic. Find the fence, then find the guy in the white shirt on this side of the fence and the white shirt has fuc_k Boston and 44 handwritten on the back of the shirt. Find his chubby buddy right next to him. Buddy is wearing sneakers, fuc_k Boston guy is wearing boots and has a tattoo ringing his right wrist. Those same two guys appear in the pic three different times in front of that fence.

I'm not going to keep looking for weird stuff here but I think this whole thing is bogus. I suspect if I keep looking, I'll find everyone is replicated many times in the pic.


Okay. Just read the heading and I see it is many pics, taken over several minutes, so now it makes sense to me. Cool technology. Thanks pomchop.


Interesting but something is wrong with this picture. Look at the lower right hand corner of the pic. Find the fence, then find the guy in the white shirt on this side of the fence and the white shirt has fuc_k Boston and 44 handwritten on the back of the shirt. Find his chubby buddy right next to him. Buddy is wearing sneakers, fuc_k Boston guy is wearing boots and has a tattoo ringing his right wrist. Those same two guys appear in the pic three different times in front of that fence.

I'm not going to keep looking for weird stuff here but I think this whole thing is bogus. I suspect if I keep looking, I'll find everyone is replicated many times in the pic.

wow you have good eyes...i still can't find the guy you are talking about after ten minutes of looking...but i have to admit i was mostly zooming in on some of the Asian girls. I have no idea if doctored or what...got it from a friend in Vancouver....wonder why anyone would bother to doctor a pic like this?


Okay. Just read the heading and I see it is many pics, taken over several minutes, so now it makes sense to me. Cool technology. Thanks pomchop.

Also interesting that I don't see a single person drinking or smoking anything? How can that be in such a big crowd? Do you see anything like that?


Interesting but something is wrong with this picture. Look at the lower right hand corner of the pic. Find the fence, then find the guy in the white shirt on this side of the fence and the white shirt has fuc_k Boston and 44 handwritten on the back of the shirt. Find his chubby buddy right next to him. Buddy is wearing sneakers, fuc_k Boston guy is wearing boots and has a tattoo ringing his right wrist. Those same two guys appear in the pic three different times in front of that fence.

I'm not going to keep looking for weird stuff here but I think this whole thing is bogus. I suspect if I keep looking, I'll find everyone is replicated many times in the pic.

wow you have good eyes...i still can't find the guy you are talking about after ten minutes of looking...but i have to admit i was mostly zooming in on some of the Asian girls. I have no idea if doctored or what...got it from a friend in Vancouver....wonder why anyone would bother to doctor a pic like this?

Find the big tree in the lower right hand corner. There are two guys in white shirts, to the left of it, walking towards it. One in jeans, his buddy in shorts. They have just entered the sidewalk and are the second and third people from the tree. Zoom in on them some until you can read the back of the guy's shirt, then grab the pic and start sliding it to the right. You will see them again on the left. And again, further to the left. But for time lapse photos, that makes sense.

Nah, I don't see anyone smoking but too tired to look right now. See one guy with a plastic Coke bottle. Long day, time for the hay.


I wanted to uproot my wife and kids and move to Vancouver about 9 years ago . I had this idea of the place being the best place on the planet to live, (there was a report I read once stating that it was the number one place to be).

I have seen a few riots on tv over the years passed and reports of widespread drug and alcohol use and with occassional riots , it doesnt seem to be the place after all .


Guys, I live an hour outside of Vancouver 11 months of the year and 1 month of the year in Chiang Rai. Vancouver is a wonderful town (minus the rain this year!!). Was discussed by the riot, but it doesn't represent the people of Vancouver. The riot was arranged by young poeple and was going to happen win or lose. A lot of people got caught up in the moment. I like Don Cherry's (hockey personality) comment on the whole riot...."Give me 20 police with billy clubs and I would have had it under control in a couple of minutes!!!! Gotta love it. Anyways, wish I was in Chiang Rai. Take care, Brian


Guys, I live an hour outside of Vancouver 11 months of the year and 1 month of the year in Chiang Rai. Vancouver is a wonderful town (minus the rain this year!!). Was discussed by the riot, but it doesn't represent the people of Vancouver. The riot was arranged by young poeple and was going to happen win or lose. A lot of people got caught up in the moment. I like Don Cherry's (hockey personality) comment on the whole riot...."Give me 20 police with billy clubs and I would have had it under control in a couple of minutes!!!! Gotta love it. Anyways, wish I was in Chiang Rai. Take care, Brian

Vancouver is a wonderful city. I have been there many times with no problems whatsoever. It's a shame that a bunch of hooligans decided the response to a hockey loss was to loot stores and burn cars. I guess it could happen almost anywhere.

I hope the YVR polce are able to track down and prosecute the gang leaders. It was a bit of a black eye for an otherwise

delightful place.

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